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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1948)
Jt J PAGE 4 Iii Nebraska ... Swindler Sees Greener Pastures in Journalism Community newspapers of Ne braska can provide the "greener pastures" of journalism, Dr. W. F. Swindler, director of the School of Journalism advised Nebraska High School journalists Friday night. Speaking at the convention ban quet of the NHSPA, Swindler said that between 75 and 90 percent of the journalism graduates in the past three years have gone to work in Nebraska. ' -e had more offers than we . fill in the next five years i.u..i ictiring Nebraska newspapermen who want Nebraska journalism gradu ates," he added. Hits Big City Reporting. Directing his speech to those who were attracted by metropoli tan dailies, he threw cold water on the glamor of big-city report ing. "Community newspaper work offers excellent financial oppor tunities and a chance for the newspaperman to perform a real service to his community," he de clared, i Campus News In Brief Block and Bridle club will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 in Room 207, Animal Husbandry hall. Any Kosmet Klub worker de siring points should report at the Coliseum between 8-12 a. m. Tuesday to work on the back drop. There will be no Scabbard & Blade meeting held Wednesday night. Ag college YM-YW will not meet in the Home Ec parlors Tuesday night, but will meet in Room 301 Dairy Industry to listen to Dr. Everton speak on "aFith Through Action." The meeting will begin at 7:30. The following groups will have their pictures taken for the CORNIIUSKER at the West Stadium Tuesday night: 4 p. m., Sirs WW lf. sis! In a later speech, Dale Fahin bruch, university law student and former political reporter for the Lincoln Journal outlined the task of the successful political reporter. "First," he said, "you must give the man on the street, the voter, an accurate, full account of the men who would like to run his government." Honest Accounts. An honest account of political news, he continued, is the product of the reporter's ability to know thoroughly people from whom he obtains his news and to know himself well enough to prevent his personal prejudices from-coloring his reports. "Dogged determination and un tiring effort to get at the truth are two important attributes of a good reporter," he said. Jeretta Leu, York High School, acted as toastmistrcss for the banquet. Two one-act plays pre sented by .students of the experi mental theater provided entertain ment. ASCE; 4:30 p. m., Ag YMCA; 4:45, 4-H club. All persons interested in tak ing Red Cross first aid instruc tion will meet at 5 p. m. Thursday in Parlor A of the Union. Members of the Red Cross College Unit Operating board will meet at 7 p. m. Tuesday in Room 307 ofthe Union. This in cludes all officers, project chair men and committee members. The Publications group of the Student Foundation will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday in the Rag office of the Union. Everyone who has signed up for work on this com mittee, or those who are inter ested in signing up, are expected to attend. All Student Foundation work ers should report to the Founda tion office whenever they have free time to proofread student lists for the Student Directory. According to Peggie Lawrie, direc tory editor, they can work in Room 308 of the Union any morn ing or afternoon. There will be a noon luncheon for members of Sigma Delta Chi, .. X THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AIRWAVES By Katz. Do you have trouble eating crispy breakfast cereals every morning? Does your crispy crack ly breakfast cereal drive your hus band insane?. Then switch to noiseless Sally's Soggy Cereal. Guaranteed not to deafen you with the din of snapping, cracking and popping. Darrel Peter's speech 76 class is struggling through such com mercials for class assignments. It's radio and in radio everything goes, even commercials. Carmen! Tonight at 9 another Authors of me Ages production will go on the air with the familiar story of the gypsy temptress. Playing the gypsy is Jo Lewis and the dashing Don Jose will be played by Don Johannes, university theatre veteran. Other members of the cast include: Ccd Hartman as El Dancaire and Martinez; Bob Lundberg as the jailor; Frank Jacobs as Morales; Milt Hoffman as Zuniga and Garcia, and Mary Wenstrand as the woman. After seeing the movie "The Loves of Carmen" it will be interesting to see how the radio department's play treats the story. Have you heard the story about the old vent in the basemont? No, Rel igion in Life Week Book of Day for Tuesday "FOUNDATIONS OF RE CONSTRUCTION" by Elton Trucblood. He restates the Ten Commandments as the in dispensable conditions of world survival and reconstruction. journalism fraternity, Friday, Nov. 12. Admission will be 85 cents. Those who plan to attend must contact the Journalism office hi Burnett hall before noon Wednes day. Thi Sigma Iota will meet Wed nesday, Nov. 10, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 313 of the Union. Two Pa pers will be presented: "The Don Juan Theme" by Lois Kroehler and "The Gaucho Theater" by Marion Crook. There will be in itiation of new members. The Dance committee will meet in Room 316 of the Union at 7 p. m. Tuesday night. f U I I it sisn't a mystery story. It is merely a tribute to the ingenuity of the sound effects crew. They have converted an old vent run ning from the basement to the attic of the Temple building into an echo chamber. Another ingenious sound effect is the noise of footsteps crunching in the snow. This is done by gently squeezing a box of corn starch. Here is the sound effect of the week by CBS: the sound of an army of ants ma'rehing through the jungle. This was done by lightly rubbing piles of straw to gether! This week's Playwright's mati nee will be the story of a familiar sight back in the days when America was very young . . . The Yankee Peddler. Playwrights is on Thursday at 4:30 over KFOR. Sports announcing seems to be an up and coming field in the radio department. Paul Schupach is teaching a class of over 30 stu dents how to broadcast football games, play by play. Students ac tually got practical experience broadcasting the UCLA game and having it recorded on a wire re corder. The recorder is played back and students receive tips on how to do a better job at the games. Classified LOST Black leather notebook containing muea. lieorKf Ainin. aU-77Ml. WANTED by all men. Top and ovrreoat that combine quality material, sturdy cnnHtrnctlon, smart look. Water repell ant, tip-lined gabardine and coverts. AVKRS CJXTHIN, 1400 "O". KKWARD for lost T.K.E. pin Kessel, 6-4SS6. J. G. KOR SALE condition, viile. -'40 Chev. Mut sell. Convert. Good 1069 B Husker- LOST Calculus and Nebraska notebook. Call 2-2!83. Dick Thomas. KOR SALE 3.rimm Mercury 11 camera .r0.00. Tel. 3-2825. FOR SALE '3 Ford club coupe. Rood condition. RAH, new tires. Call 8-8715 after S p .in. BUY CIGARETTES WHOLESALE AND SAVE UP TO 40c PER CARTON on all popular brands! Mailed direct-to-you Factory freah! Send only One Dollar for Membership Purchase pri vilege, Price List and Order Form. Address. SMOKERS CLUB. PEPT. D-75. PARK PLACE STATION, HOUS TON, TEXAS. Yes, Camels are so mild that a nationwide 30-day test of hundreds of smokers revealed not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels! The people in this test both men and women smoked Camels exclusively for 30 consecutive days. Smoked an average of one to two packages of Camels a day. Each week their throats were ex amined by noted throat specialists a total of 2470 exacting examinations. From Coast to Coast, these throat specialists reported NO THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS! - Iour uT J.'fe Tuesday, November 9, 1948 Phalanx will meet Tuesday at 7:30 in the Armory for formal pledging. All actives and pledges are required to attend. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "The Loves of Car men," 1:18, 3:22, 5:26, 7:30, 9:37. VARSITY: "Northwest Stam pede." IIUSKER: "Mating of Millie," 1:00, 7:26, 10:30. "Fuller Brush Man," 2:31, 5:42, 8:57. SBEEL mm" Iff RCBUMOOM i. IP n Added Color Cartoan "Hollywood Ilonori Henholt" Late Ntwi Starts Today! Northwest Stampede Filmed In Color Filmed amid the breathtaking grandeur of the mightiest peaks of our continent with Joan Leslie James Craig: Jack Oakie Added Latest World News RED SKELT0N IN "FULLER BRUSH MAN" DOORS OPEN 12:45 CO-HIT GLENN FORD n THE MATING OF MILLIE" 25 nix 6 P.M. -v;"iy test I1AYWORTH HCUitn FORD :' 1- a o4