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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1948)
PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 19, 194 8 baying As I Was This week-end will be a hey day for party hoppers what with sixteen (16) noteworthy functions operating. Hay and celebrities, gay decorations and just plain house parties, all show the work of many ingenious socalites. Going so far as to rent a hall for their actives are the Delt pledges who are holding the Squab Scramble at Boomer's. Phil Neff and Lois Brown, Mel F.ngler and Lois Elwell will attend. Also on the list for tonight is the Sigma Kappa "Mock Wedding" party. All attending hill-billys are invited to watch 5-foot groom Sharon Redfern precede the shot gun down the aisle to 5-foot, 10 inch bride, Pat Wiedman and bring a present. It's still Friday and the Pala- dians are hayrncking. On top of the mound are Dean Morrison and Madge Mathews, Irvin Blish and Louise Metzger. Excitement and I repeat EX CITEMENT is running rampant ;it the ZBT house this week-end. Several weeks ago, while at a meeting at Delta Omicron Nu, Norton Garon wrote to THE Eliz abeth Taylor in Hollywood invit ing her to the Zcta party Satur day (they have mutual friends). Thursday Noit received two telegrams; one that she would stop on her way to New York, and one that the plane is down at Cheyenne. Now Nort is madly hiring the ROTC to usher her in and is thinking of annexing the coliseum to accommodate the crowd. The K Sigs are barn-dancing Saturday surrounded by hay, farm buildings, and little barn yard friends (compliments of the Sainted Six.) It's brother and sis ter night in the old barn. too. .Tack Brandt is squiring Aussie Dierhler's sister Lou, and Larry Xorrtin (of the local Herbarium) will take Georse Wilcox's sister. The Alpha Xi house is going to look like hell Saturday night. Theme of the party, of course, is "Journey to Hell." Pondering on their sins will be Marion Staple ton :nd Chuck Tremain. and Mar ilyn Beyer with Keith Litle may be. He may go hunting instead. I Wearing gaily decorated gar ters, compliments of their dates, ! will be Donna Mcisinger (with 1 Bob Chaney) and Willy Clark j (with Bill Fankhouser) at the KD ' I'.asin Street party Saturday. Caught in a fish-net at the Phi ; Psi house tomorrow niidit will be Gene Gilmore and Marge Putt. Everyone plans to be shipwrecked in sarongs. Off to the already sensational Club Francaise party will be Dale -TO-NITE- the last unionizER Before Christmas Riley Smith ami orchestra Only 60c per Person TABLES ami KLTRKSIIMENTS Young and Jean How. Then there's the Phi Delt house party with Al Potter and Ann Crawford, the Ag Haydown, Rundle Hall supper, Canterbury dance, Delian party, Newman club deal but you look them over. Will report later, That's that, Pat C.U. Students On Field Trips Many hundreds of specimens of plant and animal life were made available for study through the University of Colorado this sum mer when members of the biology, anthropology and geology depart ments headed field trips into sur rounding areas of wilderness. It is the plan of the museum to do a comprehensive study of Dino saur National monument as a wilderness area including the study of its ancient history, geol ogy and its plant and animal life forms. Sabin Outlines UNESCO Plan To Chairmen UNESCO house chairmen met in the Union last night to hear Shir ley Sabin, pre-conference plan ning chairman, outline the struc tures and function of UNESCO. The general program has three distinct parts: The General Conference: Each house representing a country will send five delegates and alternates to the plenary session Feb. 16, 17 and 18. The remainder of the house will act as advisors to the delegates. Altho each nation has five official representatives, it has only one vote. The Executive Board: This board acts as a controlling organ preceding and during the confer ence. The board is made up of one representative from each of the 18 countries which now com prise the international UNESCO executive board. The nations on the present executive board are: Egypt, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Greece, India, Belgium, France, Brazil, Turkey Venezuela, Nor way. United States, Poland, Mex ico, Ecuador, China, United King dom, Australna. The Secretariat: These activities will be duplicated by the pre conference planning committee. Hair's Itreath The lifespan of an average human hair is about three years, the maximum is four or five years. Poor Dogs! It is estimated that cats out number dogs in American cities by a ratio of four to three. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 U. OF N. COLISEUM DANCE TO JIMMY DORSEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA AT THE 1948 MILITARY BALL TICKETS ON SALE BY ALL CADET OFFICERS AND AT STUDENT I NION BOOTH Your College Clothing Store 1 la "Mill - l ' 4; tn tJ?r ... 4 2-. ! t f" 1 ft m ilk. sr.., f ;. -:.:.'::::: . t I " :. , . sjij-lMti:- j - r I Win If- ' , , ' S ' " -i , rl , ' " ' , , ' - ' , ( I ;ii " . GLAMOUR GOWNS . . . Mmmmmm, just look at these winsome maidens modeling two of Magee's many pretty frocks for late -time date-time. Jackie Sorcnson and Marie Jo Mooberry smile in approval at the two very pretty Ball gowns Magee-College-Committeewoman Dorothy Osterman shows them. You, too, will find just the right gown . . . and at the right price at Magee's. Come down today for sure I Clamour Gowm M U.h.rS Third Moor