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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
even Stf oodleDi) u's Ctiiseifi fip IPiEC . . From Upper Ten Percent Eleven members of the class or '49 were presented as new mem bers of Phi Beta Kappa at a ban quet held last night in the Union. Members are chosen by the faculty from the upper six to ten percent of the College of Arts and Sciences. This year's PBK's have over 90 averages and are candi dates for degrees in June. The newly elected PBK's were presented following a talk on Sweden by Chancellor R. G. Gus tavson. The following eleven persons were chosen: Wilma Atkinson is a psychol ogy major and a member of Psi Chi, phychology honorary, and Phi Mu Epsilon, math honorary. Alvin Backlund, jr., is major ing in geology. He is president of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, geology fraternity. Miriam Bratt majors in soci ology, psychology and federal prison work. She is a past secre tary of Alpha Lambda Delta and a member of Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology honorary. Mary Ann Graff is a chem istry major. She is a member of BABW, Coed Counselor Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, Iota Sigma, women's chemistry honorary and Thi Mu Epsilon. Gladys Jackson has a dual ma jor in English and philisophy. She is a former member of YWCA cabinet. Alpha Lambda Delta, and National Collegiate ' Players. She is also a member of Mas quers and was chosen outstand ing supporting actress of the Uni versity Theater for 1947. She is a Chi Omega. NCarol Henrickson majors in chemistry. She is secretary of Iota Sigma Pi, women's chem honorary and Alpha Lambda "Del ta. Gordon Pauley is an economics major and is enrolled in NRGTC. He is a Student Union committee member and a member of Delta Upsilon. Frederick Ware is a pre-med student with majors in chemistry and zoologv. He is a member of Nu Med, Theta Nu and "N" club. He is a member of the track team and Phi Kappa "Fsi. Donald Wiffffans majors in chemistry and math. He is a mem ber of Thi Mu Epsilon, Corn Cobs and Farm House. Kellocg Wilson is a psychol ogy major. He is a member of Psi Chi, psych honorary. The Daily Nebraska was un able to contact the eleventh member, Raymond Roth. UNESCO Organization Representatives Named Committee Lists 47 Groups Participating in Conference Vol. 49 No. 53 Lincoln 8. Nebraska. Wednesday. Nov. 24. 1948 Nations and the organizations which will represent them at the model UNESCO conference were announced today by the pre-con-ference planning committee. The committee made the selection from Red Cross Committee Stages Show at Veterans Hospital ,, l .mi mi jmwwi' IHUM.IHHHWU iii iiiii PiiiMiminnririnnnmir r m Honoraries Give Tea for Ag Frosh Approximately 120 Home Eco nomic freshmen and new students were guests of Omicron Nu and Phi U, Home Economics profes sional honoraries, at a tea given Monday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Phi U sponsors. Miss Harris, Mr. Doremus, Miss Liston and Miss Opper, poured for the tea. Omicron Nu sponsors are Dr. Brooks and Miss Haven. Members are selected for Phi U on a basis of leadership and scholarship in the upper two fifths of their class. They are eligible as second semester sopho mores, juniors or seniors. There are 22 members in this year's chapter. Officers are Phyllis Ross, president: Vivian Frazier, vice president; Ruth Swanson, secre tary; Marg Reynolds, treasurer. Second semester junior women and senior women are eligible for Omicorn Nu. They must have an approximate average of 85 and must be active on the campus. There are ten members this year. Officers are Veora Endres Irwen, president; Lois Thorfinnson, sec retary; and Ruth Swanson, treasurer. ins . in j (mu I ,1"" - s j ' V', I " : I :-i,m fy .: ' t ft ., iVU id ! I ' i , - J If WWt.,. , - ' GEORGE WILCOX, M. C. for the Red Sross variety show at the Veteran s hospital asks the vet em participants the "$64 question." Helping with the show are Jean Fenster and Mary Ann Randall from the college chapter of Red Cross. The Red Cross institutions committee made its initial step in its entertainment program given at me veterans nuauiwi mvnua; ib"k- . The college chapter furnished the master of ceremonies, George Wilcox, for the Red Cross variety show at the hospital. Five members or the commiuee neipea as nusieca. i n.L- roHn anA jivno VTrhis. 'atv Ann Randall and Jean Fenster audience were varoi ucmu, helped on the stage with the quiz show. Variety Show Given. Miss Virginia Griffiths, Red Cross field director, and Mrs. Darby, entertainment chairman for the Veteran's hospital, were in charge of the variety show. En tertainers included magician and ventroliquist Jack Carson. Jack Wells was scheduled for the pro gram, but was unable to appear. The program for entertainment at the Veteran's hospital preced ing Christmas will include two carolling groups, ward parties, dis tribution of Christmas cards given to the hospital by the Norcross See RED CROSS, Page 5 preferential lists submitted by or ganized houses. The countries, houses and chair men are: Alpha CM Omega, Colombia, Myra Ma- pln. AlDha Gamma nno, ininn, run rif k. . . . . . Alpha Omicron PI, mion 01 s. Airoa, Alpha Phi, I. Iberia, Janet itann. Alpha Tan Omega, Greece, DwiKht GrU- wold. . Alphia XI Delia, Netherianas, ony Fleming. Beta Sigma Pl, New Zealand. Chi Omega. Chechoslovakia, Betty Shes- tack. . . Delia Delta Delta, Turkey, rat Meg han. Delta Oamma. France, Katie Rapp. Delta Sigma l'i, Liberia, Hob Allgood. Delta Tau Delta, Kl Salvador, Jack London. Farm Iloune, China. Dale noweraay. Gamma I'hl Beta, 1-ebanon, Janet Kep- ner. .. . . Kappa Alpha Theta, Braill, Klrgmia '-ai,l- Kappa Delta. Bolivia, Lon ,immer- man. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Canada, lerry GaineH, Peggy Beynolds. Kaia Sigma. Norway, Kus loier. I'hl lella Theta. Saudi Arabia, Dave Meshane. Phi Gamma Delta, Mexico, Tony inci ter. Phi Kanpa Psi, I nlted Kingdom, John Connelly. PI Beta Phi, United States, Marilyn Sigma Alpha Mo, Poland, muck rx-rg- hoffe. Sigma Kappa. Jugoslavia, Mary lionise Horstman. Sigma Delta Tau, Audrey Rosenbaum. Sigma Nu, Anstralla, Lynn Hutton. Sigma Phi Fpsllon. Italy. Dick Miller. Zeta Beta Tau, Syria, Millard Morga- Hn. Amlklta. Philippine Inland, Jane Bar ker, Kvelyn Serling. Adelphia. Dominican Republic. Brown Palace, Cuba. Girl' Dunn, Venetuela, Evelyn Bar- kn, Frances VVtfcncwskl. Hesperia, Shirley Colnic. Howard Hall, Argentina, Elsie Berg. International House, France, Marian McLlhaney. Iove Memorial. Sweden. Men's Dorm, Belgium, Ed Saad. Norris House, India, Dave Pickerlll. Palladian, Iran. Jim Welsh. Pioneer, Luxembourg, ( buck Swan. Rasmussen, Ecuador, Hetor Oiwn. Koa BHiton, Kin-a, Beverly Dainton. Terrace Hall, Haiti, Joyce Vlchmeyer. Tonne Club, Sherrlll von Bergen. Wilson Hall, Peru, Jean Shormann. Alpha Sigma Phi, Korea, Bob Bradden. Several organized houses have not submitted preferences. Choices should be listed in. order, with reasons for the selection, and left in the UNESCO box in the Union basement or in Room 305 any afternoon. Some groups will represent na tions who are not members of UNESCO.' These countries will act as pressure groups or petition for admittance. Groups who wish to represent a non-member na tion should contact Shirley Sabin or Bob Nickols, UNESCO co-chairmen. All -Women Election, Nov. 30 To Name '48 Eligible Bachelors Vacation! ! Vacation at last! According to the Registrar'" office, free dom officially begins Thurs day, Nov. 25 at 8 a.m. and lasts until 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 29. No more books, no more tests, no more lectures to sit through just turkey dinners and fcleep, sleep, sleep until next Mon day at 8. Nphraska's coeds will elect eight men Tuesday, Nov. 30, as the 1948 Eligible Bachelors. The all-women election will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Ellen Smith hall. The voting booth will be open during the noon hour. Sponsored by the Mortar Boards, the election will determine the eight men to be presented at the Mortar Board ball, Dec. 10. Selections will remain secret until that date. Twenty-two Selected Pictures of the candidates will be posted in the election booth. Twenty-two fraternity and independent men have been chosen by their re spective organizations to compete for the Bachelors titles. The Mortar Boards have booked Gene Krupa and his orchestra for the annual visa versa dance. The ball will be held in the Coliseum at 9 p.m. A special bargain piice of $2.98 is being offered by the Mortar Boards before Thanksgiving vaca tion starts. Tickets will be $3 after the holiday period. rst vear's Eligible Bachelors were Irv Dana, Lee Goodwin, John Ayers, Bob Wenke,. Dougie Doyle, By Hooper, Jim Swanson and Al Potter. Following are the 1948 candidates: Bob Ackerman, Delta Upsilon; Keith Arterbum, Ag Men's Social; Bob Axtell, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Lyle Bare, Residence Halls for Men; Fred Chael, Beta Sigma Psi; Alan Clem, Alpha Tau Omega; Jack DeWulf, Farm House; Ed Donegan, Phi Delta Theta. Melvin Engler, Delta Tau Delta; Leo Geier, Phi Gamma Delta; Roger Larson, Delta Sigma Pi; Bob Means, Beta Theta Pi; Phil Pearlman, Sigma Alpha Mu; Phil Raynard, Alpha Gamma Rho; Don Rice, Zeta Beta Tau; Fritz Simpson, Phi Kappa Psi. Rex Pettijohn, Sigma Nu; Ted Gunderson, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Bill Wright, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Eugene Taylor, Alpha Sigma Phi; Jake Dahlgren, Kappa Sigma; and Charlie Hans. The Mortr-T Board's annual ball gives the women a chance to ask for their dates, call for their date and escort their dates foe the evening.