The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1948, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Vr-Amy November 19, 1948
Frosh Distance
Team Finishes
Third in Meet
Nebraska' freshman two-mile
team finished third in the Big
Seven freshman telegraphic meet,
Coach Ed Weir announced
Kansas University copped first
place honors with 15 points
followed by Missouri's Tigers
with 24. The Husker team with
67 points, finished two points
ahead of Colorado U.
Samper of Kansas U won the
meet in the time of 9:46.2, and
teammate Kazmer finished lnthe
runnerup slot.
Lee Moore led the Scarlet
runners by placing eleventh.
Gene Robinson finished thirteenth.
Zorinsky Tops
Kegler Scries
With the IM Bowling league
well under way, Ed Zorinsky of
the S.A.M.'s leads the three game
Beries with high of 580.
Firnhaber, Beta Sig, and Carson
of the Phi Gams trail with 555
and 553 respectively. Carson of
the Thl Gams holds the current
edge in individual series scores
with 233.
Other high series include: Skin
ner, Thl Gam, 546; Ecthenkamp,
Bete Sig, 536; Stroh, Delts, 533;
Stern. S.A.M., 524, and Chastaln,
DU, 52S.
Trailing Carson for single game
honors are: Zorinsky, S.A.M.. 222;
Langcnheim, Sig Nu, 216; Ward,
Delts, 213; Miller, Beta Sig, 210;
Stern, S.A.M., 208; Stroh, Delts,
Ecthenkamp, Beta Sigs; Skinner,
Phi Gams; and Arrocha, TKE, all
with 205's.
Mr r ' J
inn fm
inu All
SATIN in an ankle
strap. Comfort for
lancing with an clastic
hack strap and plat
form ftole.
TIFUL . . . this dainty eve
ning purse with metallic
threads. Inside . . . match
ing brocaded compact. Sil-
T or gold.
495 r y.w
v ,
.ft, , JfimivAiiiK
The 1948 Intramural All-Star football team. Loft to right, back row-rowley, Looke
Dahlgren, Means. Front row-Breetzke, Kasmarek, Sharp. Missing are bkog ana outcnow.
. "
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Timers Meet
NU Saturday
Missouri's trolden-earbed Ti
gers, conquerors of Doak Walker
and Southern Methodist, come to
Memorial Stadium Saturday for
the 42nd annual Nebraska-Missouri
football game.
Kickoff is at 2:00 p. m. A crowd
of 35,000 or more, is expected to
be on hand for the game.
Coached by Don Faurot, smart,
lean originator of the cutting split
T formation, Missouri's five game
winning streak was snapped by
Oklahoma. Faurot's backfield may
be weakened considerably this
week as regular Halfbacks Lloyd
Brinkman and Mike Ghnoully are
listed as doubtful starters.
Nebraska also lost to the
mighty Oklahoma Sooners last
week by a 41-14 count.
The lifetime series between the
two schools shows Nebraska win
ning 24, Missouri 14 and three
games tied.
Missouri has a great line with
Chester Fritz, the 204 pound left
tackle, a blocking, tackling standout.
Cage Entries
Due Nov. 27
Entries for intramural basket
ball are due Nov. 27 in 102 Phys
ical Education Bldg. League play
will start Dec. 2.
Teams may practice at the P. E.
Rnildinff anv hour daily, how
ever, only two teams per day may
reserve the practice floors from
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Nightly sessions
nr available bv reservation.
Competition will be divided into
separate leagues if sufficient en
tries are received. The leagues will
be divided as follows: Interde
nominational, Interfraternity A
and B leagues, Intcrdormitory, In
terdepartmental or intercollege,
Ag College, College of Engineer
ing, Law and Dental Colleges, In
dependent leagues. Military
leagues including ROTC and
Players will be required to fur
nish their own suits. The IM de
partment will furnish colored
game jerseys for all teams not
having their own. These should be
checked out by the team manager
at least ten minutes before game
Cheering the team . . .
wearing the Scarlet
nd Cream . . . ith a
free N feather from
Cold's. A souvenir l
Veep from foothall
season. Women . .
Seeond Hoot Sports
wear, Men . . . Street
Floor, Men's Store,
Saturday is the last home game
of the season and the last chance
students will have to show their
spirit and appreciation to a hard
fighting team of Nebraska foot
ball players.
Saturday will be the last home
appearance for such Husker stars
as Clctus Fischer, Junior Collopy.
John tSedlacck and Dick Hut ton.
U name only a few.
Though the Scarlet gridsters
have been able to eek out only
two victories they have given a
good account of themselves this
season. Win, lose, or draw Satur
day the students should be be
hind them.
At every home game this year
cheerleaders have knocked them
selves out trying to raise some
spirit in the stands. At times
(when we were rolling toward
the opponents goal) the stands
were afire with that real Husker
spirit But those instances were
in the minority. Most of the time
the listless stands on the Ne
braska student side represented
only a half hearted attempt on
the part of rooters to cheer the
Despite the fact rf animations
are split into small groups it is
still possible to follow the mo
tions of the cheerleaders. The
only groups that will not be able
to make themselves herd are
those seated anywhere in the
main stadium will be able to rive
the Husker plenty of cheering
and fchow plenty o( spirit.
Along with this comes an age
old gripe at the student body.
Why can't students raise their
arms as the KU cheering section
does. Not only did a tew KU
rooters raise their arms, but
everyone in their student section
joined in with the swaying of
the arms whenever the signal
was given by the cheerleaders.
The grade and high school kids
who locate themselves in the
North knothole section will offer
a rerious challenge to the student
cheering sections come this Sat
urday. C'mon Huskers. let's see
if we can at least outdo the high
school kids.
K Slate Extension Cluh
Kansas Staters recently organ
ized their first extension club.
Some of the aims of the organ
ization include association with
others going into the extension
field and with state personneL
More reoognitjon for extension
work and a better understanding
of the scope ol the field is another
Club membership 5s drawn from
students studying to be homo
demonstration ager.ts, county
sgents and 4-H club ager.ts.