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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1948)
PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, September 24, 1948 Husker Band to Present Six Formations Saturday uuuivi'in'ini'''i' j kf" vvtt X 4 i A it a tJt w J 1 7 AcfJKlMt BAND PLANNING Don Lenta, director of the university pep band, and Drum Major Walt Davis get together and work on a routine for the oand to present at a halftime during a Nebraska game. On the slate for the Iowa State game is a special "good luck" formation. With the advent of the football season, students can once again expect to see all the color and precision marching of the famous university R.O.T.C. band, directed by Don Lentz and led by Drum Major Walt Davis. Varied Formations Presented. The Scarlet and Cream 106 piece marching unit will present an unusually varied six formation show Saturday. Included will be an Iowa State tribute directed to the Iowa rooters. Then the band will go into its good luck theme. The first formation will be a huge L-U-C-K, while the band plays "A Great Day." Then the members will place their hats on the ground in formation, while they superimpose upon it; first a huge four leaf clover, then a horseshoe, and finally a lucky pair of dice. The band will then go back to the L-U-C-K forma tion, pick up their hats, and pre sent their final tribute to Dad in an unusually slanted letter for mation, playing "The Man I Love." These formations will only take about 15 minutes of the time be tween halves. But this short amount of time that the drill takes represents many hours of co-operation between each band member and his director, as well as many months of developing an idea. Gamma Lambda Discusses Theme. After being suggested to Di rector Lentz or Drum Major Davis, a theme is talked over with the members of Gamba Lambda, Nebraska's national band fraternity. Then it is mapped out on a cardboard football field made to scale to the real football field. Here Band President Dar win Fredricson, past President Jack Snider, Gambda Lambda prexy Kent Tiller and other band officers are called in to help map out the drills, suggest ideas and music and generally contribute their experience toward success of the band. L T i ' ' ' i 0 f These trophies on display in the new P.E. building will be award ed to wincrs of various intramural sports. The coveted Jack Best trophy will be given to best all around organization in IM ath letic competition. In 1943, an article appeared in the Daily Nebraskan which began: "Sigma Alpha Epsilon house, no longer a fraternity, now bears the sign 'Panhellenic House.' " The house was being used at that time to quarter upperclass girls who were going through rush week. TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT AT FREE RESERVATIONS COUPLES ONLY Adm. Only 3.50 Per Couple Tax Included 1 r II 3 Optimistic Note Sounded at End OfSehoolWcek BY LEE HARRIS. The school year is in full swing with one full week under the belts of ihe better than 10, 000 U.N. students. So far this year the "poor" student seems to have become the forgotten part of the university, at least this fact appears to be so on first sight. As if the lines of registration were not enough along with the task of fighting through the bookstore crowds to downhearten the average student, he now finds that someone has decided last year's seats at the football game are too good for him. So this year he will sit in the balcony away from the congested areas around the 50-yard line and view the football games from the clouds. On top of this, mind you, the "poor" student has had to con tend with first week assignments that after a three month layoff seem like giant killers. Well, the first week is over and after Saturday the school year will be old stuff. To those who are already tired, disgusted, and out of sorts don't feel bad, things might get worse. Rcligius Groups Continued from Page l can Unitarian Youth will be in troduced. Christian. The Christian students will find Indian atmosphere at the First Christian church, 16th and K street at 7:30 toiught. Refresh ments and recreation, of Indian nature, will be in order. Sunday, Sept. 26, Miss Ruth Shinn, executive secretary of the Y.W.C.A. will speak to the Uni versity and Business Fellowship at First Christian church. The meeting will begin at 5:00. "Friendly Hour" at Cotner House, 1237 R street, will be held from 4 to 6 p. m, on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Missouri Synod Lutheran stu dents and friends are invited to attend the Gamma Delta get acquainted party tonight at 8 p. m. in the Temple building, ac cording to Harlan Echtcnkamp, president. Jean Fenster is in charge of entertainment, and Mrs. Erck is in charge of re freshments, assisted by Gamma Delta alumi. Lutheran Chapel service will b conducted on the campus at 10:45 a. m. Sunday in room 315 in the Union. Rev. H. Erck, uni versity Lutheran pastor, will pre side at the service and will speak on the topic: "The proper rela tionship of husband and wife." Harold Gloystcin will accom pany the hymns, and Myra Hauge will be soloist. " Ticket Sellers Vie for Honors Who will reign as Honorary Producer of the University The ater? That's the question the , cam pus is asking as organized houses round the first turn of the ticket-selling race. Although, it's too early to predict winners or name leaders "in the campaign, its has been rumored in ticket selling circles that one fraternity has already passed the half-century mark is sales. However, according to theatre officials, it's still a wide open af fair. This is mainly due to the lack of coverage of certain dis tricts and people. Because of this lack of cover age, the University Theatre will periodically relay sales' tips and hints to the Rag for publication. Today's salestips: The faculty and Lincoln's business and residential districts have not been receiving ample sales coverage! All organized houses should select immediately and in the name of their Honorary -Producer candidates to the Uni versity Theatre business office. HALF PRICE (Oddiit Endt in Stationery) Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street r '-rJvM v$ of 4. i ! t ' s r -" -''."Ik. C - n . .v' -.. I f f v A 4 " t " ' ' - is N ' it 'it V ; fV vV ? iS . i V'v PREVIEW OF TOMORROW . . . Carter "Spike" Kokjer. Interfraternity Council bigwig and Beth Wilson. Magee's College Committee member take a look at the seats they'll occupy at the Iowa State game. Beth's dressed smartly in a Jaunty Jr. suit from Magee's Third Floor while "Spike" wears a new tweed sport coat with grey flannel slacks from Magee's Second Floor. MAGEPS Third Floor MAGEE'S Second Floor Dancin" 9 Until 12