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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1948)
Friday, December 10, Mebmsfcci. Five Meefts TeS3sCueiis PROBABLE Iorwa Teachers Norm Jespersen Van Combs Walt Kochneff Charles Rick Tom Chandler (6-4) (6-2) (6-2) (6-2) (5-9). Nebraska's Cornhusker cagers roeet an undefeated Iosva State Teachers College In the Coliseum Saturday night at 7:30 for the third game of the season for both schools. Coach Harry Good's squad are making a comeback after bowing to the University of Minnesota, 61-52, last Monday. Nebraska has won one and lost one of its two games to date. The Teachers whipped Upper Iowa in its opener and set down the University of South Dakota on Monday to maintain its spot less record. Coach O. M. Nordly Is gifted with a well seasoned first team and sufficient reserve strength to make the Panthers a serious con tender the entire 40 minutes. The Panthers have three scor ing threats in Norm Jespersen Walt Kochneff and Van Combs This trio scored 760 of the 1,054 points the Tutors counted last year. Kochneff, Combs and Jesper sen have shown they can hit the bucket this year. Kochneff is the leading Panther scorer with 40 points, followed by Combs with 23 and Jespersen with 19 Coach Harry Good is slicking to his same starting five that opened against Northwest Mis souri and Minnesota. Claude Retherford and Joe Ma laeck. Nos. 1 and 2 scorers among the Cornhuskers, will be at for ward, Milton "Bus" Whitehead at center, and. Henry Cech and Bob Cerv at guard. Malacek. the sophomore sensa tion from Cicero, 111., lived up to his advance reputation by scor ing 18 points against the Gophers He also turned in a commend able defensive game along with Guard Henry Cech, his running mate, when they attended Ster ling Morton high school in Cicero The Iowa State Teachers game will be the last home game be fore Christmas vacation. The pquad goes on the road to play Purdue at Lafayette, Duquesne at Pittsburgh. Western Reserve at Cleveland and journrvs to Kan Has City for the Big Seven tour riament, Dec. 27 to 30. Coach Tony Sharpe will pit his freshmen encers against Nenl Mehring's B team in a nrolimi nary game, starting at 5:50 p.m. PUTTIN ON THE DOG? sure and put tin every thing on good Try One With the Works Which mptni a (teaming dor on a pipping hot bun . . a flanh of anliitl. miiHlaril, a kimmtimix helin-r nl aplry rhlli, then topix'd with catsup and rtmpped nnlmm. Noun da like a hlcti fn-lnton dinner menu . . . hut It Isn't . . . It's Jliit a darn good diK ... try one. By the hit or on the apot Ako the home of thou Caramel Coated Iti-llrluua Apple. Open 12 to 12 midnight HOT VARSITY THEATER 1 t--S-B3C3 1948 LINEUPS Nebraska F Claude Retherford (6-2) F Joe Malacek (6-5) C Bus Whitehead (6-9) G Henry Cech (6-2) .G Bob Ccrv (6-0) Track Squad Set for Meet Nebraska indoor trackmen will hold a drens rehearsal Saturday afternoon at the indoor track. Coach Weir will run his squad through a full meet program com plete with field events. With a heavy turnout of new comers this year, the Saturday workout will give the Huskcr track mentor a chance to look over his squad. The workout will feature a 2,000-yard relay to be run by a picked foursome. Among those missing the feel- out will be three veterans, Dick Hutton, Harry Meginnis, and Charley Toogood. Hutton has been sidelined with an attack of flu, Meginnis with a troublesome wis dom tooth, and a bad knee is bothering Toogood. Coach Weir is working the boys hard, as the season's opener comes only three weeks after the holi day vacation. Cage Scores AfiR 37. Theta XI 10 C). Alpha Pal 18, IN YMOA S. fittnnenra i7 .Kxtra-I.laht Brigade I. I.llle A 31. Kate's Boys IS. Dorm B-I II. Dorm A-l 17. Dorm B-l 30, Dorm t'-l M. Iorm A -I 31, norm C-Z 14. Beta NIC 22 .Afill 10 (A). Beta Nig 20, Theta XI 1 (B), Helta 27, NAM 7 (B). Nl CM 20 .Sir Kps 12 (B). ( hem K. 34, Delta Phi's 10. Delta 17, Cornhimkers IB (A). Browa Palace 18, Nlnma N'n 16 (A). SAK 1, Phi tiama S (B). Betas IS .Alpha Hin 10 (B), rrm Home 29, Nig Kps 27 (A). AGR 12, Phi Delta B. Delta I. 23, Farm Honse (A). Betas Z (forfeit), Delta CM (A). GIFT WRAP Metallic red, freen, fold, silver (1 pc. 26x54 in.) S5c Goldenrod Stationery Store :iS No. 14th. Open Tmes.-TtauT. a ( "Seventeen's for me," says campus queen Campus queens depend on Seventeen Cosmetics for that natural look men look for. Follow their lead. For make up, for skin care, choose Sev enteen Cosmetics. Remember they are fre as possible of allergy-causing ingredients. All Seventeen Cosmetics are priced to fit easily into cam pus budgets. SEVENTEEN COSf.'ETICS on Kile at j,od:e & co. THE DAILY NEB&ASKAN mi yiARS &'-r PIVOT MAI FROM SCOTTSmFF (FT) : J At .jxp-s-yw--- ..Jp.':x y .yy y V lH V ; JWm'ED A peace pact between Kansas State College and Kansas Univer sity stipulates that the two stu dent councils meet the first part of the year before any major ath letic event is held between the two schools. mmw Where Tliere's Coke There's Hospitality 1 pVT.. 4 W ' ...3 Ask or it either way . . . trade-marks mean the same OTTUO UHDU AUTHORITY Of LINCOLN COCA-COLA J 11 V: I Mum m VMNS AH fM v.- "VWimS fcr - ' - 4 F 'e' V f -y,- PLAYER' 'FROM AWS Announcement Marian Crook, president of AWS, announced that Friday night will be a 1 o'clock night for women. Saturday will be a 12:30 night. ' -0..'. . .VWW"'!' - !. - JoA thing. The COCA COCA COMPANY IV BOTTLING COMPANY O 1948, The Coco-Colo Company - Z' Ail ii . n - J t-X -v. haa-sS : " ' . i -J PAGE 7 Retherford Tops Scoring Claude Retherford, French Lick, Ind., forward, leads the Univer sity of Nebraska basketball scor ers after tw games with 26 points. The speedy forward has the hot breath of Joe Malacek down his neck, however. Malacek, who scored 18 points against the Min nesota Gophers last week, follows closely with 25 points. Bus Whitehead, 6-9 center, is in third place behind Malacek with 15 points. In two games Retherford at tempted 27 field goals and bas keted 11. He also made four out of six free throws for an average of 13 points per game. Malacek attempted 20 field goals and scored 11. The sopho more standout made three out of five free throws and has aver aged 12.5 points per game. The leaders: P'lyer Atpa Km ft a ftm t pin avg Retherford ,27 11 20 13 Malarek ... 20 11 5 fl 4 a l 2 12ft Whitehead . 19 Anderaon .. 7 Oech 14 Pleroo 6 e 4 3 S IS 7 5 8 6 4 S 11 8 6 GIVE HIM SPECIAL CLASTIC SELF-SUPPORTING CHORT OOCICO ?o oihrr sock made hie (hit Gadgets o Carter But-thcj DO stay up CLARECS CLOTHES FOR MEN llth A O Sta. li L w ft J5'