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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1948)
PAGE 4 XewLife for LincolnTraction Co. As Ag 'Wheels' Rotate Once Mo While some groan, some jump with glee, and stock in the Lin coln Trartion company spurts up ten points, Ag college rolls up the curtain on another school year. And right on stage we find some of the same characters that we left there last spring, plus a few new ones. For the benefit of the latter, this will serve to introduce a few of the "wheels" and what have you. Trusting that you have all been informed as to the N. U. definition of "Innocent" and Loeffel Hamilton "Mortar Board," (if not, ask a Corn Cob worker) we will begin with seven who represent these honored organizations at Ag Ladiea First. Ladies first, and we introduce Jo Kellenbarger, secretary of the J X ... ..eordaY B o- .seems i Tieman Osier Mortar Boards. The busy little red-head is also active in Tas sels, women's pep organization, Y.W.C.A., Co-ed Counselors, Thi U, and A. U. F. Lillian Lock is president of the Home Ec club, vice president of Ag Exec and Y.W.C.A., and member of Phi U. Lois Thorfinnson is president of Y.W.C.A. and Home Ec editor of the Cornhusker Countryman. She is also a Phi U member and an A. U. F. worker. On the men's side. Bob Hamil ton is president of the Block and Bridle club and Corncobs, active in Tri-K, and Alpha Phi Omega. Frank. Loeffel. is. treasurer, of Corncobs, also sees duty in Tri-K, Block and Bridle, Alpha Zeta. and Student Union Board. John Osier is president of the Ag Exec Board in addition to membership in i V In the Telephone business ...for 21 years! "It may seem like a long time to you . . . but to me it's just like yesterday that I started. "Guess that's because it's always been interesting . . . always so many phases of the business to learn... always something different and vital to do. "Right now I'm one of 125,000 men and women who have been in telephony for 21 years or more. They call us the 'Telephone Pioneers of America.' "I've seen the telephone industry come a long way Improving methods, developing new means of com munications, constantly growing. But in many fields we've hardly scratched the surface; we're still pioneer ing. The future is full of challenges, and opportunities!" BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Corncobs, Tri-K, Block and Bri dle and A. U. F. Norbert Tieman is president of Kosmet Klub, lieu tenant commander of Phalanx, Cadet officer and active in Block and Bridle. Also Prexys. Jumping from the circle of no toriety extreme, that is we'll go on to mention the heads of the various clubs on campus. Phi Upsilon Omicron, honorary Home Ed, is headed by Helen Ochnser. As Helen is abroad, Phyllis Ross is now acting head. Another Home Ec honorary, Omicron Nu, is pre sided over by Veora Erwin, while Betty Beckner presides over Am ikitas, unaffiliated women's club. Dale Stauffer reigns over two organizations, Y.M.C.A., and Tri K, agronomy club. Another re peater is Glenn Claybaugh, who is presi( ent cf Varsity Dairy and 4-H club. Baird Rules. Alpha Zeta, men's scholastic honorary, recognizes Jack Baird as chancellor, while Don Smith handles the gavel at Farmer's Fair Board meetings. Keith Ar terburn holds the stick over Ag Men's Social club, unaffiliated men's organization. These are a few of the Eds and Co-eds who have made the grade at Nebraska, and there are hun dreds of students behind the scenes who help them to make Ag Campus a successful going affair. To all you incoming freshman and i . . uppci ciassmen mey li'iuociii .1 challenge, for it is you wno will fill their shoes in years to come. ' - i 5? i f A' f Reynolds, Baird to Head Plans for Fanners Formal Marj Reynolds and Jack Baird, ag seniors were named by the Ag Exec Board to manage the Farmer's Formal, scheduled to be held Oct. 12. The appointments were made at the regular meeting of the board Thursday night. Committees for the various phases of the event were Ticrney, Power Star in Movie At Ag Sunday "The Razor's Edge," starring Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter and Gene Tierney, will be shown at 3 p. m. Sunday in the Ag Union lounge. Following the free movie, a coffee hour will be held be ginning at 5 p. m. The Sunday matinee program for this fall will include the following movies: Oct. 3 "Boomerang." Oct. pley." Oct. Muir." Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 10 "The Late George Ap- 17 "The Ghost and Mrs. 24 "Moss Rose." 31 "Young Lincoln." 7 "Song of Bernadette." 14 "Mark of Zorro." 12 "Miracle of 34th Dec. Street." MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "Luxury Liner," 1:20. 3:31. 5:32, 7:33, 9:34. STUART: "Mr. Blandinns Builds His Dream House," 1:3.3, 3:34. 5:34, 7:35, 9:36. NEBRASKA: "Blood and Sand," 1:10, 5.07, 9:06. "I Wake Up Screaming," 3:32, 7:31. CAriTOL: "In Old Mexico." 1:00, 4:25, 750. "Key Largo." 2:43, 6.08, 9:33. HIIIMIII! to NOW 44c to 6 DOORS OPEN 12:45 GEORGE BRENT JANE POWELL XAVIER Cl'GAT in "Luxury Liner" with Lauritz Mrlrhior Frances Gifiord TIES: "LI CK OF THE IRISH' Open 12:45 44c to 6 CARY GRANT MYRNA LOY Mclvin DOUGLAS in 'MR. B LANDINGS Builds His Dream House' NOW! 2 GREAT HITS! TYRONE LINDA POWER DARNELL RITA HAYWORTH in "Blood and Sand" Flu. BfTTV (.RABI.E K10K MAI I lit In "I Wake Up Screamine" & Doors Open 12:45 44c to 6 P. M. iiti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j m jiimu,,,,,,, THIS IS AMATEUR NITE! ON OIR STAGE 11:30 P. M. 4 Top Ac ts I'ompi Urn for $23.00 in Prizes! os Tin: f( kirv- 111 MI HKH HCK.AHT m "KEY LfiRGO" M.IK HOPAI.OVG t'ASiilnT In "M OLD MEXICO" I 25c to 6 e Kids 9c SUNDAY "DUEL IN THE bUN" mm IV 4 X. M I M i Friday, September 24, 1948 also selected, iney inciuae: pre- sentation: Gwen Monson, Jack Dewulf and George Pinkerton; publicity, Louise McDill, Alice Boswell; tickets, Meal liaxier ana Phil Keeney; chaperons, Betty Beckner; and decorations, Lloyd Wirth, Frank Loeffel and John Osier. Activities Miss Reynolds is vice president of the Exec Board, treasurer of Phi U, Home Ec honorary, and DR. L. E. HANSEN member of Home Ec club and YWCA. Baird is Chancellor of the Alpha Zeta. ag scholastic hon orary and member of Tri-K, Block and Bridle. Sponsored by the Exec Board, the Farmers Formal is the night when everything goes informal. Cotton dresses and overalls sup plant tuxes, suits, and formal gowns, and everyone turns up for a good time. Select Queen Keynote of the evening is the presentation of the Farmers Formal queen and her attendants. The queen is selected from senior girls on the campus ascribing to stringent qualifications. She is elected by the students in an elec tion held the week of the dance. Members of the Ag Exec Board include: John Osier, president; Neal Baxter, Marj Reynolds, Betty Beckner, Louise McDill,. Gwen Monson, Phil Keeney. Jack Baird, Frank Loeffel, Jack Dewulf, Alice Boswell, George Pinkerton, and Lloyd Wirth. Mr. Hathaway is faculty advisor. Pershing Rifle Society Meets Company A-2 of the National ! Society of Pershing Rifles v : 11 I hold their first meeting of the year this evening at 500 in the ! cadet officers' lounge of the Mili- J tary and Naval Science hall. Company Commander Robert Hahn, announced today. Pershing Rifles, a military hon orary fraternity which draws ils membership from the pick cf basic RO.T.C. students was or ganized on our own campus over 50 years ago. The society now has nearly 40 chapters on coiicre campuses from coast to coast. Its functions are to provide honor guards and color guards fr ceremonies, a track squad for '.he Military tall, and drill units f'r regimental competition. Captain Hahn revealed that fu ture plans and policies for accept ing new members are to be dis cussed in this meeting and all active members will be required to attend. ATTENTION VETERANS! SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY PATRONIZE THE HUSKERVILLE BARBER SHOP BLDG. 109 mop OPINS C P. M. A .. . X. ':'-' ' .,. . i a I ..).iii .A