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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1948)
(Sows UWCPJUU High Pitched Spirit Breaks "Cheers for the victory" rant across the campus last night as Cornhusker spirit boiled over in a spontaneous demon stration. A small croup of enthusiastic students raised the rally cry which brought some 500 Hus kers to a roaring bonfire at 16th and S. Called to the scene by popular demand, Ray Ble mond, varsity yell squad mem ber, led the crowd in cheers and songs. The noise of firecrackers punctuated the steady chant "Beat Iowa State" as a snake dance moved the throng to the Women's Dorm and then on to the Union. With spirit still at a high pitch .the crowd disbanded promising an even greater dis play for tonight's first official rally. (DailiL 71. Vol 49 No. 8 Lincoln 8, Nebraska. Friday. September 24, 1948 Football Fanfare . . 'Daily' Prints List of UN Songs, Yells ThP 1948-'49 veil sauad has prepared a list of e9sy, effective snnus and vplls During the sum mer, squad members wrote other universities for their best yells which could be adapted to. Husker use and these have been-added to the list of old favorites and re visions. Here are results of their efforts: Cheers Huskers Fight Iluakers Fight HihU- FiKl.t right 1 FUhl! Fight! The Locomotive N!-K!-B!-R!-A!-S!-K!-A! N!-K!-H!-ll!-A!-S!-K!-A! N!-K!-K!-R!-A!-8!-K!-A! Nebraska! N. U. Huskers M! D! Hiiuunkers! trUM) Fight! "NE-BR" NF.t-BR !-AS!-KA! 'K!-Hlt!-AM!-KA! K!-Bll!-A.S!-KA! ftrhraska! N! K! H! It! A! 81 K! A! NEBRASKA! All Aboard All Aboard light! tight! Flghtt FUMI Win! Win! Win! Win! Who! Win! Who! Who! tl! V I't IM Nl! Nl! Nl! Nl! Nebraska. Chant First part sung In low pitched voice with liidl. Il-Kah, N-Rah, (IM II unity N Varsity. Neebraska, Neebraskl, Nerbraskl! Hmnd part yelled loudly and taut without band). I'i VI U-N-i Vcr! Veh! V-K-R-B-I-T-I N-IBKASKA Oooooli My Go (Jang (to! The Echo N'-K'-B! R!-a!-i!-k!-! Nebraska! T-E-A-M T K A M Vra Tram T-K-A-M ea Tram Hi s - A 1 11 1 1 I v I J - 1'' j W iC 1 With "N"' feathers for everyone, the traditional Victory Bell and the university pep band will help set the mood for Nebraska's first big football rally of the season Friday. Students will meet in front of the Union at 7 p. m. to join in a procession down R street to 16th, north on 16th to Vine and west on Vine to the Coliseum, where rally leaders predict that one of the most enthusiastic rallies in the history of Nebraska sports wil take place. Pep talks will be given by Coach George "Potsy" Clark, an other mentor and two members of the '48 'Husker team whose names have not been released. Following these a demonstration of student spirit will be led by enercetic cheerleaders, Corncobs and Tassels. "The yell squad selected by the student council last year has been meeting and practicing 'regularly since school convened ana tne spirit in the squad promises to be better than ever before," reports Yell King Bill Mickle, adding, "Pairs of the squad have gone around to all the organized houses and have been greeted with en thusiasm and co-operation as they led them through several cheers. We hope that continued pep will be a big boost to the Cornhuskers. HUSKER DRUM MAJOR Walt Davis, Kearney, will lead the famed Nebraska marching band of approximately 120 onto the field Saturday for its opening performance of the year. Davis Is be ginning his first year as drum major after serving two years as assistant drum major. The snappy U.N. band, under the direction of Don Lentz, will execute several formations at half-time. As in the past. Nebraska's scarlet and cream clad marchers will be a big factor in generating spirit and pep into the Husker rooters. Note From a Sophomore Freshmen Hop tickets can't last long and the big affair falls tomorrow night. The In nocents booth in the Union lobby will sell passes until late Saturday but don't make the mistake of waiting too long. A' big night of dancing and getting acquainted is all ready to unfold and the music of Smith and Warren will add new tunes to the affair. For entering students inter ested in campus activities the Innocents will have informa tion booths ready to answer questions and encourage par ticipation. From 9 p. m. until midnight it's a well planned get ac quainted night full of fun and entertainment. V ' ' A : I i&a BILL MICKLE Heads Tonite's Rally eall Songs "Rally Huskers" Rally, Husker, rally one and all Kallv Hunkers, hear Nebraska's Fight forever, oh you team For the Scarlet and the Cream Go! Gang! GO! Rally Hunkers, glory waits for you Rally Huskers, see what you ean do Listen to that battle crp Of JS'ebraskl I'nl "The Cornhuskers' tradition in stand singing Dorm Notice If the fnUnwlnr neonle are in tqrested in Dorm A housing they must -contact Room 209 Housing in Administration building imme diately or they will be dropped' from the waiting list. Russell B. Jnrittfnsen Bevin B Bump Alnnio It. TIMotsiin Jon Stewart Rol;i:id -U." Casper Norman P. 8utton I.ilie L. M-isoii Tack W. Hardy Wesley I' Uulltulsl Dennis R. Mltthem lierle W. M"wi Hubert Hnnkbarttt I ester U-etta Kenneth Hiatt HsvM WHes- Jnek Hansen IiMviil V. .Vclson I.yle Japp Chnrles I. Curtis Charles Kry I'url U Neal Tyner f 'lwarii J Ko.itat Charles Shlpman 1 'Miis A M:imlellierR Idrh.ird Folrta t i u sliiiil u ;r nt llornre Newherg Uarlv-y A. iUcliarOuonRK'tiard Tucker Religious Groups to Hold University Lhurch INight Alter Kally l riday . i i 1 i T T. rx A . a n.nn . TVT A 4 1 All freshmen and new students are especially invited to the All- University Church night which will begin tonight immediately following the rally All-University Church night is an all-campus program and its nnmnrv mm is to acauaini me students with the churches of the city and the programs which the various student groups of their denominations have. Students are invited to share in the fun and get to know the stu dent pastor and students of the group with which they will be closely associated throughout their college life. Students will meet at their respective student hovses and the evening programs will continue from there. Following are the programs outlined for All-University Church night, Sept. 24: Baptist. A progressive party will be the feature of the Baptist students. The group will meet at 315 No. 16th street at 7:30 p.m. Trans portation will b.; available to take the students to Second Baptist, Sheridan Blvd. Baptist church, and First Baptist. Entertainment will be provided, at each church by the churches. a nipnif and vesoer service is planned for Sunday, Septr 26, at Pioneers Park, uars win leave me Baptist House at 5:00 p.m., and will return around 8:00 p. m. Catholic. There will be Welcome Party and Dance in parlors XYZ and the Ballroom of the Student Union. Starting time is 8:30 P.m. Masses will be held Sunday in parlors XYZ of the Union at 9:00 a. m. and 11:00 a. m. Congregational. Congregational students will find a hearty welcome at either party planned tonight. There will be fellowship at both Vine church, 25th and S St., and First-Plymouth, 20th and D St. Plymouth will feature billiards, ping-pong, roller skating, and dancing, in addition to an intro duction to the church building and its facilities and program. A special recital on the famous First-P lymouth cannon is planned. Both parties will begin imme diately after the rally. Evangelical and Reformed. Evangelical and Reformed stu dents will-join the Congregational students in observance of All University Church night. Lutheran. Students affiliated with the Na tional Lutheran Council churches will meet at First Lutheran church at 8:15, p.m. After the recreational portion of the pro gram, which will include games and singing, the local pastors will be introduced. The evening will close with Vespers. Ag and City L.S.A. will join for a picnic on Sept. 26. Cars will leave student house at 3:30 p.m. for Pioneers' Park. Volley ball, softbnll and the picnic supper will be followed by a Camp Fire Sing. St Methodist. "C. U. Rounda," 7:30 p. m Paul's, 12 and M St. "Olympics." 7:30 p.m.. Grace church, 27th and R St. "Track Meet," 7:30 p.m., Elm Park church, 29th and Randolph. "Kickoff," 7:30 p.m., Epworth church, 29th and Holdrege. The Sunday night program for the Methodist students is as fol lows: St. Paul's, "University of Life," 5:30 p. m.- Grace church, "What About Yountf Germans?" fi:3n r. m. Elm Park, "Wesley Fellowship," R:30 n. m Epworth church, "Goodwill In dustries, " 6:00 p. m. Presbyterian. Students will meet at the Presby House immediately fol lowing the rally and will leave from there for Westminster rhurch for a rjroeram of games. dancing and refreshments. This is a Blue Jeans party. Sept. 26, the Forum will be led by Marian Crook Jo Kellcnbareer. Dale Ball and Norm Leger. They will discuss the topic, "lne Most im portant Thing at NU." Supper will begin at 5:30 p. m. and the discussion at '6:30 p.m. Unitarian. Unitarian students will observe All-University Church night by an open house at the Unitarian church, 12th and II St., at 7:30 a.m. Rev. and Mrs. Philip Shug, officers and members of the Charming Foundation and the college age group of the Ameri- See Keiij,ious Groups, Page a (It Is Nebraska The CGrMw;ivir' . with beads Oared during the Come U i4.jiniti o . Don't you know the inline Like the thunder in the sky? How It rolls along la the good old song For the sons of Ne-bras-ki. Now Iff coming near With a rising cheer That will sweep all foes away. So with all our vim We are bound to win And we're going to wia today. CHORIS. For Nebraska and the Scarlet For Nebraska and the Cream Tho' they go thru many a battle Our colors still are seen. So In contest and In victory We will wave thin for the team. ,u-lll .lu'Mv. fltlr a Cornhusker The old Hcarlet and the Cream. "Huskerland" Pralrln schooners drawn by oxen trekke o'er Indian trails, Stalwart men of T Nebraskl, battled many gales Tilled this land of goldea rod and gv us corn and grain. Husker's sons of pioneers, It's Mm to plow again. Chorus: Fight, nght, fight, for Huskerland Ne braska land N.UU. Fight, fight, fight, team make that staad Bring Huskerland right thru; Hold that charging foe, With a west ward Hoi Rush 'em crush 'em, Hubrte around Cornhuskers go Thru that V Clan, Bear, Oopher, Of "Mluou." Cyclone, Sooners, Notre Dame, Hawkeye, n. u. Fight, fight, figIC for Huskerland Ne braska land Yea fight. U. II. U. N. I. Ver, Vrr, I, A hall Cornhuskers Over the land from Plymouth Rock U the (iolden Cat Great 1-akr to Itio Grande. "Hail to the Team" Hall to the team. The stadium ring as everyone sings The Hcurlet and the Cream Cheers for victory Kchoes our loyalty So on mighty men. The eyes of the land l ixin every ha3il Are looking at you. Klht on the victory Hail, the men of Nebraska V. Activity Tickets Attention! AH student ac tivity books must be picked up by Friday noon. Deadline for purchase of activity books is the same, according to A. J. LewandowskL