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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1948)
Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, December 8, 1948 dHotrical JJul (Daik Mambw Intercollegiate Press rOETY-SEVENTH TKAB TIM Dally Nebnukaa U oabllihee' by the itnAcata of the CnhreriHy of Nebraka m a eiprealna of etadcata acwi ana pinion only. Affording to article 11 of the By Iaw fovetniag (Indent publications Hi adnilniktrrrd ay the Boax4 of PnhlleaUoo : 'lt I I he declared policy of the Board that publlratione ander IU Jurildlrlloa hail ae frea tram editorial eeaeoroblp aa the p-rt of the Board, or oa the part of aay nicmber of the family of the anlverslty; but member of the ataff of The Oaily aebratkaa are pereaiLall reapoulbla for what they eaj or ae or came to ha printed." Snhecrlptlna ratea are fi.Ot per armedcr. St. BO per emefer maftrd. or for the college year. $4.0" railed. Slnrle enpy 5e. Published dally dnrinc the irhool year except Monday aad Katnrday. vacations and examination, prrioda. by the Univeruty f Nrbraaka ander the eapervtiioa f the ruhliratioa Board. Watered ma Second t'la Matter at the Post Office Unroln, Nebraska, ander Act ef Onrree, March S. I XT, and at aneelal rata of pnitaie provided for la aectioa 113. Act at October t. 1911. aathorlted September I. ISIS. EDITORIAL STAFF Mitor Jcnc RrrHaa Manarlnr Fdlton ......Norm l-errr Cab (Vm New tailor. Lee Harri, rrlU iMmpeoa, liaise McDIU. Sataa Reed, Bob rbrlpa A Nin Fdltor Keith Trederifkpooi h porta Editor Harold Abramaea Special Keatarea Editor Herbert , Deoraberi Society Fditor " Kardla rhotocrapher Tom Reynold tHSl.MJSS STAFF lUi'ncM Manarer 1" Oieeea Aosiolant Basiaciu Maaera Merle Sralder. Bob Aitell. Keith O'Rannoa Kiglit News Kditor Frit Simpson Newt Kdltor Ile McPiB To the Editor: Nebraska lost a game Monday night, not because they were outplayed but because they were simply out-numbered seven to five. True, two Minnesota men were handicapped by blindness, but their sterling performance in the whistle-blowing department did convince one and all that Pulliam and Collin are Jiot the worst of ficials in the Big Seven. If Monday's game was an example of 'conference appointed of ficiating," then we had better import referees who will call fouls es they see them and not imitation whistle-blowers who spend half the night trying to decide who should stand where during a free throw. Sincerely, two men who, despite their weak eyes and cheap glasses, saw more fouls than 'they" did. JEAN E. FUNK ALBERT BULIN RENT Our Zebra Room for Your Parties COLONIAL CUP 735 So.56 Dial 4-2033 Have fan Juke Box Psst, Lady. . l-aaaaaalaaa'H I aaaajaiaaa ! wii'f irT hut mi timw ' ' n.'",.', STREET FLOOR y THREAT thai he got for Christmas. It'll keep you warm!" McGREGOR'S Three-way convertible jacket, the ideal Christ mas gift, with a cardigan jacket lining that zips out. . 29.50 OPEN THURS. NIGHT TIL NINE! ThbhaiJicuh GIFT WRAP Metallic rrd, freen, told, silver (1 pc. 26x54 in.) 35c Goldenrod Stationery Store III e. 14th. Open Toea.-Thar. te . Take this McGREGOR TRIPLE Campus News In Brief Phalanx actives and pledges will meet in the Cadet officers lounge of the Armory Wednes day, Dec. 8, at 7:00 p. m. Uni forms must be worn. Pershing Rifles will meet Dec. 8 at 4:30 p. m. All members must be present in full uniform for Cornhusker pictures. Scabbard and Blade nJ edges and actives will meet in the Cadet officers lounge of the Armory on Dec. 8 at 7:30 p. m. Uniforms must be worn. Ficture for Cornhusker will be taken Thursday at 3:00 p. m. The Union Publicity committee members are requested to meet at 7:30 p. m. Dec. 8 in the employe's dining room. Hesperia will meet Dec. 6 at 7:15 p. m. in room 313 of the Union. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business frat, will hold its bi weekly noon luncheon, Dec. 6, at the Chamber of Commerce. AICHE will meet Dec. 8 at 7:30 p. m. in room 324 Avery Lab. Dr. Bourne will speak on '"Facing In terviewers. Refreshments will be served and a film by the Dow Chemical Company will be shown. Informal shots for the Cornhusk er will be taken. ASAE will hold an oyster sup per at 6:00 p .m. today. L. W. Chase, one of the founders of the tractor testing lab. will speak, and a business meeting will fol low. The Cosmopolitan Club will hold its weekly meeting on Dec. 8 at 7:15 in room 316 Union. All new candidates for teachine positions for the school year of 1949-50 or for the second semes ter of this year are urged to meet with the staff members to charge of teachers placement on Dec. 9 at 4 p. m. in Love Memo rial auditorium. Students who have classes at this period are asked to arrange with instructors to permit attendance. This meet ing is very important to all who are interested in teaching next year. Please come prepared to take notes. i hU I i . V ,11 L I I III MftAK st &Cs N YM to Present French Movie 'Song of the Streets," the uni versally famous French film, will be shown by the YMCA in Love Library auditorium Friday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Movie Known for Realism The movie, known for its real ism, is one of great sympathy and understanding. In the words of the New York World Telegram, "It's just a simple story about a youtn who cannot stand servitude or working for a boss; so he be comes the head of a gang of petty thieves. He and these other kids reform when an old lady dies from shock during an attempted robbery. On the whole it is ap pealing enough to hold one's at tention from beginning to end. The musical score is excellent and acting honors are divided by Lu cien Paris and Madelience Oze- ray." Favorite Recogniied Campus audiences will in all probability recognize in the film the now popular American screen favorite. Jean Pierre-Aumont. The film is directed by Victor Tiivas who is considered one of the better directors in France. He is known for being interested in making films which have a bear ing on our contemporary social problems. 0x11 LETTER SI ! HETTO l''' Seleetlon i I tCa I O colorfnl pre-Christmas correspondence. Goldenrod Stationery Store II No. 14m. Ope Tnea.-TVw. to t VETERANS Your experwUlJe supply rmrd and purehaae authori zation expire Friday, Der. 10, 9W. Red Cross Plans First Aid Classes Plans lor special student first aid classes next semester will be outlined at a Red Cross Col lege Unit meeting this Thursday. Bob Mosher. first aid chairman. I announced that the meeting will J be held in Parlor A of the Union Mosher said that the meeting is designed to set dates for open ing the classes and to outline the student course. The first aid branch of the College Unit will be organized at that time. A movie dealing with first aid will be shown at the meeting through the cooperation of the Lancaster County Red Cross chapter. All regularly enrolled students of the University are invited to attend the meeting or to enroll in the first aid course. Mosher commented. He pointed out that such a course should be of im iporlance to university students j as basic knowledge or a refresher class. Vespers Present Gaeddert Dec. 9 The second in a series of three Christmas Vesjer services will present Williaid Gaeddert. in structor in physics, speaking on, "The Way of the Prince of Peace.'' The service will be held Thursday at 5 p. m. in the Uni versity Episcopal church. Gaeddeit received his degree from Bethel college, Buffalo, N. Y. He served in Civilian Pub lic service for conscientious ob jectors during the last war. Jayne Wade will act as student leader and the Vesper choir will sing. Varsity Dairy club will meet in Room 207 Dairy Industry, Wed nesday night at 7:30. C. B. Evin ger, personnel manager of Fair mont Creamery, will be the speaker, and informal pictures for the Cornhusker will be taken. I HAVE YCUH CHRISTIES cj.r.:s YET? Carai ta (alt ereey -a taate, la aay le or aira. imariat e u eirr. ror r a I y dietiaettoe ) ( knilmu carta. m oar aeloetioa teday! GRAVES PRIRTIKG CO. tit Me. Itth Mafi Ortera ritlea ) '!