I PAGE ' 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, Novemb'er 17. 1&8 EdiltOB'iGlll it JisL 0jcultf ThJbAaAkcuv Member Intercollegiate Press FORTY-SEVENTH fEAB Tlir Itnllj Nrfcratkan U published by the atudrnls of thr Cnlvrrnlty of Nctirnnka fti p&prrnsion uf tudtnts news and opinions only. According to article II of the By l-a.c Governing Mndrnl pulilicationii and admlniHtrml by the Hoard of Publications: is the declared policy of the Board that publications under its jurisdiction snaR be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board or on the part of any d ember of the faculty of the university; but iiiembers of the staff of The OaJly hebraikan are persotuULy respossible for what they say or do or cause to be printed." Niihscrtptlnn rates are per semester, S3. AO per semester mailed, or $3.00 for the eollPKe year. $4.00 mailed. Stnrie eopy 6c. Puhlithcd daily during the school year except Mnn'lpys and Katurriayft, vacations and examination periods, by the Dniversity of Nrbraiika under the supervision of the Publication Board. Knterrd as Second la Matter at the Post Office in Lincoln, Neliraoka. under Act of Congress. March S. 1873. and at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October t, II7. authorized 8etember 10. 1912. EDITORIAL STAFF F.ditor Jeanne Kerrigan Night News Kditor M. J. Melick Campus News In Brief that Mr. Max Meyer of the Ne- fAsIWasj Saying BY PAT NORDIN Mid-week small talk includes .those slap-happy students who sosh all week and there is a goodly number. In the center of the social circle is a lad mysteriously known as "Stryck-9" who spends many cok ing dates with Anita Volsky. And, rrnrntini? for emphasis, Leon Meddling With Meli'ck By M. J. braska Credit Bureau would be Becker is still giving L,ia nicnra guest speaker at the professional i a break. There will be a meeting of the Publicity and Hospitality com mittee Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p. m. in the employees' dining room at the Union. Contact Lee Best if you cannot attend. The Cosmopolitan Club will hold its weekly meeting Wednes day evening at 7:15 p. m. in room 316 Union. Mr. Vladimir from Czechoslovakia will speak to the group about his home country and during the business meeting several amendments will be made to the club's constitution. A meeting of Scabbard and Blade members and pledges will be held at 7.30 p. m. Wednesday night in the Cadet Officers' As sociation lounge. . Eugene Cody and Kenneth Vhitcomb were iormally pledged Monday at the business meeting of Delta Sigma Pi, professional commerce fraternity. This brings the total number of pledges for this semester up to twenty. dinner which will be held at the Union Monday, Nov. 22. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity!, will held its p. m. in the Union Wednesday. Don't forget to sign up your acts for the Union Talent Show this week between the hours of 12 to 1 and 4 to 5 o'clock. There will be Together and it's a good thing are Ernie Trevs and jacn eur- ley who were formally married according to the customs of the Dogspatch community at the Un ion party Saturday. Jerry Shulkin was a full-fledged witness to the the Student Branch A. S. C. E. Wednesday, Nov. 17, in R. 324 Avery Lab. at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Lewis E. Harris, director of Har ris Laboratories, will speak. His topic will be "Advertising True or False." Refreshments will be served. Cornhusker Countryman meet ceremony. Out for an afternoon stroll on nipnir ri.iv MnnHav were Leon a meeting of j anri Vanrr Davis talking over old times. Bob Diers was in terested at first floor Love library the same afternoon. "Play-girl" Davis is known for getting a fin ger in everything. The Theta Xi's are literally "burning candles at both ends" j preparing atmosphere for their big party Saturday. Already the cam- This week we're out to un earth some little known organi zations who are taking an active part in' campus life. These groups don't make front page news, but they are working hard and get ting an enthusiastic response from their membership. One of the outstanding organi zations in this category is the Rifle Club headed by Barbara Gardiner, president and Miss Betts, sponsor. W. A. A. pro gram under the auspices of the women's P. E. department. Some 70 girls signed up for a program of instruction by the ROTC. Membership this fall has sky rocketed to 114. Once a week these pals appear in blue jeans and cover-alls at the rifle range in the basement of Andrews hall. Shouldering their rifles not the pop gun variety they assume a prone position on mats in front of the range. From here on in it just "ain't" safe to be within a radius of 100 yards without a bullet-proof vest. Missies fly thick and fast at paper targets which are dimly visible we're near-sighted. Sgt. John Tovold Is the stout hearted soul who shows the mem bers which end the bullet comes out. He is aided by experts from Pershing Rifles nice work! Later this year when the fe male Daniel Boone's have had a little practice there will be a dual meet with Pershing Rifles. Tele graphic meets with other women's rifle teams is another hope of the not too distant future. Back in pre-war days the Uni versity was the proud possessor f one of the finest women's rifle teams in the country. If these sharpshooters keep firing away mere may again be a team worthy of note on ye old campus. ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the pus is a-buzz about the fancy in Countryman office. Ag Union. ', vites. And as for the French Kappa Alpha Mu meeting for costumes suggested ooh la la! , actives and pledges Thursday at Monday (was serenade night for 7 p. m. in basement of Burnett the Tau Delts. It was an amazed hall. j Shirley Ilahn who exclaimed, Sigma Delta Chi meeting Thurs- didn't know they could sing, tod.T day at 7 p. m. in Room 309, Bur- ; Pinnings nctt hal. 1 Dee Hartmann-Chuck McLaf- The D;iiv Ncbraslkan wihes to ferty conect its statement in Tuesday's Doris Levinson-Marty Ilaykin paper concerning Delta Sigma Psi.' ----7r-.-- Roger Larson, senior warden, was (That organization is a social fra- meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. chosen to represent the f rater-. ternity, not a soc ial business ad- in Brace laboratory. The group nity as their candidate lor Elig-I ministration fraternity. will v isit the studios of radio set- ible Bachelor. It was announced1 The Amateur Radio dub will tions KFAB and KFAB-FM. Czech Student Relates Origin Of International Student Day (Ed. Note) Lavko is a Checho slovakian student - who is study ing here. The following has been Jfcre's Real Shirt Value! 600 WHITE SHIRT So) (o)(o) v - .2 V V V ALL COLLAR rSgZi WiVs 51 T Ltd V These are all slight IRREGULARS ironj a mater cf quality shirts, fill are broadcloths and other fine shirtings in all the new collar styles, many with French cuffs. Many of these shirts were made to sell regularly lor twice this price. Neck sizes 14 to 17V2 Sleeve lengths 32 to 36 composed from information sup plied by him and is not a ver batim copy of hi.s4 story. No.. 17 will nidrk the fourth post war observance of Interna tional Student Day. Nazis Visit? Prague 1 It was on this day in 1939. that a Nazi SS division visited Praha (Prague) for the purpose of a tragic reprisal, resulting from the observance of the 21st anniver sary of the founding of Czecho slovakia on Oct. 28. In an effort to surpass celebration, German police killed Jan Opletal, 24-year-old student of Charles university in Praha. on Nov. 15, 2,000 students gath ered around ; the coffin of the dead student to escort the bier to the cemetery, but the Nazis would not allow an escort. They drove the students away with fixed bayonets and machine guns and dispersed them every time they attempted to reassemble. SS troops scoured the town on the following night, routing the students out of the dormitories. After overcoming a hopeless re sistance by students clad only in night clothes, they arrested 2,000 of the patriots. Nine of this number were ac- tries met again in 1946 in Prague for the purpose of organ izing the International Union of Students, choosing Nov. 17 as the Wate to begin their meeting and thus observing the first post-wir International Student Day. -'ofjitishifL Dear Editor: . The following naoe.was omitted from the Letterip column of Tues day, Nov. 16, in the i(rotest of the the i excessive price of the Military Ball tickets. R. J. NOSKY, President Theta Xi. DON SMITH, Alpha Gamma Rho. Husker Pepper Contest Opens The true Husker spirit is the prime qualification for a rally queen. Bill Mickle, yell king, an nounced today. The rally queen in question will be selected by joint action of the rally committee and a faculty sen ate committee from a list of nomi- cused by the Nazis as "ringlead- J nees submitted bv students. Any- ers." in insticaline an uprising i 1,141 j "miuw and being "pro-Bcnes" agitators and were executed by a firms squad. All Czech universities and colleges were ordered closed. . Met in London During the war, the allied youth delegates met in London and organized the World Youth Conference, accepting Nov. 17 is International Student Day. Held in London, the conference attrac ted 600 delegates from 62 coun tries, and lasted for 13 days. Representatives of the 62 coun- FRI. NOV. 19TH COLLEGE NIGHT at mmm I V.i, ... .r.'t- 1 I J Dancing 9 until 12 natcd. Qualifications are Cornhusker spirit, single status, and personal ity. There is no minimum average. The queen will be presented at the pre-Mizzou-game rally Fri day night. All contestants' names must be mailed to the Corn Cob Office, Room 307 of the Union, and post marked not later than midnight Thursday night. Ag.e& Plan Big 'Haydowii' Night Social spotlight on Ag campus this week-end will be focussed on the "Ag Haydown" Saturday. Fun is scheduled to take place in the Ag Union. The event is planned to be four fold: a hayrack ride, scheduled for 7:30 p. m.,; square dancing in the ballroom at 8:30 p.m.; together with colored movies of last year's Farmers Fair rodeo in the lounge room. Social dancing will be held in the recreation room through out the evening. 1; IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK! Ord r your Christmas cards NOW . while ou. stocks are still I complete. Card in unj m style or design,! In a wide price range, imprinted if desired. Couples Only A dm. l..0 per couple Tax Included CRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 No. 12th , 2-2857