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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1948)
Friday, November 19 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 ClqqisL-QuiiWxsL Diogenes would have been right in style in Ag Hall Thursday at least his lantern would have come in handy not casting any asper sions as to his quest. Anyway, Ag students had a chance to realize some of the obstacles met by their ancestors as they studied by candlelight and maneuvered by flashlight in that revered build ing. The immediate reason for set ting the lighting back on a par with the "modern conveniences" in Ag Hall was a temporary power shortage. Normal opera tion was resumed at 11 00 Thurs day with the only casualties be ing Mrs. Tullis' chorus and a few strained eyes. Home Dem and County agents were everywhere this week as Old Grads took the campus by storm. The occasion is the annual conference of the Extension Di vision which is now taking place. The visitors took time out Tues day to honor W. H. Brokaw, Ex tension Director, emeritus, for distinguished service to national agriculture. In recognition of the leadership which lifted the Ne braska department to fourth place among the nation's extension de partments, they awarded him the ruby of Epsilon Sigma Phi, na- tional agricultural service fratern- i ity. ! Comes question and answer time. Question "Is Ag college j primarily an educational institu- tion, or a research institution?" , Answer Both, but it seems thct there ure some unfortunate com- binations in existence. Students I have voiced many gripes about j research men who also fill posts as instructors the research men ! have probably griped more. The whole sum and substance lies in the fact that a competent re- search man is not, and does not : pretend to be, a teacher. Such an attitude is not , a healthy one either for students or instructors, and its result is not flattering for the institution. All who criticize should sug gest a remedy so I'll throw in two cents worth. The University of Missouri has met the problem of competence among instructors with a plan which has worked out quite well. They appoint a faculty-student board which aud its every class, and makes sug gestions to instructors and to ad ministrative heads. It seems to me that such aVommittee could un earth some weird discoveries on our own campus. This procedure might meet with disfavor among a lot of students who appreciate the "snap" courses, but others who regard the Aggie lo Judge In 4-H Contest Clayton Yeutter, student at the University of Nebraska Ag college, is a member of the state champion 4-H livestock judging team from Dawson county. The judging team will compete in the non-collegiate livestock judging contest at the international Livestock Show in Chicago late this month. Other members of the team are Bob Dunlap and Bob Clark. Harold Stevens, extension agent at Lexington, is the coach. dollar spent for education more highly, would be happy. Take it all with a grain of salt if you will but there is a defi nite problem here which could affect the quality of Ag college graduates. People will raise an awful fuss about a good football coach why don't they express that same interest in the educa tion angle? i I T !p f ; MmhM- of the receotion line at the 4-H club tea for Dean Lam bert chat among themselves during a slack moment at the affair honoring the new dean. Students and faculty paused during campus routine Monday afternoon to pay their respects. In the picture are (1. to r.) W. H. Brokaw, Dean Lambert, Mrs. Lambert, and Glenn Claybaugh, club president. (Photo by Tom Reynolds). Classified f PERSONAL SHOri'KR The wife of a student who had two ft, more years remaining will be interested in this position. Duties consist .of shopping to fill mail ft phone orders, composing typing replies. Apply em ployment office seventh noor 11 to 12 or 4 to 5. MTT.I.FR ft TAINK Pleasant, la., Wedtie; Call Ed Bare, 6-317 I'RIVING to Mt. clay, Nov. 24. after 8 p. m. CHRISTMAS KMrivOYMKNt We have placement fur several students' wives who can work full time until Christmas. Christmas employees are also entitled to use employees' discount in gift or personal shopping Apply em ployment office seventh floor 11 to 12 or 4 to 5. M1I.1.KR A PAINE WESLEYAN1TK. Patsy Loripan. ride home Xmas vacation to N. share expenses. Call 6-21 "i2. wants V. C. LOST: Bine and cold reversible acket ; .Sig Ep ATO foot hall tame, east mall. ' Riward Call Terry Stater. 2-7764. i WANTED 3 rides to Bayard "or "viciniTv" 1 Wed. Nov. 24. Call 2-2184. Angelme Liakns. ON CAMPI'B. Home style meals! Break fast 7:30 or ?.o. Rooms optional. Men students Reasonable. Phone 2-443N. LOST Ren! Indian woven purse contain ing billfold. Keep money as reward return purse! Call Shirley Ransdell , 2j7371. I DRIVING to Hastings Wednesday. Can accommodate 4. Share expenses. Call 6-113K evenings WANTED riders to Denver a'ndnBerthoud Pass Thanksgiving vacation. Call Mor 1 rison 2-SR!4. Evenings, j BALLROCM DANCING -"Expert private 1 Instructions. Nellie Hpeldeil Studio, 2705 Royal Court. Call 3-4W2. ! BTl'DENl Htid wife desire ride to Sioux City or loux Falls for Thanksgiving, wtli share expenses. 3-f878. BTl'DENT COUPLE -Desire ridetoiou City. Wed. Call S-S1"9 after g. WANTED 3 riders to Mitchell. Huron or Aberdeen, So. Dak. 24 November re turn 2Kth. Share expenses. Call 4-3060 LOST -Oold Eversharp pen on campus "Dodie" engraved at base of cap. Call Podle Xolcigar. 2-5332. Reward! FOR SALE--Tux, size 37, good $25. 3-435. new. LEAVING for Albion Can take two riders. Wednesday noon Fred, 5-6S)21. HOI.WAY "Indoor wejght" rorduroy snort shirts with double pockets in red, gold beige find brown. Beautiful material, well cut. with sturdy, reinforced seams. Only 7 5. AYr.HS 4 I-O'I HING STOKL 14O0 "if. 'CAHKIER wanted for Lincoln Theater. Applicants please phone 2-5305 lor pointnienu we see the college look c ontempora Ocarfs Foshion masterpieces designed by five celebrated rtists Unusual color Mendings and ex otic themes make these pure hand-rolled 6ilk scarfs the most distinctive gift of the year each scarf authenticated vith the artist's signature and gift-boxed vith his biography. P - As seen in MADEMOISELLE and the NEW YORKER 4c D PV iCQO r NECKWEAR Ar:i ti&m.jy "vJ, ilM v.-: jjf WW Tlie Most Original Gift Of The Season FIRST FLOOR MnLLLLLEM & IP A II M LE