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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1948)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, September 2i. 13 V Editorial V Comment 4 . Shades of Red . PAGE 2 As I Was J lie. (Daily, TkhAjOAkaiv . Member Intercollegiate Press FORTY-8K KNTH TEAR Suhsrlitlin rate are SJ.OO Hr semester. $i.SO imt aenirster mailed, or $1.00 for the i-i.liiti- rr. S-4.00 mailed. Slnclr copy Sc. I'uldishrd daily during ihe school ear rseept .Monda and Satanlay. varation and naniinatkm prriiidt, by the, laiversity i.f Nebraska ondrr the supervision of the Publication Hoard. Kntrred aa sierond las Matter at the Host Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Aft of t'onirre, March IH79, and at special rate of postage provided for in trction 1103, Act of October 1!I7, authorized September I. IS22. Tlie Daily Nei-raskan It published by the atnrient of the Iniverslly of ebralia a - -xpressiiin of student new and opinion only. According to article II of the By I as governing student puhliration and administered by the Hoard of ruhlicatlonr.: It Is the declared policy at the Hoard that publication tinder it jurisdiction shall l.e free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or on the part f any member of the farnllv of the unlerslty; but i.iember of the staff of The Many Jibraskaa arc rrsoaally rcspo isihte for what they say or da or cause to be printed. tDITORIAI. STAFF dior .... Jeanne Kerrigan M-n,.,i l-.liinrs .. Norm lger, Cub Clem v"Jl , I .'. '. I" Harri. Frit. Slmpsoa, lulse MclHII. Susan Reed. Hob I'help Aft N rdilor Krtth Frederlclcsoa s,,mrt rdilur ""' Speflxl Feature rdilor Herb, rt Kencnber IsocirA. F.ditor 1 N,,r" HI SIM-.s.! STAFF Rus'nrs Manager ,rv chrrn Assistant Business Manager. Merle Stalder. Bob Axl.ll, Keith OHannon ircnlation Manager Abrams, Mf.HT m:s fditok si s Ki-.r.ii aVlll j o An Old Problem . . . (dd drop-add By Pat Nordin Big event of the week-end was the Delt picnic Saturday night. Mary Alice Dosek and Marilyn Vorhecs joined the ranks of cigar smokers much to the dismay of Stan Porchce and Chuck Pederson who merely stated, ''They reek!" Big Rob Keller and Jim Ward discovered a fascinating new way of disposing of water-melon. It's done with straws. Winding up the events of the evening, Jos Ermine spent most of her time by the fire remark ing, "Haven't seen mv date all evening," and Ginger Meehan was dubbed the "twenty-date girl". Every student has his troubles and Bud Krause feels especially abused. He claims to be the only boy to ever have a blind date - M . 1 VaV CP jgr " A ...... ' 4h"f t , aSTZ. V i ' -J ! fif t X;Xs 1 y . .;:.,.,. -V -. -., -sx, , ... " .;. ... . :t, 1 1 L x - . ... : .... .; ' IT'S BEANIE TIME Another school year starts, and UN frosh again don their bright red beanies. Innocent Jack belzer is shown presenting Dick Hovendick (for ,r0c) one of the popular caps. Waiting to receive theirs are John Grasmick, left, and Roger Runion. The beanies will be worn until- the freshman-sophomore ttig-of-war at home-coming. If the sophomores win the contest, the fiosh will wear their caps until the first snow fall. Once more the probem of re-registration the l r 4 . ..J ...K., rfiJanlc . .. .j . . . . r ,1,. nr:,.:iP .r broken belore the girl has seen Also confronting said students is a S2.o0 fee for the privilege oi " re-shuffline their schedules a bit. It is called a fee, but to our , mind is nothing more than a fine and an unnecessary one at that. , 1'ore scems to ".av.e been a ! l I "i?ai't ff? i ll ) , , .j . ci 4 ci r slight error in song ceds in ves- ifplftX rlOSlli It S III JVCV Before the present practice of charging students a flat $.5 fee ct)lumn n the ex'ite. j XL ltl 1 ' W " a 1 ' 1 per semester, the university usea 10 reiuna money paiu mi a wui.i menl of fmding a suitable theme that a student decided to drop. That was in the "good old days" , pong )or Bufk imofield, a con when lees were paid, not as a flat rate, but according to the num- ! fuscd cl,b rCad the wrong side ber of subjects a person was taking and when a student would re- : 0f tne record of course, exery-t-eive money back for each credit hour that was paid for and then . one knows Buck is no dope. In dropped. On the other lu.nd, of course, students paid for courses ! fact, the right side of the record that were aded. reads, "Sweet and Lovely". This seemed a fair procedure. Now, a student registered for I jt may be caJ.y fjnd the la( 12 credit hours pays exactly ine same lee as a siuaciu register est SCOop, but here are a few for 18 or 20 hours. Now, too, students pay Si.50 for dropping or adding, a figure which was upped from the former $1 fee for the service. Explanation given for raising the fee was that the univer sity has to hire a good many people for the procedure and these people must be paid out of the fees. We can understand the added expense of re-registration, but surely this same expense existed when the fee was only $1. The answer will probably be, "Everything has gone up." But in view of the fee increase, it seems feasible that the re-registration fee could be kept down, unless, of course, the fee is merely a fine for the purpose of keeping down the number of drop and adds. If that is the case, why doesn't the administration simply call the $2.50 a fine and say that its purpose is to discourage students' changing their minds about schedules? ,Vvi --r- -VHEII YOU SEND IT HOME BY RAILWAY EXPRESS loundry worries got you? Then tart using the direct conven ient, personalized laundry ervice offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. By personalised serv ice we mean your laundry will be collected by Railway Ex press pick-up facilities, sent to your home promptly, and re turned to your college address. If your folks insist on paying oil the bills, you can stretch your cash-on-hand by sending laun dry home "charges collect"ond having it returned with charges prepaid at the other end. things you never sec: Lois Erickson without Asax O'Mara Jane MacArthur without her three pins U. N. campus with grass Gene Berman singing "Stars and Stripes Forever" Bill Perkins with the same girl Jim Curtis outside the "Dell".. Freshmen wearing beanies Lloyd Wirth with a shave uonru jean Lauoer without a Sigma Nu anita Brown without her sweet ways Elaine Krause spending an eve ning at home. Lee Best without someone's Phi Gam pin Don Crowe without a smile "v 14 ,svn - III" 1TN i .) T -wtMMfc. wirwa ne -mm Freshmen, attention. During the late turmoil known as registra- Tom "Peaches" Novak without Von yPu. s,Pied ourL name- rhae KarsH.r,i lsi, aress ana pnone numoer irom id Gene Berman singing. "Stars to 25 times or moie: ustood .in ,ine ! hat Classified First it was flying horses, then flying caucers, and now flying mortar boards. First among the volunteers at Sunday's air show was Genene Mitchell who per formed with daring and bravado lhp fptA of iumninp ilnnp r.nH un afraid, from a careening air-ship Sing style) for permanent record. at the dizzy height of 1500 feet. You were told: "Take this to Her famous last words before ! your councilor . . . That has to i taking off into the wild blue yon- , have your adviser's signature . i . . i ,l. ) r. I VM r. nj i?i.sji r nvnt.r.i, . from one to six hours werei ,,,,,., ,r,irr ,,omr rii i- .ui.i. checked bled, and jabbed in one i ah is-mmr and prmnr iiiitir. , , , ' , , . n . . i . I Chest, Huy like renl. te Blair Kino, of the most complete physical ex- CaI,,,r,, Tr..ier court aminations devised; shoved from , UT -i'f.Zmmi'i it .,n"c.H line to line and from building to t " i..r reard. building: and at the neigm oi , ubohkks wantkd the ordeal, planted in front of a camera and photographed (Sing j der'were, "These won't first strings I've pulled.'' Wolcott Pix Show Producer (lonlcsl Ns tatrc cKoro far Mcii-a mmd delivery ia aU cilia and principal Iowa. VoluotiM r up $S0.0O be the Have you had your eye, car, nose ( and throat examination . . . How 1 about a chest X-ray . . . Take it to Temp. B . . . This is. Temp. A ... That section's closed . . . Well, it is now . . . What's your I.B.M. number . . . Where's vour master card ... Go L;.' k ; nd get it . . . i Stay in line . . That section's still closed . . . Co .-ce fur adviser . . . 1 den't know where lie is: don't you? . . . Sign here . . ." Today, a week later, typical ts, mi i. ,i i ii -i. mil ii iw a 11a ii mi i i " S'-en on the bottom of this page j is the first of a series of cartoons ! by Jody Wolcott. picturing the progress of the University The i atre Honorary Producer contest. J lie contest, which is described i 1(i ,,r f,f.o,mcri made to in detail on page one. will give , 1hjS rtp,ter were: "What a hel- j t'AO winning organized house can- ,uva M.tup:- (Kdinelh Da-.i(-s), didates the opportunity to serve un(i -One big mess"' (Norman as Honorary Producers of the nurja k) The best that could be j Unheisity Theatre. found was: 'Could be impoved The University Theatre opens ' upon." (Dak Worrall). J iis season Oct. 14 with Elmer j Well, jl s all o'.er and done : Rice's "Dream Girl.' with now, so sit back and relax. ' for roriMriM imiii work No eji :eii-e or tools required. ldM iilrie em .ioMiient J. P SI11 HOWKR a S5CN CO S til R LCI 1 0 N CO. ; Ti.s7 2 ri .M LK.MKNA Nl7soUiCITORS W AM l.l" N'aljoi.j.! A er i trt T..lurt. No exri enre tie. i-m.ii . . K. -:ierit comnilsbK'ii. Iiti? ariji.fce.t 1. V. r--lniOWKR 4 SON .'. Tn(i7 I WO I A VI IN' . Si.1.-' - linnjun. I ui.used N'iril", 1'C Oup i ileritric Wllh je.-.'l.t-r use !...l. 2 ,!JS. 3 So. i'rth. (jiP.IS prfft-time 1hi;i1tT sw.r k for l.lh r-iiier bnii or:l,'i If:irv 'uitrid. I'less :it U'.rUini: i o.ti n lofia. Al'l'y Sluart liji .lif'B 2 I.UUll Mi.lK. SMTl Si. HS I-OK Ssl.K I'.M r.'i'lio, ;n t.i-; sorit-n "o!ir 4sm mi'ef lux 42. .1 uller !t iki scleral Ct ' io!et "lub Cousr Min iiwr and r- bli.v.n fend ti:e. tiniy ; lfr 3 it. 'er l"ll Kjr" ' Br.rtie-l r:i"Hir' i le. lUi rc ilhrr m"'"r. in i-.od sliui. Cull Herti I'dlilV. I-t)7Is. A11:K or u i.:r7 lor l-'l 1 II lime vors rt"ftf ii't-i or eeruni: si. lit .. v AMy AMiKOS, SIN tutnK sjiop. nu .:o loth si. ln.-'T. I'r." I i--. .n I'kirrniy I'in. Mix l Mera. 2-TTtl for trward. FOt'ND- Paiker Pen on snl ;!!: r-r Ti-:t!.-'- tui.ri.-e. tuA Slfl S'.U, iit Orpani.etl Houses po 1o your mark, WVM like to find some campus tpark for Honorary Producer. L