The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1948, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Ar Students Display
Works in Morrill Hall
Michelangelo and Raphael may
not answer present to the roll call
at Morrill Hall, but a large group
of student artists will; for these
art students are now displaying
their works on the third floor of
that hall in the new student' gal
lery. Dwight Kirsch. head of the art
department, explained that the
JIiz (Daily VhbhaAkoui
Intercollegiate Press
SahM-rtptlon ralM arc fS.M P" trrmr-
Icr mailrd. or 3.IM) lr the course yar.
$4.fH mailed. Slnrle COPT ft- PnMHhul
dully during tlw whool year rierpt Mon
days Mid Saturday, vacation and ex
aninattnn prrtorfa, by the I'nlwrlty of
Nebraska under the supervision or the
ViibHenti.w Board. Entered aa Herood
f'laaa Matter at the Piwt Office In IJn
eoln. Nebraoka. under Act of Conncaa,
Marrh 3. IH7. and at aperlal raU of
pnstave provided for In aertlnn 1103. A"
lf October S, lftll, authortied September
10. Mi.
Mrht Vnrn Knitor Frtfa Slmpann
cW wJ
V. .i -g y "s" ''',
And he was mumbling, fj3z
For that price I could buy (SxF
and then he passed out ! " 1 yJrZS.
Marlboro's new Lounger Shirts with French cull
need no collar stays, cannot lose their roll and im- L '
prove with laundering. jSr
I Maribora SblrU, Simwi'f Street Tor CX
gallery was created so "instructors
and students can see all the class
work" and so "they can get a bet
ter concept oi what goes on in the
various art classes."
Projects now on display are
from classes in oil painting, anat
omy, lettering, perspective, ad
vanced composition, freshman
drawing and volume design.
Approximately seventy of these
student works present a colorful
and unusual spectacle. Some of
the oil paintings are drawn from
actual photographs, which are also
on display.
The volume design display is
made of wire and plaster of paris,
while an exercise in space real
ization is made of wire and colored
Student drawings illustrating
the use of dynamic symmetry
and sophomore and freshman
drawings representing varied art
forms are included in tne gaiiery,
Harris Speaks
On Advertising
At AIChE Meet
Lewis E. Harris, director of
Harris Laboratories in Lincoln,
was the speaker at the regular
AIChE meeting, Nov. 17. His topic
was "Advertising True or False."
Harris Criticizes Advertising.
Besides being an advertising
agency consultant, Harris is an
amateur advertising critic. Altho
the bulk o advertising is good,
certain companies resort to mis
leading representation, according
to Harris.
Tobacco companies are among
the worst offenders, and the multi-million
dollar cosmetic industry
is also guilty of misrepresentation,
Harris charged. He advised women
to buy the moderately priced cos
metics rather than the more ex
pensive varieties because the
added cost merely pays for the
brand name.
Agencies Combat Advertising.
Agencies which combat this
misleading advertising are the
Federal Trade commission and the
Food and Drug administration,
Harris stated
100 Per Cent Cooperation
Essential in Card Section
ft Iff a Ft . . I
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m(ool polo eveN with eye6
One snertacle chcerine studcnls
at football games do not get to see
is the colorful card section that
many of them help make possible
at each home game.
Mickle Gives Rules
According to Bill Mickle, Yell
King, the card section could be
more effective if those participat
ing in it would follow a few
simple rules during the half time
presentation. Mickle urges that,
when the person in charge oi ine
section gives the signal that ev
eryone in the card section count
in unison and on the count of
four, they raise their cards above
their heads. (The proper method
for holding the cards is pictured
in the above carton.) When the
riisnlav is finished, the signal will
be given to take the cards down.
Faculty Plan
Activity Boost
A new name and a better de
fined scope of activity are in the
offing for the Student Foundation.
Genene Mitchell, president of
the large student service group,
announced that members of the
Foundation executive council will
meet Monday with University of
ficials to offer programs and plans
for official approval.
Among suggestions offered by
the administrators is a new title
to replace Student Foundation.
Reason for this change is the con
fusion between the student group
and the University Foundation.
The meeting of the council and
the administrators will be a lun
cheon Monday noon in Ellen
Smith hall. University officials
who have been invited are Chan
cellor Gustavson, Dean Thomp
son, Dr. Rosenlof, Fritz Daily,
Mary Ellen Schroeder, Janet
Again, students should count in
unison and take the cards down at
the count of four.
After the last display has been
shown, persons seated in the card
section fire asked to pass their
cards to the north aisle where
Cobs and Tassles will collect
them for future use.
Filled Section Necessary
To make the card section 100
percent successful every seat in
that section must be filled. If at
any time there is a vacancy dur
ing the half in this section, stu
dents sitting in nearby seats are
asked to fill in until the card dis
play is finished.
This year the colorful Nebraska
band has added a special feature
playing appropriately named
songs with each display.
Nutzman, Sally Johnson, Peggy
Lawrie, Margo Nootz, Audrey
Flood, Elaine Krause, Sally
Holmes and Eugene Berg.
The meeting was also designed
to discuss all phases of Founda
tion work and plans so that they
could be done in better co-operation
with the University. The
move was intended to prevent
duplication of effort, and to in
sure University backing of all
Foundation projects.
Leaders Named
The UNESCO conference plan
ning committee named chairmen
of the pre-conference committee
at a meeting Friday.
Sue Allen has been appointed
chairman of all committees. Other
committee heads are: Mary Lou
Horstman, library reference; Gin
ny Koch, speakers; Martha De
Long, convocations; Neva Hutt
ner, campus correspondence; Jan
Nutzman, out-state correspond
pnee: Phvllis Cadwalladcr. fi-
nance, and Jerry Young, facilities.
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