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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 24, 1948 cfasluon Oblate (By Caroyn (Bukacek Highlight of a short week of fashion news and cold weather is the short mink-dyed muskrat coat in which Joan Guilford travels warmly from class to class. A variety of skirts look well beneath It, the blue-ribbon-winner being a multi-pleated clan plaid. Ruth Ann Sandstcdt displays flair for originality by twining pearls around a soft grey scarf knotted at the neckline of a white nylon sweater. The grey is a repeat of the color of her circular corduroy skirt. Two pin pleats, front and back, make the skirt new and important. Pert and efficient are two good adjectives for Beth Williams when she wears a soft yellow, grey and waist with a grey covert skirt. Norma Gamerl's red hair is complemented by a tailored coffee brown overcoat and suit of a slightly lighter shade. Above all of this is a silk scarf of various shades of aqua. The sunburst back is probably Jo LiU's grey muskrat coat. Not to be overlooked, however, are the full sleeves, tightly cuffed at the wrist, and the small foldover col lar. June Fislar has chosen soft red as the color for a perfect cold weather coat. It is flared in back and double breasted in front. The high roll collar is held snugly be- neathe the chin by two large but tons. Stright skirts can achieve dis tinction as proved by the wine wool skirt of Dorothy Borgens. It features two slit pockets at the front. Dorothy wears a soft blue short sleeved pullover with it. Sally Holmes wears a cocoa brown long sleeved cashmere quite well. She pairs it with a brown and white houndstooth checked skirt of hard finish wool. Side slits are also a noteworthy feature of the skirt. The matching skirt and scarf idea is catching fire as proved by Tat Black. She wears a red skirt beneath her green greatcoat and further insures warmth by knot ting a red crocheted scarf under her chin. Wanted: More Talent for Union Show There is still time to enter your act in the Union Talent show which will be held on Dec. 11. Inquiries may be made at the Union office. Screening will continue for the show until Dec. 4 and there are cash prizes for winners. The show will be combined with a dance. It is a chance to see some good university talent and attend a dance at the same time. Another Union event for De cember is the Open House on the 17th, with Johnny Cox's Orches tra for dancing, movies, bingo, and refreshments. On Dec. 5 there will be a Christ mas carol concert by the Univer sity Singers. Two programs are scheduled, one at 3 and one at 4 p. m. Announcement will be made later as to when the tickets will be available. Foods Cop Spotlight at Delian Union Party Saturday Night Foods held the spotlight at the Delian union travel party Satur day night. The after-the-game party started at 6 p. m. with Ok GUIDES JEFF BACK fW MY GOOD JWKL.UR., HAVE A V ( HOPE T (h f& 3M-?' rUVER ' . (ARE HOW YOU BREATHE THIS THKT S 1 J gJK, LTtf W ?nSSZ JEFFREY MPHS'5'NGUP' I J BEEH irTOrSt1 W'-M'W. I ! AN ULTRAMUNDANE PKrOSMANCe. iLVssrSi'v JsrKird I 'f frT V"f ' throat feel : tj trf -H ' JiL I the answer to this iCZ r7A'Kis, T V-,: DRY-hrumph- S?ifi Y; : S"OKED-OUT FULIN6 P2it '"vMlt ' TS? GOSH.JfFF, THAT LAST HIGH NOTE YOU ASA BONE. - :l At ii T a'J"m THI!W' ki'f I NlflwL.' CROAKED WAS AN ANTEDILUVIAN V. J fTlV-V 'rV )H Mt1p iilM "T SOUNDS LIKE CIGARETTE HANCOVIR TO Vl7 Apl - THOSE HE'SlRENS A . - , , ? ' I JEFF PHiUP MORRIS IS THE ONLY LEADING 1 C SOUND MORE I t$U(u (OUls lOCADUUVU l 1 CIGARETTE PROVED DEFINITELY LESS Kl V1 f ' AvPV I PHILHARMONIC THAN M 7 . ' " y; - ' I'VE EVER HEARD Hit a tfappt MT& in Smo&if All over America, millions of smokeri are discovering there's no cigarette hangover when you smoke PHILIP MORRJf . . . because Philip MORRIS is less irritating than any other leading brand. That's why eminent nose and throat specialists actually suggest rmur MORRIS in cases of irritation due to smoking. You'll be glad tomorrow, you imoktd rmur MOtus iomji CALL 0 fili oj jy Dp Jllll ORPHEAN Ilk Orphtui, twtalctl tingtr of mythology. JONGLEURS Modiaovat MimlriU. BARCAROLE Soronad with romantk intontiont. NYE Old hunting form for a c!uttr of booutoout birdf liko PhoaMnhi. ANTEDILUVIAN Boforo tho Flood; anclonl. EXPOSTULATE To objort with otnphaiit. ULTRAMUNDANE - Out of thli world, I., to ting liko Blng. CIGARETTE HANGOVER Thof toU imokd-out taito; that tight dry fooling in your throat duo to tmoking. CADENZA A gay voal eutbvrtt. PHILHARMONIC Donetag c lovo of ploooant harmonlo. "V PROOF! Ivttort from Potior M Fil. American hot dogs and steam ing coffee. At 7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gustin, alumni representatives, presented two movies about life in Mexico. While eating chili and bread sticks everyone had an op portunity to guess the number of beans, in a jar. Mrs. A. Zeek won a can of chili for the most correct guess and Don Metcalf won the booby prize a plastic jack-in-the-box. After group singing around the piano, the Hawaiian program sponsored by John Wisner and Harold Yoshina got under way to the soft tones of Hawaiian music. While all ate pineapple and tea crackers, Yoshina, of Ha waii, gave a talk on the customs of his native land. The French section began at 11 p. m. Cecily Raysor presented a wonderful assortment of chaux cremes, tarts (pelets galores), eclaries and patisseries francaises which were representative of the French people. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "An Innocent Affair," 1:25, 3 28, 5:31, 7:35, 9:41. VARSITY: "Station West," 1:18, 4:31, 6:20, 8:09, 9:58. "My Story," 3:07. "Superman," 1:00, 4:13. I1USKER: "Puddin Head," 1:11, 4:21, 7:31, 10:30. "Fabulous Tex- an," 2:35. 5:45, 8:55. Now Show "The Most Deliciously Vcxy Comedy of the Year! . MacMURRAY rS MADELEINE CARROLL it liTivifrvrr in '11 I ill I IE II millYum imam , CHARLES "Buddy" ROGFRS Now TOQSITv The Saturday Evening Tost Story That Thrilled Millions! Dick Jane Iowell Gre-n Added "Latest WrII NVhu" NOW fl$ A T I O N NOW BILL ELLIOTT 'THE FABULOUS TEXAN" F U N .- . 'if.-st .cTexTRAI Color Cartoon i 0