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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 1, 1948 Coll-Agri-Fun Show Slated For November Hidden talent will be revealed at Ag again this year with the presentation of the Coll-Agri Fun Night. The date for the event has been set for Nov. 6, according to Gale Erlewine, manager of Coll-Agri- board. Organized houses and other groups will be represented in the various skits and curtain acts which make up the show. The or ganiaztion giving the best per formance of the evening will gain possession of the coveted first prize cup. Members of the Coll-Agri board includes Gale Erlewine, manager; Ruth Swanson, assistant manager: Connie Crosbie, secretary; and Neal Baxter, treasurer. Dairy Judging TeamCompetes In Iotva Meet Members of the Ag College Dairy Judging team will leave Saturday for Waterloo, la., where Intercollegiate dairy judging con test. R. G. Fossland, team coach, an nounced that Stan Lux, Phil Gra bowski, Bob Epp, and Glen Clay baugh will make the trip. The team is picked from outstanding men In dairy courses 8 and 9. The judging contest this year is being held in conjunction with the National Dairy Cattle Congress, which will be held Oct. 4-10. This show, which is the na tional convention for the five ma- Ag Faculty to Play Host to Students Annual Mudeiit- acuity necepuon Scheduled for 8 p. m. Saturday jor dairy breeds except Jerseys, will afford the students an op portunity to see the best herd of the various breeds in the country and also to get acquainted with prominent dairy breeders and judges from various parts of the United States. Between 15 and 25 teams are expected from as many colleges for the contest. Prizes offered by the different breed associations for the high man, high team and coach in clude: model cows, imported Swiss bells, trophies, pen and pencil sets and overnight bags. To give the students an incen tive to become as proficient in judging as possible, even though on the team, one of the four mem bers will be named as alternate shortly before the contest. pedagogic manners Saturday night when they turn out to welcome all newcomers to the campus. Fes tivities are slated to begin at 8 p. m. in the College Activities building. Unique in nature, the mixer is an annual affair, and is sponsored entirely bv the faculty on the campus. Ag college is the only one which offers such an oppor tunity for students and instruc tors to tret acauainted. Other prominent personalities on campus will be on hand to greet students. Special guests Saturday night will include Dr. and Mrs. Carl Borgmann, Dean and Mrs. T. J. Thompson, Dean Marjorie Johnston, and the Board of Regents. UtW ) AKyf' y0 J:i I ,r v 1 ? '! ntr mJL i r )j t I vr?,V'-v I '. J , fat ' v? Ji x i SwlJtdiaihA Bermuda's fall collection to switch in fickle fashion with euits and skirts. In fthort 6leeve or long, cardiagan or pull over. 450 1095 Maur Maize Tapeslry Pink Green Jade While Aqua Grey Blue Black Sportswear Fashion Floor . . . Second moil UUQ1L PA! HE The receiving line- is scheduled to' form at 8 p. m. in the union lounge. At 8:30, Gay Feistner will commence playing in the auditor ium for those who care to dance.' Games will be set up downstairs, and the Ag Union Dell will be open to facilitate attendants. The paity will be climaxed with the serving of refreshments. Chairman of the party is P. A. Downs. Committee chairmen are Miss Gladys Ruby and L. B. Sny der. Sub-committee chairmen in clude C. E. Rosenquist, E. G. Max well, J. D. Swington, Miss Jose phine Brooks, Miss Bess Steele, and C. C. Minteer. Cosmopolitan Club Holds First Party All foreign and American stu dents are invited to attend the first fall get-together-of the Uni versity of Nebraska Cosmopoli tan club at 8 p. m. Sunday in par lors X, Y, and Z of the Student Union. Interpretation of the latest south-of-the-border hits will be given by a Latin-American combo and Mrs. Ginny Pierce will sing. Admission per person will be 25 cents. Note to Ag Frosh To all new Ag Students: As an upperclassman and a friend, I feel It my duty to warn you about a few things in conjunction with the ap proaching Farmers Formal, which is to be held next Fri day. For one thing, you had bet ter send home for your den ims and cottons as soon as possible, for anything remotely resembling "city duds" will be definitely out of place at the dance. You better start saving your shekels immediately, for the tickets will soon go on sale, and you'll want to get yours early only two dollars. What's more you better line up that favorite gal pretty sudden, be cause they won't last forever. 'Muff said. TONIGHT f y i j COLLEGE NIGHT mm Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tax Included