The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1948, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
Tuesday, October 19, 1948 PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v pi ft Q I s -w Ah I I - Hi Mi -V -'Us, n-tr-,- J-' NU BAND IS ON PARADE as rally held the night before the The colorful Husker band added much to the biggest rally so far this year. Next appearance for the band on the campus will be for the Homecoming Rally, Oct. 29. Bookstore (Continued from Tagc leased. Dick Schleusencr presided for the Council committee, composed of Fred Chad, Paul Wcltcheck, Bob Wallace, Jeanne Kerrigan and Louise McDilL Following are the recommenda tions: We. representative students of the Uni versity nf Nebraska, dn tserebv suhnnt the jinnciplt-s of uperatmn whicM we be lieve shouM be f'lll.nved in the operation of the University of Nebraska Kepent's Bookstore, in order that books iind sup plies may made availatde at a fair and reasonable price : 1 The University of Nebraska Re pent's BiHtkstore Hhall be so operated as be a non-profit enterprise. 2. Kffertive January 1, the name f.f the University of Nebraska Helm's Bookstore shall be cIi:iiil'pI to "The Uni versity of Nebraska Ileent's Non-Troftt Book "stor." 3. PROFIT shall be defined as the Tiet balance between the pr-ss sales of books and supplies, and the cost of opera tion of the Bookstoie: the cost of opera tion interpreted to Include not only the initial cost of books and supplus to ti.e Bookstore, bm also such it mis as man agerial sala r . v aires to employes, and a reasonable amount fr utilities and rent, i 4 The responsibility of the Bok store ihah he to make every effort to provide f : ? V J: !(. I ,. ' J i i Hi ii ii'iiiiiamiiiuj iii ui rrrini unimin i iiii w jj 'Jgiy!&&VX&& students Notre follow in gigantic street Dame-Nebraska contest. the best market tor all books that have been used at the University of Nebraska during; the previous semester. 5. In the event that the Bookstore, at the end of a fiscal year, shall return a pro! it to University funds, the Admin istration bail take such steps as will, in thfir ln-st judgment, reduce the profit of the Bouks'ore to the oint where it will be a non-profit business enterprise. 6. In the event that the Bookstore, at the end of a fiscal year, shall report oss in operation, the Administrat ion shall take such steps as will, in their best judgment, increase the profit of the Bookstore to the point where it will incurr no tor the following year's operation. 7. On or before Mav 15 of each cal endar school year, the Administration shall publish in the I a 1 1 y Nebraskan a full and complete notarized report of the financial status of the Bookstore from tlie pit-vious year. 8. Included with the report of tht Administration on the tinamial status the Bookstore shall he a full copy ul tins set of principles of operation of the Book store. Ass(trtmrnts anil All-Alike. For Signing or Imprinting Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street I XMAS CARDS 1 L m s" " I , i 1 f L--1 j p-- j UOLMllU U w i . ( - r- "ri I - 2 hits 2 : j j I Rubinoff I georgeraft i ( I I UA11W ( WILLIAM BENDIX i ' I I j ( MARILYN MAXWELL ; I v:51 ms Violin 1 .I ) Z s5.d b, I "BEST MAN WINS" , , ' A l daptrd from a ; J Mark Twln Story ( ' f I The Lincoln Junior ) ( f v Chamber of Commerce IB lSJj v 4 now : ' '''"f V III Th Yr-i Bt riclure ; ; f..r ! WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 ( JJ : j - O.ljr. I i d u dirt-ana smw I I ( : -: :M i i 'i CFJUFAISER 1 ' . I Student and Faculty Tickets, 75c (Tax Inc.) j I -JJ ' ulir U " ' ) TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT STUDENT I MON OFFICE 3 I M0NJlnH 2 i I "California Firebrand" ! T Campus News In Brief Following is a list of students whose addresses have not been obtained by the Student Founda tion for the Student Directory to be published soon. It is impera tive that these students contact Nancy Porter or Gloria Pinney, 2-3287, before Friday at 5 p. m. if they wish to be in the Direc tory. HaKSart, Richard Hall. Donald Hamilton, John Hansen, Roper Henderson, Gerald Herman. Alhert Hewit. William Hihberd. Wilbur Hill. Kulph Hinman. Arthur Hoemann, Ednar Harding, Kenneth Hnuser, Raymond Hayden, Klva Hays, Byron Heritors. William Hrouda. Robert HlKhes, Keith HiiKhes. Warren Hunt. Puane CTwens. Robert Dverturf. Charles Otto, Durel Ostlund. Arnold Osterpard. Wooilrow Onjjstead, Onaiie WalKren. Betty VValkenhorfl. Hale Walker. William Ward, James Walkins, Velma Weaver, John Webe.-, Paul lleilman, June V. Kuneneweiso, rrecieniK M:irilvn Wells. John S. llnllidnv. l.urille Whalen, Richard HolliiiK. William Whitman, Pean Holm. Paul WIlM-rg. Elcanore Hoover. Harold Willey, Tercy Hosfield. Joan Yost, Arlo Hovt. John Youns. Marlon J. s I Hoyt. John!. MrlnJ. T7f71 pf.n7 : xl YES, here is a cigarette so tnild that, in a total of 2i70 exacting throat examinations of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels exclusively for 30 consecutive days, throat specialists found not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels. Why are Camels SO mild? Choice tobaccos-infinite care in their ageing-plus matchless blending to bring you a full, rich flavor and a cool mildness that says "Camels," and only Camels! But prove it yourself in YOUR "T-Zone"-T for Taste and T for Throat. Make the Camel 30-Day Test with our money-back guarantee! JcnetJ-&iacA- fGuaianlc : Make 30-day Camel test younelf. a If, at any time during these 30 days, you are not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette you have erer smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund your full purchase price, plus pMtage. This offer is good for 90 days from this date. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Chi will p. m. in meet Roo: MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Good Sam," 1:00, 3:02 5:15, 7:24, 9:38. VARSITY: "Race Street," 1:18, 4:27, 7:18, 10:08. "Best Man Wins," 2:44, 5:53, 8:44. HUSKER: "I Remember Mama," 2:05, 5:39, 9:13. "Cali fornia Firebrand," 1:00, 4:34, 8:08. Starts Tomorrow The West's Greatest Story f ' I f 1 I I III- Sigma Delta Wednesday at 5 309 Burnett hall. II : . i II rr j D. II 1 wnn i ? I Montgomery Clift Joanne ty I rkl C4 i