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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1948)
PAGE 4 . THE DAILY NEBRASKA N T.WrW .WKor OX lcua - wtwwv. j f wjri.wAWA 4t , A vlCI I . Students 'BreakNecks 9 in Sunnort Of University TB X-Ray Survey Vf 'f S 'V "J f' A Campus News In Brief . . . Phalanx will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the Armory for a short business meeting. All ac tives are requested to be there. Uniforms will not be required. The Student Council will meet Wednesday at 5 p. m. in Room 315 in the Union, arnnrrinif tn President Dale Ball. Welcome! Foreign Students! Here is a chance for you to get acquainted with your fellow foreign and American students. There will be a meeting of the Cosmo-club in Room 316 of the iXTnionon Wednesday, Sept. we want to urge all old members and friends to attend as plans will be launched for the coming year. Those whose receipt number is aDove BSbbb, are also requested to present their clafms Thi at the same office. There will be a Corn Cob meeting of all actives and work ers Tuesday evening at 5:00 p.m. Workers will turn in all "N" Book money, or any remaining dooks inai mey nave on hand. I BY JACK THORNBURG I Just put your chin up there. U-m-m, m-m-m, Crack! And there goes another neck in the cause of the TB survey, have X-rayed over 8,000 students. The work is co-ordinated by the uc ui a waiKey-taikey in an ef fort to keep the lines to a mini mum and to see that ; always busy. The machines were loaned to the university by the TB w siaie department of health. Each studpnf ic nui;..j IVUUCU iU have a chest X-ray, and those wno pon i nave their's taken now Will nav tn nav K. 1t ,. .. F J wiciii idler. Notices will be sent to everyone wiiuae piaie snows any abnorm- uiy. xne miiy JVebraskan will announce the spnriinir -"ts v. mnc Next week all famTtv university emDlnvM unH tl wives of students may have free Liiem A-rays. However, appoint ments should be made for them. The X-rays will be examined not only for signs of TR K,,t also for abnormalities of the spine and heart. Any such ab normality will be reported to the student. The necessity of removing all jackets with pins and other ob structing items before the X-ray is taken gave proof to the fact that this year's dickeys, worn by the weaker sex, are keen, cool and easy to look at. Frosh Loses Gal at Union Open House; Gets Sore Foot Maybe it was a different kind Alpha Kappa Psi, professional business fraternity, will hold its bi-weekly business meeting 7 p. m. in the Union, Wednesday, Sept. 23. Of "oDen hmisp" at thp Stndpnt Union Fridav nifhf 'raii T had to push awfully hard on the door t-uLiLi in oraer to get in As I laid the door gently on the sidewalk, a eirl in a rinrlr uni form greeted me. Very sweetly she said, "Write your name on this card and nin it tct vrmr lapel." On the card it said, "Let's get acquainted." Strange Uniforms. I kind of figured that I had known mvself for ouite som tim but I didn't hav tho hpart tn fll such a fine girl that it seemed iiKe a suiy thing to do. I was curious about her uniform but when I asked her about it there were several other students around her so I couldn't quite hear her renlv. I think sh saiH something connected with motor Doats i guessed it was a type of naval girl scout organization. She said thero was a ri.mpp in the ballroom, so I went up. All the archwavs were rrowrfpH with fellows watching someone, prob ably a girl. About a half an hour later, I saw a girl myself; so, I rushed up to her and said, "Would Dramatists Meet all newly-entered Attention. Thespians. A SDecial meetinir for nil students, freshmen and transfer, wno are interested in dramatics, is scheduled tonieht at 7 n m on the TemDle Theater stnitn ThJ will be introduced to the staff of tne University Theater and then taken on a tour of the Temnlo you couia i may i do you have let's dance!" We pardoned our way onto the floor and were surprised to see that the stag line had not taken up the whole floor. I noticed that she was wearing one of those cards on her dress; her name was Flo Onwater, awfully poetic, I thought. As she slyly slipped her feet out from under mine, she said innocently, "Have you ever danced before?" "Not really, I mean not with a enrl " t sairi blushing boyfully, "I've just taken some lessons bv corresnnnrfpn this summer and I couldn't find anyone to practice with. It was a very good course, thouch nnW thine is I couldn't fitmr nut thnu ..... 'r . Aw-jv- little diagrams showing urhiVh foot to move next." She smiled understanding and led me off the floor, limping gracefully. She thanked me for th Hanu and said she would see me later. 1 don t know what happened be cause I didn't see her &ain Rut the insurance company will find her. I've got a policy and they'll find someone to pay for my broken foot. Because of this in cident I've got another policy don't dance with strange Amazons. MAGEES. THE LINCOLN CATHEDRAL CHOIR announces 1948-'49 MEMBERSHIP AUDITIONS With John M. Rosborough, Director AN AVERAGE VOICE AND A DESIRE TO SING ARE THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS STUDIO 15th 4 0 TELEPHONE $-7401 10:00-11:00 a. m. I 12:00 5:00 p. m. DULX EXCEPT WEDNESDAT 13 TONIGHT The Pied Pipers Billy Butterfield and his orchestra ?! m PfD en i .?ai? !ia.: v.. -i. : ' '' V' w. . .... -f J : - ' W: St y.F ' '. H i GET fJ E)(T TO 4 V J ( ( Aiild, Cod ) I -formal J I : I 1 Johnny Long's MU5T LIKE THAT from the Signature diskerie. Johnny Long (Duke Univcrsity-Sigma Nu) comes up with a ckoceable, bright bounce. It's a Long original! If you should ask Johnny how he came to write it, he'll light up a Camel and say: "Experience! I know from erperience what music suits my band best- just as I learned from experience that Camels suic ray T-Zone' to a TV Try Camels on your "T-Zone'-'T" for taste, T' for thioat. See for yourself why, with Johnny Long and millions of other smokers, Cameb are the "choice of experience.- -si w 4 ' :. 4 'Jr THE CHOICE OF BdPERIEMCE . J noUt Comof, WM-.U. WorOOMOilM "'V. t