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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1948)
rage 4 All-State Drama Group Slates Two One-Act Plays For their second complete pro gram, the dramatics section of the all-state group on the campus will present two one act plays on Wed nesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Temple theater. and "Harriet both by Florence Ryerson and Colin Clements. Directed by Clara Denton, "Sugar and Spice" cast includes Maxine Arp, Papillion as Mrs. Jones; Duane Rennerfeldt, Oak Tour (Continued from Page 1.) Rocks natural theater in Red Rocks park. A dinner-dance will be held in the Antler Hotel Sat urday evening. Colorado Springs hotel accom modations will be on the basis of two in a double room with bath. To reserve a single room requires an additional charge of $5 pay able by Sept. 30. Rooms will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Train Time. The train will leave the Bur lington station in Omaha at 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8 and will leave Lincoln at 10:30 p.m. Oct. 8. It will arrive at Boulder Saturday at 1 pn. and will leave Boulder at 4:30 p.m. On Monday at the end of the tour, the train will arrive in Lincoln at 6:45 a.m. and in Omaha at 8:30 a.m. Program . . (Continued from Page 1.) Williams American; "The Prom ises" by Panchenko Russian; 7s I'm satisfied because its Chesterfield" B1 1 ill M) J wJull I Jo A I STARRING IN uriiiij ntw ritiUKt . CA "THE VELVET TOUCH" f r WO WDIO fLE5t f f ,?aZ ... fix- M i . (liHOKWIIWP) rlHMJI? U fllM STUDENTS SMOKE land as Chump Edwards; Betty Stratton, West Point as Jane Jones; Bill Holmquist, Oakland as Mr. Jones; Mary Quigley, Oma ha as Susan Harling. Setting of the play will be in the living room of the Jones home. Cast Members Cast members for "Harriet" will be Marjorie Line, Loup City as Harriet Beecher Stowe; Em marie Shramek, Wilbur as Mrs. Public Health 10 Students wishing to take Public Health 10 are advised that the course will be riven as a post summer session course dating from Monday, Aug. 2, and concluding Friday, Aug. 13. Each student registering in the post summer session course will be required to pay a fee of $4 per credit hour for the same or double that amount if a non resident student Registration for the course may be-cared for at any time during this current summer session. We would sug gest early registration. G. W. Roscnlof, Registrar. "Madame Jeanette" by Murray French; "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" by Simeone Scotch. In the grand finale the entire all-state personnel assisted by the University brass ensemble will present "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Steffe-Hing-wald. Arthur W. Wesbrook, head of the school of fine arts, will conduct this final number. v. . u V WW-- ' Ik ilAUlRRhU J SHOWS i CHESTERFIELDS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND THE SUMMER NEBRASKAN Hobbs; Phil Sorensen, Lincoln as Freddie; DeLores Karo, Stuart as Georgie; Diane Downing, super ior as Eliza; Vernell Lewis, Shu bert as Hattis; Bill Holmquist, Oakland as Jerusha Pantry; David Lepart, Alliance as Lewoll Den ton; Dwight Smith, Falls City as Henry Ward Beecher; Joanne Ja cobs, Omaha as Sukey. Director of "Harriet" will be Don Johannes. "Harriet" was first produced at Henry Miller's thea ter, New York City, March 3, 1943, with Helen Hayes in the title role. Based on the life story of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the play dramatizes the events which led up to the writing of "Uncle Tom's Cabin. 3 Scenes from "Harriet" In the first scene of Act II the Stowes have just moved from Cin cinnati to Brunswick, Maine, Har riet is experiencing all the trials of moving into a new home, and her writing is pushed into the background. At the end of this scene, however, there occurs an event which motivates her to com plete the most influential story of her generation. Production staff for the two plays are Margaret Servine, su pervisor; Robert Black, technical supervisor; Mary Sigler, techni cal director. GREETING CARDS for Every Occasion Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North' 14th Street r .-.::. -X. .' v. X ( t THAT MORE COLLEGE V Ground Forces Band to Present 2 Free Concerts Two free concerts will be pre sented in Lincoln Tuesday by the famous 85-piece army ground forces band from Washington, D. C. First concert will be for patients at the Veterans hospital at 2 p. m. and the second at Pinewood bowl at 8:15 p. m. Both concerts are open to the public. ' The band has traveled more than 57,000 miles in its two year's of playing, presenting concerts to over 3,000,000 Americans. This present tour is thhe second made in midwestern states. The band is under the direction of Capt! Chester E. Whiting. Concerts will include a variety MODERNIZE YOUR ELGIN WATCH NEW AMAZING DURAPOWER MAINSPRING INSTALLED ... 3 HOUR SERVICE Only 2.00 PRACTICALLY UNBREAKABLE Dicks Watch Service IN THE NEBR. BOOK STORE GOLD'S Hot Tips for a Cool Fourth Blue Pcnini Jeans Grand for cool days and ac tive sports. Faded blue, rose and barnyard red. Sizes 10 to 16. Pedal Pushers Full-cut and com fortable. Faded blue, roee and multi-color stripes. Sizes 10 to 16. Penini ' Shorts Ideal play wear. Barnyard red, faded blue, multi-color stripes. Sports wear Shop Third T Jfl Tuesday, June 29, 1948 of musical selections from current stage musical productions, semi classics, many marches, instru mental novelties ,and vocal selec tions by the 25-piece soldiers' chorus which is a part of the band. Schultz Outlines Fossil Hunting Dr. C. Bertrand Schultz, direc tor of the University state mu seum outlined progress in fossil hunting in the Cambridge and Republican City areas for the Lin coln Optimists last week. He also showed films. Schultz said that research in this region is being pushed in order to salvage everything pos sible before the inundation which will follow completion of dams which may be finished within the next two years. We Give S St H Green Stamps Floor r