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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1948)
raiDAY, JULY 16, 1948 THE SUMMER NEBRASKAN Page 3 Ruth E. Shin.. Directs YWCA For Next Year Ruth E. Shinn has been ap pointed executive director of the university YWCA, it was an announced this week by the YW advisory board. From Toledo. O.. Miss Shinn has been a member of the staif of the American Academy for Girls in Istanbul for the past three years. She was a senior delegate to a world Christian youth conference in Oslo last summer. In addition to work with other youth groups on the continent, the new director has been a YWCA staff member in Utica, N. Y. She attended Heidelberg college in Ohio and Ferry Hall in Illinois. Following a tour of Italy, Au stria and Switzerland, she will begin work on the campus Sept. 7. Nebraska Man High Pointer in ROTC Matches Record Number Participate In Intramurals Last Year X'rt 3Ry, Qor v CAr majo social Lie J University of Nebraska came in with high man in the R.O.T.C. rifle match held at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, July 8, but placed third as a team. James A. Jones from U. N. was first with 187 out of a pos sible "195, and Howard Dolan was thi.-d highest with 178. Others on the team were William Moore with 170, John Meehan with 11 and Patrick Thomas with 160. The grand rifle match, fired over army course "C" was at tended by five midwestern uni versities, competing for a possi ble 975 points. Michigan State placed first with 900 and Uni versity of Wisconsin second with 885. Nebraska had a score of 856. Eagleton . . (Continued from Page 1.) there is a growing distrust of the United States because of nesi- tancy, contradiction and muddled thinking in our foreign policy." "The Truman doctrine, which gave aid to Greece, was fine as economic help," he said, "but RENT A NEW BIKE FOR AN AFTERNOON OR EVENING OF FUN AND 25c PER HOUR ANSTINES nrrr west f ROCK ISLAND DEPOT 2-4KI r MM there was no need of bypassing the U.N. If we really believed in the United Nations, we would have used their machinery, was his opinion. As a political measure, he pointed out, the plan was di rectly against the U. N. charter. "We threatened to use force to stop the U.S.S.R., and branded the Russians as aggressors mea sures wnicn ..ouki J.r.v . . i handled by the security council," the law authority said. Declaring that Russian expan sionism must be stopped, Dr. Eagleton said the job is one for the United Nations. Acting through the U. N., the U. S. would earn the respect of member nations; if we give u impression of a private dispute between the U. S. and Russia, smaller nations will do their best to stay clear, he added. There are two roads to national security, the U. N. advisor said. One is the good old road which leads to war a heavy armament program coupled with total war preparedness; the other is collec tive security. The U. S. has chosen neither, he said. Children . . (Continued from Page 1.) Claude.. Thomas, Cerebral Palsy Chairman for the Nebraska Crip pled Children's Society; Dr. W. Petty, state director of public health; Dr. William Henske, di rector of the Rheumatic Fever program for Nebraska; and Paul Reid, state department of vo cational rehabilitation. More men students took part in the University of Nebraska intramural-recreation a t h 1 e tic program during the past school year than ever before. L. E. Means, head of the men's physical education department, reported Wednesday there were 8,900 participants in intramurals ior 1 31 -18, compared with 6, 036 for 1946-47, the previous high. The totals include the men who took part in more than one event. The program featured 5,189 games or events involving 798 teams. They were witnessed by an estimated 84,180 specta tors. Intramurals include such sports as basketball, touch foot ball, track, golf, boxing, bowling, handball, horseshoes, softball, volleyball and tennis. Means also reported that mis cellaneous activities and special j events such as swim parties, un organized recreation and condi tioning attracted 8,295 partici pants in 111 events. The depart ment's physical education activity classes, theory courses and sports movie clinics boosted the grand total of participation for the ye&r to 22,011, in 5,307 events. STATE NOW? FIRST TIME AT IWTVi MGIXAR PRICES "BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" coMiyc lied Skehon "The Fuller Brush Man" Palmer GLAMOROUS MOTHER. Brenda Marshall, the beautiful brunette of Paramount's "Whis pering Smith," proves that it's possible to be a glamour girl and a wife and mother. Happily mar ried to screen star William Holden, she is the mother of three children. SUMMER TREATS! CANDY AND DELICIOUS-NUTRITIOUS CORNHUSKER POPCORN ON CAMPUS, ACROSS -FROM TEACHER S COLLEGE (Continued from Page 1.) ago, and mortgages, up 304 per cent. The big jump in mortgages was due to a spurt in Omaha from a normal $3,000,000 to $31.- 000,0000. Latest figures available for business activity as a whole in Nebraska show a 2.9 percent in crease in April over a year ago, but this compares with a 11.9 per cent for the same month in the U. S. VARSITY This is not fiction it's THE MAKED FVRY OF FACT! OTY" SENSATIONAL HEADLINE DRAMA OF A PRISON BREAK See It Soici WE SPECIALIZE IN COMPLETE AVTO REPAIR SERVICE BRAKE SERVICE REBUILT MOTORS MOTOR INSTALLATION A3VSTBNF GARAGE Arrow From ftork Inland Or pot lUH N. 19th TeL 2-4M1 No Finer Dancing Instruction Anywhere Learn The Dancing Style That Win Compliments THr l.h4 mritn4 mt tearliiar In lim-vr. Ym'lt Iran hr a ammthfr and MOKE, S'n I.1SH riann-r lta cran-faniMm that' mtKtamtimc. Am highly trained instructors will trarh ymm aak-kljr, eay, aa4 at LESS COST. Free trial Lesson. Phone for appointment. jCloyds School of (Dancing UIA P St. Itallr Tel. 2-5811 DANCE F5.DAY AI.D SATURDAY KITES, 8:45 to 11:45 P.M. in the Air Conditioned Terrace Room 1FRW & 0 CLIJI1 LINCOLN HOTEL, legionnaires and Their Guests Always Incited! (Remember yom mnd your guests must bm mt least 21 years of age) umyjimij WEMU qId) SELL YOUR USED TEXTS AND REFERENCE BOOKS YQBM WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES BECAUSE WE ARE NATIONWIDE BOOK DEALERS HEADQUARTERS FOR CAMPUS NEEDS OPEN 7:33 A. M. 4:30 P.M. V n s