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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1948)
'IlA PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 21 Mi Voir i eat Member Intercollegiate Press FOBTT-SEYKKTH FKAR The Pull; SrbreWna Is pnbliihrd by the atndenta of the Cnlvertlty of Nebraaha rxurrtilon of aturirnta nevi and opiniona only. According to article II of the By irovrrnlnjr atudrnt publication and admlniatrred by the Board of rbllcall ': "It la the declared policy of (he Board that publication! under ita Jiirladlctloa shall be free from editorial eennonihip on tbe part of the Board, or aa tbe part of any D ember ol the faculty of the onlversityt but membera of the ataff of Tbe Daily hebraakan are peraorUj rraim Mlble for what they lay or do or cauae to be printed." Snbnrrtntlnn ratea are t.M per aemester, K.50 per aemeater mailed, er 3.00 lot the eollrice year. (4.00 mailed. Sintle copy 5c. Published daily durlnf the arhool year eirept Mondrya and Saturday, varatlnns and exanilnatioa perioda, by the Univermty of Nehraaka under tbe auprrvislon of the Puhliration Board. Kntered ai Herond i la .Matter at the Post Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, nndcr Act of t'onrreaa, March S. 18;!), and at special rate of postage provided for In aectioa 1103, Art of October I, 1917. aulboriied September 10, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFv fditnr ........ Jeanne Kerrigan Mt.HT .KVS KDITOR' KKITII KKMfRH HSO.N BISI.MCSS ST A IF Biia'nesa Manager ,r Clieaea Assistant Business Ma lagers Merle Stalder, Bob Aitell, Keith O'Bannoa imitation Manager AI Abraniaoa Photiiirrspher Tom Reynolda Social Features Kditor Herbert Ienenher Managing Kditora Norm lrcr. t'ub Clim Sports Kditor Harold Abramaoa Ait News Kditor Keith Krederlrksoo Society Kditor Pat Nordla isrwa Edi:ors Im Harris, Krlil Simpson, I-oolse McDIU, Susan Reed. Bob Phelps Rag Retains First Class Rating The Daily Nebraskan retained iNebraskan has held the ranking the rank of First Class in the Col- of First Class since its return to legiate Press Review honor rat ings in competition during the second semester last year. George Miller served as editor during the period of recognition; Jeanne Kerrigan and Norm Leger were managing editors. The Daily AsIWasj I Saying.,. I daily competition after the war. 'M' Shortest Title The shortest title of any motion picture ever produced is "M" and the loneest title is "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo." COC3KI Kiy 1949 CORNHUSKER BEAUTY QUEENS DONT MISS THIS 24 PAGE BEAUTY AND FUN PACKED ISSUE! SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR LAST FIVE ISSUES OF CORN SHUCKS WILL BE SOLD MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY BY TASSELS IN THE UNION FIVE ISSUES FOR 85c i-BUT IT IS NT A NEW DfcESSt DADDY SANITONE. TH BETTER J ;kind of dry cleaning, gives rr that 'like new uook?' Try our famous Sanitone Dry Cleaning Service yourself! You'll be amazed at how this belter kind of dry cleaning differs from ordinary cleaning. Spots are banished like magic, colors are brighter and the like-new feel is restored to the fabric Let us dry clean one of your garments . . . compare the results with what ordinary dry cleaning gives you you, too, will agree that our famous Sanitone Service is a better kind of dry cleaning! MODERN CLEANERS We Give Green Stamps list G St ID WE8TERVELT 10 CASH & CARRY DISCOUNT , 139 South 13lh Phone 3-2377 for Pick -Up Service 127 South 27tt By Pat Nordin Friday night at the Delt "Squab Scramble" was very eventful. It marked the pinning of Skip Stahl and "Rusty" Motter. (One night duration only.) Happy Hank Pe derson combed the town for a top combo and came up with Al Starks and Bob Hart, whose piano and dance routines made the party complete. Pledges did a fine job, the fin ishing touch being portraits of themselves plastered around the walls. (The pledges, of course, were not plastered.) Party personalities were M. A. Dosek and Bill Cartmel, Carolyn Bukacek and Bis Bob Keller. Bill Smith spent half the evening hunting for Jo Mellon and ended up stag. Beginning at three in the after noon were the following' partyers: Sherry Viele and Don Sheppard, Bobbie Kell and Johnnie Wood, Shirley Wagner and Al Mavis, Jo Liti and Floyd Pettigrew. The gang started at the Sky-line and ended up at the Sigma Nu house. The D. U.'s 50th anniversary at the Cornhusker turned into quite an affair. The Ivy Day singers sang, a combo played, and Jobby Johnson lost his overcoat. A few dates Joan Noble and Carter Kokjer, Donna Doren and Carl Schmidt. Chris Christansen and Bert Sidell. Having - the - most-wonderful-time Cup goes to Aiiggie Chris tiansen who spent the evening rid ing. The Sigma Kappa "Mock Wed ding" party had quite a romantic effect on couples concerned. Di rectly after the ceremony, two steady arrangements began. Chris Kuyatt "popped the question to Pat Pierre and Phil Schreir asked Lorn a Rae Leonard. Bruce Green surprised date Jean Fenster by appearing in cos tume a T shirt, tie and collar and cuffs. The party was enjoy- Play It Safe . . . The tragedy which occurred Thursday morning causing the death of two University students should bring home to the campus the need for safe, careful driving, especially to and from home this week. All of the roads leading from Lincoln will be jammed Wednesday and Thursday by students going home for Thanksgiving, so everyone should give special attention to the safety rules. The holiday spirit has been notorious as the prime cause of many of these highway accidents. Most of them can be avoided by common sense on the part of the student body. A lot of people think it's smart to drive recklessly; however, it must be remembered that the icy Nebraska roads are not the Bonneville salt flats. It would do a lot of good if all drivers would just keep their speed under 50 or 60. It's not smart to bet one or two extra vacation hours at home against weeks or months in a hospital. Students shouldn't have to be reminded not to drink on the road, or before they begin the trip. If everyone uses a little more common sense and a little less liquor while driving, there will be fewer accidents this year. It's something to think about. Cub Clem. able for everyone with the pos- sible exception of Don Woods who considered it a "tight squeeze." Friday was a good night for show dating. Sobbing through "Gung Ho" were Kathy Rhodes and Mimi Schroeder with respec tive dates Jack De Wulf and Bill Stohl. Then there were the bright lights of Kings with Marilyn Nel son and Fig Flagg, Jane Stevens and Jack Hill who go there every Friday. Our candidate for most popular man of the week-end goes to Raymond "Red" Johanson. But al though two coeds have asked him to the Mortar Board Ball, he says he prefers younger girls. Un-Pinncd Janet Kahn-Don Smith Corn Shucks business staff members and persons interested in working on the business staff are asked to meet in the Corn Shucks office in the basement of the Union, Nov. 22, from 4-5 p.m. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 U. OF N. COLISEUM DANCE TO JIMMY DORSEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA AT THE 1948 MILITARY BALL TICKETS ON SALE BY ALL CADET OFFICER. AND AT STUDENT I'NION BOOTH pretty is . . a -a m JD 2s pretty doss... W iTgm to! Won! to look pratty? . . . ShapnoraV tofl, furry French Angora will aok yo prattiar. ftvt it obtolvtoly will not atota yow look lik lofvo Tumor . vnlatt, of covrto, yo oleoody do. f la blasiad colon liko boby Moo or pink, turqvoita, wnito, ywllow or pitiocKa. A bowl $9. in tiio 34 to 40. Thora'i ihort-tlotvtd tordigon, too, ol obowl $1 1. i fr9t! Writ to! Snapnard't BookM: "Jwailar Style with tha Shm Look." ovoilobto et Hovlond Swdnson or writo a Photographers' Frat Takes New Members Kappa Alpha Mu, honorary fraternity in photo Journalism, held initiation of new members and election of officers at a meet ing Monday night. New initiates are Norman Case, Robert Duis, Roy Farris, William Moorehouse, William Poe, Tom Reynolds, James Snyder and Stanley Sohl. Phil Raynard was elected president. Bill LeRoy, vice presi dent, George Shaw, secretary, Stanley Stohl. treasurer, and Roy Farris, photographer. Prof Ray F. Morgan was chosen faculty advisor. At the meeting plans were for mulated for the year's activities, which are to include a photo graphic contest and exhibition. This competition will be open to all students and will be judged by professional photographers. A national fraternity, Kappa Alpha Mu has 17 chapters throughout the country. Rho, the Nebraska chapter, received its charter at the national conven tion last May. The constitution was recently approved by the national convention last May. The constitution was recently ap proved by the Student Council. Monteith Wins First in Swift Essay Contest The 1948 Swift College Essay contest winner at the University of Nebraska has been announced. Tie is Roland N. Monteith of New castle, who wrote on the subject, "From Packer to Platter." Robert D. Iliatt of Lincoln was runner-up. As a result of his success, Mon teith will get a trip to the Inter national Livestock Exposition in Chicago Dec. 1. Here he will take part in a market study program which will be outlined by Swift and company. AT THE U. OF N. FIG FLAGG HAS THE EDGE ON Dlria , t i in razor hladts nciLorj caci;::D has the EdGV5my$ list toapr Smoetbir shaving Kttaar tdpi Mora eonomical Uniformly rfict TrrTTrrrnTrr 3 fCRA BETTER KIND OF D&Y Oam.ifr