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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1948)
J ? I M i M M O PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, September 16, 1948 Two Members Added to UN Botany Staff Two new staff members of the University of Nebraska botany department are Dr. John F. Dav idson, formerly of the University of California, and Dr. Robert C. Lmasson, formerly of the I sity of Iowa. Dr. Davidson, a native of Scot land, received his doctorate at the University of California last year. He will serve as an assistant pro fessor of botany and as curator of the university's herbarium. He completed his undergraduate and master's work at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Dr. W. W. Ray, chairman of the botany department, said the her barium eventually will serve as a plant identification center. It can be of considerable help to farm interests when properly de veloped. Dr. Lommasson, a native of Kansas, received his bachelor and master's degrees from the Uni versity of Kansas. After more than three years as a navy air force pilot during the war, he completed his doctorate at the University of Iowa where he also served as an instructor in botany. Veterans May Hike Incomes; Ceilings Posted Veterans attending school full time under the G.-I. bill will be able to work part-time without having their subsistence allow ancpc reduced, according to the f.timinisiration. No reduction in subsistence will be made as long as income and subsistence allowance do not exceed these monthly "ceilings:" (1) $210 for a veteran without dependents; (2) $270 for a vet eran with one dependent: (3) $290 for a veteran with more than one dependent. Nebraska vets enrolled in the university are advised by the Veteraiis Administration to have sufficient funds on hand to meet their personal financial obliga tions for the first six weeks of the fall term. Ashley Westmoreland, Lincoln regional office manager, ex plained that personal funds are desirable because a veteran gen erally is not entitled to receive a subsistence allowance until he has been in school a full calendar month, and that checks are nor mally mailed on the last day of the month to cover allowances for the previous training period. This announcement applies only to veterans who are just enter ing the university or those who failed to register last spring. STUDENTS you are invited to make use of the facilities of our bank we will be pleased to serve you whether or not you maintain an account here Ma'7 ! 1 -O rim Mmibrr Frdrral Ilrpolt Inauranr Corporation 10th & O Streets Since 1871 Farm House, Chi Omega Place First In House Scholarship Competition Farm House and Chi Omega copped top places in group scho lastic averages last year according to lists compiled by the regis trar's office. The Farm House average for ti.e full year was re ported to be a G.73 while the Chi Omegas rated first among the sor orities with a 6.07 average. Both semester averages placed Farm House first, Alpha Gamma Rho second and Sigma Alpha Mu Lthird among the university fra ternities. Kappa Alpha Theta topped the first semester list for the sororities, Chi Omega second and Alpha Xi Delta third. Sec ond semester sorority lists placed Chi Omega first, Kappa Alpha Theta second and Pi Beta Phi third. Farm House and Alpha Gamma Rho also placed first and second last year but among the sororities Kappa Alpha Theta placed first and Chi Omega second. The entire list for both semes ters released by the registrar fol lows: FIRST KM ESTER lMT-. FraUrnltie Farm Horn .6S. Alpha Ganima Rho I.H, Nigm Alpha Mu S.7T. Brta Sigma Pill 5.70. Phi Kappa PbI J.M. Hlxrma Chi 5. 43. Phi Delia TJwta J. M. Theta XI 6.25. Zeta Beta Tail 8.10. Phi Gamma Delta 6.1S. Sigma rhl Kpslloa S.14. Alpha Tan Omega S.1S. Sigma Alpha Eptilkm A. II. Delta Tau Delta S.098. Sigma No 8.092. Ret Theta PI 8.01. Tau Kappa Epstlon 4.M. Kappa Sigma 4.81. Delta Upciloa 4.80. Alpha Sigma Phi 4.89. Sororttlea Kappa Alpha Theta 9.99. Chi Omega 6. OS. Alpha XI Delta 8.00. PI Beta Phi 8.89. Alpha Phi 8.84. Gamma Phi Beta B.M. Alpha Omlrron PI 8.17. Alpha Chi Omega 6.74. Delta Ganima 8.89. Kappa Kappa Gamma I.M. Delta Delta Delta 8.88. Sigma Delta Tad .. Kappa Delta 8.4. Sigma Kappa 6.04. SECOND SEMESTER 147-48. Fraternities Farm Hooae 9.Bt. Alpha Gamma Rho 6.J1. Beta Sigma I'l 6.687. Sigma Alpha Mu 8.688. Sigma Chi 6.SS. Phi Kappp Put 6. St. Zrta Beta Tau 6.17. The XI 5. IS. Sigma Alpha Epalloa S.M. Phi Gamma Delta 6.11. Phi Delta Theta 6.19. Sigma Phi Kpnilon 6. II. Alpha Tau Omega 8.19. Sigma No 6.08. Delta Upullon 4.98. Rotary Prexy To Speak At Student Convo Angus Mitechell, president of International Rotary, will be the speaker at a special all-student convocation in the Love Memo rial Library at 11 o'clock this morning. The topic of Mr. Mitchell's ad dress will be "Australia Today." Classes will be dismissed at the discretion of professors. Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, director of admissions, termed Mitchell as "an outstanding citizen of Au stralia" and pointed out that the students are being given a great Presby Students Sponsor Picnic The picnic for all new students, sponsored by the Presby House, will be held on Sunday, Septem ber 19, at 2:30 p. m. All students attending are to meet in front of the. Presbyterian Student House, 333 No. 14, and will leave from there.. Transportation will be pro vided to Pioneers Park. Rev. Rex Knowles, the student pastor at the Presby House urges each student to attend and prom ises food, fellowship and fun. opportunity in having him here as a speaker. IKIE(C(IDmiIDS lAnvoln's Newest and Most Complete llecord Shop Popular - Classical - Jazz - BeBop Victor Decca Capitol Victor Decca Columbia Exclusive Musicraft Signature Dial Savoy Disc DEALER EN MARTIN BAND INSTRUMENTS Tel 2-5889 ftfUSIC COMI2MIY 223 North 12th Street Delta Tan Delta 4.M. Beta Theta PI 4.86. , Kappa Sigma 4 78. Tan Kappa Epalloa 4.88, Alpha Hlgma Phi 4.16. Soruritlea Chi Omega 6.11. Kappa Alpha Theta CM. PI Keta Phi 6.88. Alpha XI Delta 6.87. Alpha Omlrron PI 6.77. Alpha Chi Omega 6.78. Ciamma Phi Bet 6.74. Delta Delta Delta 6.88. Delta (iamma 6.69, Alpha Phi 6.49. Kappa Kappa Gamma 6.41. Sigma Delia Tau 6.36. Kappa Delia 6.Z8. Sigma Kappa 6.09. Campus Lutherans Resume Services The Lutheran campus worship service will be resumed Sunday morning at 10:45 in Room 315 Union. The Rev. H. Erck, University Lutheran pastor, has chosen the text: "Blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it." Miss Elaine Putensen will accom pany the hymns. Further an nouncement will be made at the service. Sorenson Added To Law Faculty LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 10 Ap pointment of Robert C. Soren son to the faculty of the Univer sity of Nebraska law college was announced Friday by Dean F. K. Beutel. He will be assistant director of the legislative laboratory, which trains law students in drafting and interpreting legislation. He will also teach courses in legislation. Sorenson is a native of Lin coln and the son of C. A. Soren son, Lincoln lawyer and former Nebraska attorney general. He holds a bachelor and masters de gree from the University of Chi cago and completed course work required for a doctor of philos ophy degree in sociology at North western University, Evanston, 111., last year. He has been assistant director of the pre-legal division of John Marshall Law School in Chicago, a field representative for the Na tional Labor Relations Board, and labor relations director for a radio manufacturing firm in Chi cago. Friday Night IS COLLEGE NIGHT at air j m-m- 6m II II I V Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. $1.50 Per Couple Tax Included V THERE IS MIXED SENTIMENT AT OLD N.U. OVIR THE PROSPECT THRT AMBROSE may come Back, on THE TP OP "SOSH" UJE" FIND... RUSH WEEK ENDS AT TMC SORORITIES-.... DOES THIS NttRN BLOSSOM H& THOUGHTS of AMBROSE GESlSTRRTloN TRKCS PLACE IN Obit OP TH HI6H UNIVERS OFFICES, UJE FIND ... flttff f2A&V 1 v. ... AMBROSE IS HftTfp: HrAU ( h y 2il ?Jt Foot BULL GAMES f 7r C VJ m h ' aw jb nav m m v.a w m m m m w m m a a m a v a a a m -m m . jf mm m mm ... a m mm m v . a mt . w m v m bMbWm ar . aa. UU , BA I II C il I " f I I tl M St. -rm kb .jmr- x v. aa mmmm. m . mm M m r m m r ...( m av ,mw 1 1 1 mi - mm - . 11 Im. mm .mtm II I ' , Lift .-.. ? : : M a ! ' ? - vJklc f .t jti nostra: v-rr'', , .-a? w?,,,$ a ifinx i i ' v KtKtS inl o." ONfe TOPV. . IT SftVS: "AFORCMCHTIONCO iTOpeHT. OM MO flr.CuKfl Coft THREE 8.00 M. CLASSES . THEREFORE I RfAMr Tt iuMBM Untl ivfi accepted a job AS HARBACiE r- f HAULER. M J tQOO i ' 1 1 1