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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, December 8, 1948 Foreign Schools Schedule Classes for US Students British Colleges Offer Sociology Nine universities in England 'and Scotland are arranging for an increase in the number of courses and provision for approxi mately 780 students from the United States. The courses offered will range over a wide field covering studies of English social life, English lit erature, democratic government in Britain, British industrial devel opment, town planning, modern European civilization and ancient Greece. The cost of the courses, includ ing tuition and maintenance for the six weeks will be from $216 to $264. In addition there will be the cost of travel. A few schol arships, some all inclusive, others for travel only, will be available to highly qualified applicants. The schools will be recognized by the Veterans Administration for grants under the G.I. Bill of Rights. Applications for a sup plementary certificate of eligi bility should be made to the V.A., regional office. It should be noted, however, that the subsistence al lowance under the G.I. Bill of Rights will not cover the cost of maintenance at a summer school. All inquiries about the summer schools should be made to the Institute of International Educa tion at 2 West 45th Street, New York. N. Y. All applications must be re ceived by the Institute by Mar. 1, 1949, and candidates will be informed of the result of their application by Apr. 1, 1949. Classified A.NThD-Kide to Greal Kails. Mum ana or point between f'K hoiladys. Share expenses. 5-6223. RADIO Zenith desk model. Tuxedo Sire 38-39. Fxcellent quaHtv, reason able prices. 321 N. 16th. Km 4. eve n ings i . 5"OR SALE Fur Chubby. Like new. Phone 3-79.W. ON camjius gas-heated rooms for men. Meals. Prefer veterans or out state st udentr. 2-4438. COR.SAOKS Order early. Made to please. Fairyland Greenhouses. 521S O. 6-2872 LOST- Plastic Vicinitv of 2-5332.' rimmed (.'lasses in case. Andrews. Barbara Reed LOST--Brown purse at coliseum. Identi fication and other valuables dlrelv needed Call B-v Painton. 2-111. ETUDKN'T and wife desire ride to Scotts hluff Christmas vacation. Share ex penses. Tall Harvey 3-9334 evenings. WANTKn- A ride to New York City "or vicinity for student and wife. Will share "expenses and help drive. Phone 3-408fter 6. WANTKlT Ride "to" southern California after December 17. Phone Gobar, 2-4120 WANT ride to Spokane or vicinity. Share expenses. Call 2-6148. WANTKH- Ride to east coast and re turn for Christmas vacation. Share expenses. Call after 6 p. m. 3-5231. XVANTKD Ride To Sailnai KansaS" Christmas vacation. Share expenses. Call 3-792I'. MORROW'S SEIF "SERVICE LAUNDRY 1024 Que St. Orx-n bptwrvn 9 A. M. & 8:30 P. M. Student owned. ir m. Hi mi f i Try Seventeen. Youll love it," says Senior Glamorous coeds know it's that natural look men look or! That's why they use Sev enteen CoHmoticw, the cos metics made for sensitive skins . . . the cosmetics that are free ss possible of allergy causing ingredients. Follow their lesd.Use Seventeen Cos metics for peaches-'n'-cream loveliness. Priced to fit cam pus budgets . . . SEVENTEEN COSMETICS ON SALE AT Oslo Plans Study Of Life inNorway The University of Oslo has an nounced that it will again hold special summer classes for Amer ican students from June 2" to August 6. Official headquarters in Amer ica for the summer session have been established at St. Olaf Col lege, Northfield, Minnesota, where catalogs and applications may be secured. The courses, which will be con ducted iri English, cover the scien ces, the humanities, and a general survey of Norwegian culture. A maximum of six credits may be taken in the six weeks course, and in most cases the credits are transferable. Approximate expense for the six weeks at the University is estimated to be $300. Transpor tation last year on the "S. S. Marine Jumper" came to from $320 to $400 for the round trip. Requirements for admission are based on a good academic record, seriousness of applicant's purpose, qualities likely to make the stu dent a good representative of the United States abroad, good health, and geographical distribution of the applicants. An annlirant must have completed his sophomore year by the summer of 1949. ' Wintcrsct (Continued from Page 1) is there in all its dramatic tense ness. "Winterset"' revolves around Romagna's son and his wide spread attempts to track down the true murderers. Atkinson Praises Play Critic Brooks Atkinson of the New York Times credited the play as "one that has helped to set the dye for future of our stage." In his analysis of "Winterset" he stated, "Mr. Anderson has trans lated a crime play into a general attitude toward life. He has not forgotten Sacco and Vanzetti." "In the most powerful scene in the play all the drama's crumpled characters meet in a rotting base ment under a tenement and plot each other's destruction. Mr. An derson brings together a group of people involved in the Romagna case. It is thirteen years since the trial. There are at least three people who knew that Romagna was innocent. Trock (Abe Katz) and Shadow (Don Johannes) com mitted the murder; Grath (Dewey Ganzell) was a witness to the crime. Romagna's outcast son, Mio (Jack MacDonald), has dedi cated his life to clearing his father's name. Judge Gaunt (Jack Wenstrand), who tried the case, has gone out of his mind from anxiety and is stumbling madly around the world. It is in this scene that these crumpled, fright ened and sinister characters meet." CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP Deluxe Norcross Gift Wrap. Matching Tags, Seals, Ribbons. Goldenrod Stationery Store 15 y. Hth. Ope Tnes.-Tnnr. to LOVLINESS SUPREME . . . Vfl' 0JL alL JOJCCOAWJLL BOUQUETS ORCHIDS CORSAGES PARTY DECORATIONS WEDDING CONSULTATIONS Let Our Corsages Brighten AH Formal Occasions "EXCLUSIVE, BUT NOT EXPENSIVE'' 2 YEARS OF SERVICE -FLOWEIIS AND GIFTS 1338 "0M St. Dial 2-6928 we see the college lock the Stoic Fashion for a thousand moods . . . worn demurely draped to add a touch of color to soft wool dresses and suits . . . fastened high on the shoulder to lend the swashbuckling air to your grayest skirts ... or belted tightly to accent your small waist. V Neckwear . . . First Floor V f?TRn Til I : I 'j fill I , ? w km w li mm Select your favorite from our wonderful telection for catunl wear. Include plaiilt, ttripet and plain. l9549s i miLLER PAIflE