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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1948)
PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 10, 1948 Your Church and You By Bev Sieveri Rapttst Married Group, Christmas Party, Friday, Dec. 10, 8:00 p. m., Student House Sunday, Dec. 10, Supper, 5:30, Christmas Play, "Mother Owen Keeps Christmas." Student House. Campus Chapel Interdenominational Worship Service, Emmanuel Campus Chapel, 15th and U. Sunday, Dec. 12, 11:00 a. m., Mrs. Raymond Benson, speaker. Christian Annual Christmas Turkey Ban quet for the Fellowship, First Christian church, 16th and K, on Sunday, Dec. 12, 6:30 p. m. Christmas Friendly, Wednes- MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "Fighter Squadron," 1:09, 3:14, 5:20. 7:20, 9:32. STUART: "Miss Tatlock's Mil lions," 1:00, 3:11, 5:11, 7:22, 9:33. NEBRASKA: "June Bride," 1:10 3:57, 6:44, 9:31. "Fighting Back," 2:49, 5:36, 8:23. CAPITAL: "A Woman's Venge ance," 1:00, 4:24, 7:48. "Luck of the Irish," 2:45, 6:09, 9:33. "Jr ' Open 12:45 J I 1 New Thrill in I I 1 SAr F, LI itertmnmei "i h;ime:ek ""I In TECHNICOLOR I Edmond O'Brien I 1 Robert Stack I I Pln OOI.OR C ARTOON y NEXT! RAY MILLAND I 1 1 1ZS day, Dec. 15, 4 to 5 p. m. Cotner House. Cotner Circle Discussion group, subject, "Marriage-Church or Registry?" Thursday, Dec. 16, 6 to 8 p. m., Supper, weiner roast around the fireplace. Reservations by noon Thursday. Congregational Vespers, First-Plymouth Con gregational Church, Sunday, Dec. 12, 7:30 to 10:00, Subject, "Appre ciating Christmas. 'Refreshments. Discussion and supper, 5 p .m. Temple 22 A. Speaker, Rabbi Je rome Kestenbaum. Topic, "The Faith Practice of the Jews.' ' Episcopal Holy Communion, Sunday, Dec. 12. 8:30 a. m.. University Episco pal Church. Breakfast following. 7 ri John LUtilt Wanda IIENDR1X Barry FITZGERALD fl m Monlv WOOLLEY tl Vn0 M 1 "MISS TATLOCK'S f X MnJJNS" J nit n. v M I 4 ur HELD OVER 2ND DIG WEEK! BETTE DAVIS ROBT. MONTGOMERY liin Rpiilc" WITH FAY BAINTKR Plug 'FIGHTING BACK' Sung Eucharist and Sermon, 11:00 a. m. Confirmation Class, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7:30 p. m. Holy Communion, Wednesdays and Holy Days, 7:00 a. m. Choir rehearsal, 7:15-8-15 p.m. Lutheran Lutheran chapel, 10:45 a. m., 315 Student Union, Holy Com munion. . Gamma Delta, 7:00 p. m. in YM room of the Temple, speaker, Ed die Saad, Topic, Palestine. L. S. A. City campus, 5:00 p. m., First Lutheran 17th and A. Pastor Petersen, speaker. Topic, "Faith in Action." Ag Campus, 6:00 p m. 1200 N. 37. Christmas party, L. S. offer ing and Lutheran World Relief Clothing drive. Methodist Friendly Friday at Student House, 7:30 p. m., Dec. 10. St. Paul, 12th and M, Dec. 12, 5:30. Dr. Frand A. Court, speak- CFAg Fellowship, First E.U.B. Church, 5:30 p. m. Movie, "My Name is Han." Taylor . . . Continued irom jage i "purge themselves" of third party adherents. Berman called the action "com pletely assinine" and said that while he had been a delegate to the progressive party national convention "it's a matter of rec ord that there never was a pro gressive party in Nebraska. Now the democrats are the real pro gressive party. My views and those of the democratic party are en tirely consistent." Don Morrow, university law stu dent and chairman of the Lan caster Young Democrats, notified Taylor "that his (Taylor's) action was without authority and that he is personally trying to bring disunity to the ranks of the Young Democrats." Morrow Replies A later statement of Morrow's contended that the organization considers its character "in full force and effect." An made bv Morrow to Roy G. Baker, national president of the Young Democrats ciuo, brought no results, for Baker re fused Thursday to enter the con troversy in Nebraska. Elm Park, 29th and Randolph, Wesley Fellowship, 6p .m. Speak er, Father Whitley. Epworth Church, 29th and Hol drcge, dinner at 6; film at 7 p.m. Presbyterian Supper and informal period at 5:00 p. m. Presby House. Discus sion at 6:30. Father Keeley, speak er. Topic, "Catholicism CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP Deluxe Norcross Gift Wrap Matching Tars, Seals, Ribbons. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14th. Oprti TiiM.-Thnr. to Doors Open 12:30 Mat. 44c to 6 TYRONE POW'tfR V' ANNK BAXTKK ! 4 1 'luck of the Irish" I Plu$! f' l4 11 , IAXTKI 'luck of the Irish' Plus! ( H A RI.VS BOYFK ANN HI.YTM IN A Woman's Vengeance' FRIPAYl AMATEUR NTTE! CHRISTMAS tilT BOOKS ON SALE! we see the college look For the Sports Minded SCOOP-NECK VEST Velvety soft suede to be worn with favAt-i skirts and blouses. Dark Gold, Cinamon ana iegc. Green, Sixes 10 to 16. 8.95 TURTLE NECK T-SHIRT White cotton t-shlrt tailored cippered turtle neck and deep yoke. Small, Medium, Large. CAMPUS CLASSIC Soft-tailored shirt with long sleeves. In holiday colors of red and Kelly green. 6.95 BELOVEd BBERMUDAS Your campus favorites in singles or sets. All wool, boucle, cashmere, rabfclt hair, or Angora. Sizes 36 to 40. 3.95 to 16.95 Sportswear, Fashion Floor, Second miLLER C PAffi 295 ' JP A