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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1948)
CP50ErT4 Wednesday, November 3, 1948 Another Queen? Is your hair lank, lusterless and suffering from the effects of frequent dunking in the Lin coln sheep-dip? Do you lack charm, poise, beauty, even teeth, or even teeth? In spite of these deficiencies you have a chance to be a Queen. According to Bill Mickle, yell king, a queen will be chosen at the Kansas State rally, Thursday evening in front of the Union. There are no spe cial qualifications for the honor and, as Bill says. MYou may be the one!" if you come to the rally. Journalists Cover Polls for Radio Sixty-seven students from the University School of Journalism covered the local polls Tuesday evening for Lincoln's three radio stations. Under special permission -from Raymond H. Frohn, election commissioner, radios and news papers were allowed to give complete coverage at the polling places. Instructors in the School of Journalism obtained permission from KOLN, KFAB and KFOR to assign students to the polls of 21 precincts to report local un official incomplete results to the stations for broadcasting. Weir Calls Trackmen Track Coach Ed Weir an nounced that all freshmen distance runners should re port tonight between 4 and 6 p. m. at the Field House for time trials. The trials will de termine who will be entered In the conference postal meet. Weir also announced that all varsity trackmen must report to him some time this week be tween 4 and 6 p. m. at the Field House. Varsity tryouts will be held at 4:30 Friday afternoon In preparation for the meet Saturday with Kan sas State. YM to Discuss Forum Tonight An All-Membership meeting of the university YMCA will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the Temple building. Business of the meeting in cludes planning for the Nov. 17 forum. TAKE YOUR 33 The low fares s-t-r-e-t-c-h your allowance On Thanksgiving trips visits home, football jaunts, or other col lege events Greyhound offers more for your travel dollar . . . more enjoyment, more comfort, 'more scenery, more tavingt! Ask your Greyhound Agent for com plete travel information iarany trip. GET THE GANG TOGETHERI Charter a Greyhound but. Have fun all the way. Arrange your oum tcbedttle rates art even lower! TYPICAL LOW FARES Denver $9.10 Salt Lake City .... 18.70 Portland 29.70 Chicago 9.65 New York City 20.75 GREYHOUND LEADS IN COURTESY! ii. W. WILSON Union Bus Depot J20 South 13 2-WJ1 Noted Cellist to Appear VJith Symphony in Union , Child prodegy, composer, ar tist: all describe the gifted cel list, Dimitry, Markevitch, ap pearing with the University Symphony orchestra at 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21, in the Union ballroom. Markevitch began his concert career in Europe at the age of 15, touring France, Switzerland and Holland. On advice of teach ers, he came to the United States. Born in 1923 in Switzerland, the gifted cellist is a youthful 25. Dimitry was only six when, in Paris, he started playing the cello. He was given a little cello, one-half-size, which he fondly called his "litle demon" because of its very light color. Dimitry's grandfather, Ivan Politonov, of a noted Cossack family, was one of Russia's great painters. The boy's father, Boris Markevitch, was one of the coun try's most celebrated concert pianists and his mother, Zioa Markevitch, is one of France's best known writers of children's stories. His brother, Igor, one of Europe's best known compos ers and conductors, is now ap pearing as a guest conductor in Europe and in South America. These family accomplishments all provide a more than adequate background for Markevitch. Tickets may be secured Mon day, Nov. 8, either in the School of Music office or the Union of fice. Admission is free. if c , . t -J Dimitry Markevitch All students interested in an all campus weight lifting and physique contest are urged to contact Bob Iliggins in the weight room of the coliseum or to call 3-5126 evenings. There will be six body weight classes and three stand ard lifts for the weight con test. Further details will be re leased at a latter date. Classified CONVERTIBLE-Sharp 1946 Fori 1300 tn tra. l.aO. 6-4M4, 34MM WANtKl5-8tenn:riipher for part time work in law otflce.' 2-7113, &3 Stuart FOR SALE New 149 Mercury conver tible, 148 Ford station wagon, 1946 Ford coup and 1946 Hurley Invidon motorcycle. Contact Jim at Regenta BookMore. LOST Alpha Slkma Phi rln. Reward! Call Uty. Becord. 8-4430. LOST Blue aray gabardine Jacket from Student Union. Btiirtent ueeda It badly. Charles Gcller. 2-76M. FOR SALFMnJostlc 48 basa in no ao Mrrilnn Write 1.'.23 "O". Apt. 1. BUY CIOARKTTKS WHOLF.SALK AMJ SAVK UP TO 40c FKR CARTON ou all popu'nr brands! Mailed dlrect-to-yoti Factory fresh! tend only One Dollar for Membership Purchase lrl vllece. Price I.I and Order 1-orm Address. SMOKK.RS CU'B PKPT D-75, PARK PLACE STATION. HOI h TON, TKXAS. coupe, jrond Call 5-S74." FOR SALE '38 Ford club condition. RH, new tires. after 5 P .m. TTXK.nOS; M9.S0. Complete selection ol well-cut. ainoothh -drained IiivmWw. t.y eeptlonally fine material. An niilstiuid Ini bny. Complete Mock of '""''" and formal acccnsorles. Ayr Clothing, 1400 O. LOST: 2-strand pink Prills Monday noon. Call Ruth Ppurneim. 2-1107. NEW Muskrnt cent, size II RPESCEr. Mono-Ill lirosrope tion. Two swell 6-3438. Cull 6-3MS. "uiwul conHi- 6u0s 16 tiica. Call XMAS CARDS ITS TIME TO ORDER Personalized Christmas Cards Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open Thurs. to 9 IM riayoff Game Wednesday. Delta Tau Delta vs. Sigma Nu. Lilies vs. Inter-varsity. Thursday. Beta Theta Pi. vs. Delta Upsi lon (first). Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Tau Delta or Sigma Nu (fifth). Alpha Tau Omega vs. Beta Sigma Psi (third). Suited .lt.on.1- 11 n. 10 loo Stf" L.1 xrrz:. , GRAVES PRINTING CO. 321 No. 12th Mail Orders Filled The team's coming! learn how you tan "Win your wingi" and an Important $4000-a-yar atitgnmantl Armory Building Nov. 9, 10 b 11 We see the college look . . . Quilted and comfy slippers styled after your favorite out loor shoes . . . comfortable companions for tommy coats. r.-ftsfr.--:n M. iV mm $6 CLEO . . . Criss-cross sandal for swish robes and sets. In Black, Wine or White satin. it i .. f if J? 550 POW-WOW . . . your favorite moccasin styled for lounging. Tn Red, Blue, or Sand Vtlvafelt. 450 QUILTIE . . . Soft quilted ballet slipper for late-night study ing. In Blue, Wine or Black satin. Shoes . . . Fashion Floor . . . Second fTliLLER I PA 1 n E ! 1 Lotu