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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1948)
PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 10, 1948 IM Wrestlers Enter Third Day of Warfare Intramural wrestling contend ers went into their second day of competition for IM titles. In the 121-'b. class Howard GOOD FOOD Special Christmas Luncheons 75 COLONIAL CUP 735 So.56 lUr.ilVM.M.M.'.l.', Ryan, Ind., threw Bill Wilson, Sig Eps, in 3:05; Lou Caniglia, Omaha Stars, threw Arlen Beam, AGRs, in 1:29. The 128-lb. results were: Hazen Rice, DU, threw Dick Moulton, SAE, in 1:35; Harold Gilliland, Kappa Sigs, threw Dave Darling ton, Phi Gam, in 1:47; C. B. Far ber, ZBT, threw Bruce Corrick, SN; Jim Dinsmore, Phi Gam, threw Dick Billig, Phi Psi, in 2:42; R. G. Easter, Bates, threw Ronald Samuelson, SN, in 1:57; Gerald Morris, Kappa Sig, threw Bob Nedrow, SAE, in 1:38; and Ken Brown, Phi Gam, decisioned Marv Kelley, Omaha Stars. 136 lbs.: John Scharf, Ind., de cisioned Joel Cornish, SAE; Joe Baylcy, Sig Ep, took a forfeit from Phil McDonald, AGR; Jim Beard, SAE, threw Ken Brown, Phi Delts, in 2:54; Bob Reiden bach, Knppa Sig, threw Hal Lev inger, fcBT, in 1:41; and Dan Ver million decisioned Bob Waring, DU. Matches in the 145-lb. class: Ed Lane, Omaha Stars, decisioned Bob Russel, SN; Gerald Hansen, DU, threw Fred Welso, ATO, in 2:57; Joe Havelka, AGR, deci sioned William Thompson, Sig Eps; Lloyd McBeth, Phi Gam, threw Jack Dickey, Phi Delts, in 5:22; Herman Shyken, SAM, de cisioned Dick Capek, Phi Delts; Don Heims, SAE, threw Dave Stannard, ATO, in 4:35; Don Clement, AGR, threw Ed Kantor, ZBT, in :35; and Dick Elliot, Delts, threw Chuck True, Phi Psis's, in 1:17. The 155-lb. class saw: Earl Schneider, Omaha, Stars, take a forfeit from Bob Miller; Lyle Alt man, SN, threw Alex Legge, Betas, in 1:04; Lee Pulley, ATO, threw Frank Anderson, AGR, in 1:38; Bert Ehrman, Delts, threw August Deutchler, Kappa Sigs, in 2:48; Lcn Walpo, ZBT, threw Joe Chapman, Betas; Al Johnson, Delta Sigs, threw Dean Kralz, DU, in 3:51; Jack Carroll, ATO, threw Jack Gwynne, Phi Gam, and Darwin Dohl, Omaha Stars, decisioned Dick Hill, Ind. 7 i. "A -1 . . rf' -5: :?:::?: .x-v.::.-.:. --.: ; y - ..." ? . f - -t itwi'-'..-:v t. -V "v...' n in iniir n n ..,. iln it- lli'li CHRISTMAS SHOPPING fa fun foe Lou fian aad Charlo Kchawfa . . . bcau thy know they'll nd th right gift at th right price at Mage'. find I couis th xpert salesmanship of Magte's College Committeewoman Phyl Haley make it more enjoyable. Remember . . . shop where your friends shop ... at Magee's. YouH find Magee's shelres bursting with new, raried and beautiful gifts for you. Be sure to see the wonderful new Jewelry at Magee's ... hut right for Christmas giving (and for Christmas getting, too.) HACEPS FlrU floor Sports Arena Dram Crowd The casual visitor to the new Sports and Physical Education Building last Saturday would have been convinced that this fine now structure, dedicated to the philosophy of Sports For All, had complete justification. Beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing without interruption until 4:00 p.m., a steady proces sion of students used the facili ties. Every 45 minutes another 100 men began a new shift, and an estimated total of 800 men en joyed a fine workout and shower during the day. This marks a new day in plan fnr iho rrrrMiinnnl and ex ercise needs of the male students on the campus, and is a great contrast over the days when stu dents were constantly booted from the Coliseum on Saturdays be cause of a full schedule of outside and non-University functions. The PE Building will be used for organized competitive leamie games every day starting nt 5:00 p. m., but will be open to all stu dents and faculty members before that time every day. including Saturday. During the recent Thanksgiving vacation the facili ties were open to students and throngs made full use of the priv ilege. nndmfntnn courts are now available at all hours of the day until 5:00 for the use of students nnH fnmltv members. A new table tennis room also takes care of the many paddle artists. Shower and locker facilities are available and this privilege may be obtained by calling at 102 Phys Ed Building. This movement is being spon sored by the Red Cross. Looks like another rough season at Indiana. Classified OK mpim pi-htKl room, for mm. Mala. Prefer veteran, or out .tat rtuilentf. 2-4438 COR8AOKS Order early. Made to pleane. Fairyland Orpenhouaei, B218 O. -2873. STUDENT and wife dealr. ride to 8rot bluff Chiiatmaa varatlon. Share x penas. Call Harvey 3-9334 evening.. WANTED- A ride to New Tork" City or vicinity for .tndent and wife. Will hare expense and help drlv. Phono 3-40SS a ftcr i WANT rlrle to Spokane or vicinity. Bharo expen.K-a, Call 2-8148. WANTFD Ride to Ballna, Kanaaa." Christ ma. vacation. Share expen.e.. Call 3-7921). MORROW'S SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY 1024 Que St. Open betwew I A. M, 8:30 P. M. Sttidpnt cwneJ. FOR BALK 170 Arnoflex and case. $40. Top shape. Pee TerrlU at 1634 t)tw St. Trailer, evenings. FOR SAl.EOne black tuxedo .ire 38. Excellent condition. Phone 3-5S37. FOUND Burnett dark brown Everaharp ' fountain pen top. Inquire at Crib for Jack T. FOR 8ALF 1 pair of full rocker flpire skates. Excellent condition. Call 4-1A76 after P. M. ; WANTED Two pnaaenRcrs to Denver Christmas vacation. Share expenses. Call 2-2.'.79 after 6 P. M. LEAVINO 21 or "22 of Dec. for Monroe, La. Can take two riders. Can 6-4831 after T, D. B. Schleuaener VETERANS Your expendable supply card and purchase authori zation expire Friday, Dee. 10, 113. Of !5 t