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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 24, 1948 Page 6 Wrestle Tourney Next IM Activity; Entries Due Soon Intramural wrestling gets un derway Dec. 7 and continues through, the 11th, according to IM Director Lou Means. All entries must be turned in to the Phys Ed building not later than Thursday, Dec. 2, at 5:00 p. m. Official weigh-ins will be from 4 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 6 at the Coliseum basement. Pairings in each weight divi sion will be made and posted Monday night, Dec. 6. All wrestl ers must report for first round matches at 7:00 p.m. or forfeits will be declared. All matches ex cept the finals will be held in the Coliseum basement. The cham pionship finals, will be decided immediately following the Ne braska U-Iowa State basketball tilt, Dec. 11. Mat Coach Pat Patterson will be the supervisor of the four-day tourney. STARTS FRIDAY C LARKS NOVEMBER ENTIRE PANT STOCK 25OFF Gabardines, Bedford, Covert TWEEDS $495 Val. to $10.95... NOW $595 CORDS Reg:. $8.95 ..NOW DRESS SHIRTS Val. to $4.95 . NOW WOOL SHIRTS Val. to $10.95. .NOW SPORT SHIRTS Val. to $6.95.. NOW $15 SWEATERS Ski and plain Val. to $10.95... NOW $3 SLEEVELESS Val. to $6.95 ... NOW $15 Leather Jackets ENTIRE STOCKS OFF Pony, Goal, Cowhide OPEN FRI. NITE TIL 9 corns CLOTHES FOR MEN llth O St. Here Are Your Winners Expert and Percentage Perm-Cornell Army-Navy Geo G. Tech S. Clara Mich. St. N.Car- Virjr. Okla- PennS. O. A&MIWash S. SMU-TCU Cub Clem (.820) Penn. St. L. Mo. Penn. I KS Mo. Fritz Simpson (.800) . . Harold Abramson (.770) Penn. KS Mo. Jack Donovan (.740) . . . Penn. KS Mo. Lee Harris (.730) . Penn. KS Mo. Bob Phelps (.700) Penn. St. L. Mo. Army Geo. Mich. St. N.Car. Okla. Penn S. SMU Army ( G. Tech. Mich. St. N.Car. Okla. Penn S. SMU Army Geo. Mich. St. N. Car. Okla. j Penn S. SMU Army G. Tech. Mich. St. ! N.Car. Okla. Penn S. SMU Army ' G. Tech. Mich. St. N. Car. 1 Okla. Penn S. SMU Army Geo. Mich. St. N.Car. Okla. Penn S. SMU IM Cage Filings Due Saturday; New Loops Set Last call for entries In the 1948 49 intramural basketball leagues was sounded today by Louis E. Mean, Director of the IM de partment. Teams wishing to en ter must report to the Physical Education building before Satur day morning, Nov. 27. With the Thanksgiving vacation starting Thursday, Mr. Means urged all interested 6quads to file today. Entries already received indi cate that this year's court activ ity will be the busiest in the Uni versity's history. More games will be played this year with the com pletion of the new P.E. building. Other contests will be played at the Coliseum and at the Ag Col lege Activities building. Last year approximately 1,650 men partici pated in intramural basketball and this year's total is expected to surpass this figure easily. Fraternities will add "C" teams to their already popular "A" and "B" league quints for the first time this year. The new Interde nominational league will provide chances for the religious-affiliated groups. Other leagues will be formed among independent teams, interdormitory groups, interde partmental groups, the ROTC and NROTC units, and in the various colleges. All fives will pit their best records against winners of first and second places in all the leagues near the close of the sea son for the All-University cham pionship playoff series. Only one team will emerge as the 1948-49 cage champs. Team Takes Bol Bid Nebraska grid fans are anxi ously awaiting Dec. 18 when a state team plays in the newest of bowl games. The Roberts Purepaks, of Oma ha, have accepted a bid to play in the Santa Claus Bowl in Phila delphia. The game is to be played under the direction of the Pop Warner Foundation. The Roberts team is made up of 13 year lod boys. All freshman footballers who plan to come out for freshman basketball should report to the Coliseum Monday, Nov. 29, at 4:00. WHY NOT . STUDY IN MEXICO? Winter Quarter: Jan. 3 March 18 Undergraduate Major: Anthropology and Sociology, Econ. and Bus. Ad., Educa tion, English, Fine Arts, His tory, Philosophy, Psychology, Spanish Lang, and Lit, Physical Education. Graduate Major; Anthropology, Economics and Business Administration, His panic Lang, and Lit., History, Philosophy, Latin American Studies. V, A, APPROVED For further information write: The Registrar, Mexico City College, Coahuila 223 Mexico, D. F. Huskers Try for Close Third Season Scarlet at Oregon; Grid Win Big Seven Program Thureday Missouri Kansas 14-20 fet. Lotus U K-State Saturday. Or Ron State Nebraska 27- 6 Oklahoma A.AM Oklahoma 13-21 Nebraska's long and somewhat dismal season will come to an end this Saturday afternoon. Head Football Coach Potsy Clark will lead his Cornhuskers to the west coast for the season's final game against Oregon State at Portland. Beavers Win Three The Beavers have won only three games while losing three and tying three which means the Huskers won't be too outclassed in their bid for a third win this season. Oregon State is favored after holding Oregon to a 10-0 margin in the mud last Saturday. Lonnie Stiner's Beavers have won games over Idaho, Portland, and UCLA while losing to South ern California, California and Oregon. Saturday'! encounter will be played in Multnomah stadium, where Nebraska won by 32-14 in 1936 the closing game for Lloyd Cardwell, Sam Francis and Coach D. X. Bible. Nebraska teams have met Ore gon State teams six times since the first game wns played back in 1916 when the Huskers whipped the Beavers, 17 to 7. Eight years later the Nebraska squad came back to win again, 14-0. Win 1933 Tilt In 1933 the score was run up to 22-0 in favor of the ScarJet clad Huskers. The Cornhuskers barely escaped being beaten in 1935 when they pulled a last min ute touchdown out of the fire to win, 26-20. The next year it was the same story with the Huskers winning 32-14. Last year for the first time the Oregon Staters fi nally snapped the Husker jinx to win 27-6. So far the Huskers hold a 117 to 68 point margin over the Beavers. Coach Potsy Clark left for Ore gon last night with 36 players ac- - - r - " X ON THAI DUPOy - tfK CLEVER,ELUSIVE ) Tl, RUNNER FROM SSJ AH A . YOO -1 7SIL MLFBACK- ... DUBBED 'tixwvsr'His FIRST YEAR AT N.U. BECAUSE HE COULDN'T CATCH PASSES... ...NOW HE LEADS ALL OTHER HUSKERS - IH THAT DEPARTMENT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 U. OF N. COLISEUM DANCE TO JIMMY DOESEY AMD HIS ORCHESTRA AT THE 1948 MILITARY BALL TICKETS ON SALK BY ALL CADET OFFICERS AND AT STUDENT UNION BOOTH companying him. The roster in cludes some players who probably won't be available for the game. Bostwick Makes Trip George Bostwick, end, is mak ing the trip but can hardly be ex pected to participate in play Sat urday. The foot injury he suf fered in the UCLA game is still giving him trouble. Fred Golan may see only lim ited service if he gets in at all. The big tackle has a bad bruise on his leg. Clark has shifted Joe McGill from center to tackle to bolster the weakness. K. Fischer Back Kenny Fischer was running with the Varsity Monday and Tuesday and Clark hopes he can get into shape before the game this week-end. Phil Young, Don Schneider, and Junior Collopy are expected to carry the fullback chores. Collopy will probably double in his role as quarterback. Ferguson Spark Gerald Ferguson who sparked the Varsity romp over the fresh men Monday should see plenty of action against the Beavers. The Varsity roster for the Ore gon State trip: Left Ends: Ralph Damkroger. Jack Hu- en. Don Ballon, ucorge Left Tackled: Charles Toogood, Sedlncek. Joe McGill. Fred Golan. Left Ouardi : Fred Hawkins, Salestrom, Warren Plr.lnger. Centers: Bob Costello, Tom Novak, Bob Mullen. Hubert Unper. Right Guards: Mike Dl Blase, Arden Means. Bob Llpps. Right Tackles: Jim Godfrey, Herb Reese, Dick GoeKlein. Right Ends: Bob Schneder, Ray Magsa men, Alex Cochrane. Quarterbacks: Frank Collopy. Don Straa hetm. Art Bauer. Left Halfbacks: Del Wlegand, Gerald Ferguson, Cletua Fiacher. Kenneth Fischer. Right Halfbacks: Bill Mueller, Dick Hut ton. Don Bloom. Fullbacks: Phil Roung. Don Schneider. John Darwin IM Volleyball Scores Monday night's volleyboll re sults: Norris House 3, Chem E 0. Ag Men's Club 3, (forfeit) Dorm B 0. Lilies 2, Geology 1. Dorm C 2, Delta Theta Phi 1. Classified CASHIER wanted for Lincoln Theater. Applicants pleaae phone 2-5305 for ap pointment. FOR SALE Tux, size 37, good as new. $25. 3-4K35. FOR SALE Standard Royal typewriter. Excellent eonditlon. Call 2-4248. WANTED Ride to Indiana for Thanks giving. Call Bud Brandcnhurg 3-2019. BALLROOM DANCINQ Expert private instructions. Nellie Speidcll Studio. 2705 Royal Court. Call 3-4692. LOST Black Sheaffer Lifetime pen and pencil set near stadium. Keepsake. Large reward! Call John, 2-2309. LOST Elgin wrist watch Sunday dn campus. Reward! Foochle Redlper. 2-7371. WANTED Ride to Stanton, to leave some time Wed. afternoon. Share ex penses. Harold Hansen, 1629 Que at., 5-6M7 LOST While gold Fortis Swiss watch. Call 2-7742. Marge Bock. Reward. FOR sale English tailored full dress suit. Biie 34 or 36. Call 3-4176. 133 So. 22. LAST day ef men's suit snto. Your choice of elates regular, abort, loaf, stoat. YiHsr choice ef material fronted. gabardines, sharkaklns, plaids, coverts. The price Is rlrht H4I to tST.fiO. Today at AYFK8 CLOTHING STORE, 14WI O. LOST MONDAY Billfold containing Im portant pe pent. Keep money, return ta Mrs. Haiclrlgg, 204 Burnett Hall. For SALE 1 evening gowns, evening eoaU. Call 3-&071.