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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1948)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 7T Friday, October 15, 1948 tV ME Clinical Society To Meet Oct. 25 The Omaha Mid-West Clinical society opens its meeting Monday, Oct. 25. Several papers will be read and motion pictures on heart and kidney diseases in addition to several others will be shown. Numerous exhibits from the vari ous pharmaceutical houses and manufacturing companies will be there. Of extreme interest will be sev- eral exhibitions based on new work which will be presented on the north side rooms in the mez zanine of the Paxton. The De- partment of Opthalmology at the university will present an exhibit on early diagnosis of Glaucoma and its relation to prognosis. Dr. John S. Latta, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Dr. Stanley M. Bach, Resident in Orthopedic Surgery are present ing evidence of the relation of Estrogen Stimulation to Bone Growth. To Show Many Exhibits Other exhibits from the mem bers of the University staff are Stab Wound of the Heart, Dr. Maine C. Andersen, Dr. J. Dewey Bisgard, and Dr. Donald R. Jack son, Department of Medicine and Surgery; Culdoscopy, Dr. Harley E. Anderson and Dr. William L. Rumbolz, Department of Ob stetrics and Gynecology; Clinical Applications oof Radioisotopes, Dr. Howard B. Hunt, Dr. Ralph C. Moore. Dr. Caprcs Hatchett, and Dr. Stanley Pcdersen, Department of Radiology; Carcinoma of the Uterus-Radiotherapeutic Manage ment. Dr. Howard B. Hunt, Dr. Ralph C. Moore, and Dr. Robert M. Coleman. Department of Ra diology; Gastrict Deformities- of Extrinsic Etiology, Dr. Ralph C. Moore. Dr. Hooward B. Hunt, and Dr. Charles Gass, Department of Radiology; and Cystic Disease of the Breast, Dr. John R. Schenken of the Department of Pathology and Dr. .F. C. Coleman of Mercy Hospital, Dcs Moines, la. rrosr&m to Last Through Thursday The program is planned to last Monday through Thursday. In addition to the strictly meidcal discussions a special feature of this meeting will be a Round Table Discussion Friday on the Docotr in Court. Thusrday afternoon another special feature will be the pres ence of Steven M. Spencer, Asso ciate Editor, The Saturday Eve ning Post. Mr. Spencer will dis cuss the topic, "A Science Writer Looks at Medicine." P formerly wrote for th Omaha World-Her ald and is a graduate of the Uni versity pf Omaha. Classified FOR SALK 1948 Harley Davidson 45. S.ftOO mllea. Cull Wayne Bath, 2-25RJ. BALLROOM DANCING Expert private instruction!. Nellie Speklell Studio, 2.05 Royal Court. Call 3-462. DOORMKN und Ushera ;ecdcd at Nebraska Theatre. leraona! applications only. Mr. Shire until 4:30. Mr. Thompson after 4:3(1. FOR al 14136 Chevrolet. S-43. 1270.00. Call B Flat Trumpet, excellent condition $45. BlriK. 321 R Huskervllle. Phone 60-877J. Students to Uncover Elephant Skeletons in U Street Cellars Everyone's heard of the skele tons in closets, but it's not often you come across one in a cellar, especially if it belongs to a 50, 000 year old mammoth. Beneath two houses on "U" street between 14th and 16th streets are two elephant skele tons discovered when furnaces were being installed nearly 40 years ago. They couldn't be re moved then without damaging the houses, but the university now owns the land and Jthe houses are being torn down. Students in the paleontology classes will get practical experi ence by uncovering the skele tons under the direction of Dr. C. B. Schultz, director of the mu seum; W. D. Frankforter, as sistant curator of paleontology; and Henry Ryder, chief prepara tor of the museum. "We don't know what we're go ing to get," said Dr. Schultz. "In 1909 they were fine prospects, but since then a great deal of other material has been discovered, so unless they are something unus ual they will not be important." Eyder Uncovers Tusk Tuesday Mr. Ryder began re moving debris and uncovered one tusk at the house at 1520 "U." He uncovered the plaster which the late Dr. E. H. Barbour, then di rector of the museum and head of the geology department, had placed over the exposed bones, it is dated 1909. Perhaps the better of the two specimens is under the house at 1458 "U," which has not been completely torn down. Enough of this skeleton was uncovered so that it was thought to be one of, the largest in the state at that time. ROOM to rent: 2129 Kurlid. 1 or 2 boy. Call 1-3593, FOR sain ReminRton Portable typewriter. Like new. $70. Paul Kugler, 1439 S at. 2-3S37. '41 DKSOTO. Custom 4 door sedan. R H. Had excellent care. Priced to ell. Bat- ann. 1439 S St. 2-3R37. FOR SALE 1933 Chev. Recently over hauled. Good condition. (LS5.00. Call Tom Loisel , 2-7764, LOST-somewhere on campus, brown wallet containiiic $11.00, car title, driver li cense, identification inside. Reward! LOST: Phi Mil Alpha Sinfonia pin. Gor don Flood. Fhorie 2-1137. Reward! LOST Black billfold, L.P.R. Contaim Important papers, day, across from imook. Rev. Nutt, Methodist Phone 2-3117. on back. Loat Tues- Reward! Notify Student House, FOR sale. I!t36 Oldsmobile convertible. Brand new top, raUo. and heater. Motor newly overhauled. Price 30. Call at 1611 Q. Apt. 2, between 6-7 p. m. WiVTrn" r.nmi'Mt near 1M8 "S". Please call John Krust 2-4433 or Herb Jarkman 2-2340. JUST compensation mill be piven to per sons Riving information leading to Identi fication of midnieht vandala who moved red door from ATO house to Antelope Park. Contact Kokjer at BU Hobs or Thoene at Fhi cam riouse, tne irsm representatives thereof. This is an mnie of what the Fraternity Relief Association raft do for you when you are destitute too. VOI 'IX eajny wrarin a n seaV or krllv pwa ail wool .wr pw -rmrt nnttona. French enffs. Olnvrr sMrta arc nmfrtabln, ik4 a4 FIT Aver CintMac, ! "O". FOR. SALK '28 Chevrolet coui, excellent condition, overhauled one month ajro, must sell fast, leaving town. Call 4-1798 after 7 p. m. AB SITTKR for football Annies. Taken care of in my own home. Cull 5-573. I.1KT Pair of shoes on the east mall after football eimf Friday nipht. Call Paul Versrh at Z-4K72. Hewaru FOR SALK B flat clarinet. Excellent con- diUon. Call Joyoe ArmatronK, 2-3371. ' . '.1- - - . i- ; . Jf i :. r 0 ; i V Rubirioff and His Violin Sponsored by The Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce WEDNESDAY. OCT. 20 3:15 P.M. L Fivkl'i MeUbodlst Church Student and Faculty Tickets, 75c (Tos Inc.) TICKETS NOW ON SALK AT STUDENT UNION OTTICB Your College Gotlting Store s:' h : Si'' I- ' (r" , - Yi-" - - V . '- f 5 i 1 , t "' $ - i i fit it,-, afciaTiiiliiir'iTf r J . HOUR pflNCES RRE GOBS OF FUN . . . witness the happy people pictured by Ma?ee's today I Betty flasen, popular cheer leader and George Finkerlon. a busy Corn Cob pledge trip the light fantastic, find gals, take a gander at Betty' smart windowpane plaid dress. But smooth! ... and irom Magee's. of course. For campus. n hour dandn' or just loan youll find the right dothes at Magee's. ' MAGEE'S Third Floor