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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1948)
Page 6 THE SUMMER NEBRASKAN Tuesday, Tune 3, 1948 226 For H M igh School All Staters to Register usic-Speech Festival June 10-July 1 University Departments Offer Intensified Instruction at Clinic The 228 high tchool students who are entering the all-state high school music-speech festival at the university this week will receive intensified instruction for the next three weeks. The department of music will offer courses in band, orchestra, chorus and theory. Each student registering in music must take part in two of the three major en sembles. Each music student will receive eix private lessons in either voice or his chosen instrument. Lessons cannot be divided between differ ent instruments or between an in strument and voice because of the limited instructional time. Each music student will be required to take one class a day in music theory and appreciation. EliribUitr. The All-State course is open to girls who are sophomores, jun iors, seniors or graduating from high school and to boys including the ninth grade. The department of speech and dramatic art is offering courses in dramatics, debate and discussion, radio, original speaking and in terpretative reading. All speech students wflu partici pate in a verse speaking choir. In addition, each will select one group activity chosen from dra matics, radio, debate and discus sion and one individual activity chosen from original speaking or interpretative reading. To Give Recitals. bpeech students will have an opportunity to appear as readers or speakers in regular student citals. The dramatics students will produce two full evenings of plays toward the close of the course. The debaters will present a pub lic discussion of next year's high school debate question. The radio students will pro duce regular on-the-air programs over local and state stations. The verse speaking choir will appear in the final All-State speech and music concert. Most Attend. All students are expected to at tend all of the evening recitals and public productions, both in speech and music. The All-State high school course for speech and dnunatic art is open to all girls and boys attending nigh school from the ninth grade to, and including, those graduating this year. All concerts and recitals dur ing the three weeks will be held in the air-cooled ballroom of the Union. There will be concerts every Sunday afternoon and re citals by guest artist, faculty and students in the evenings. Registration of 226 high school students for the all state music and speech festival being held at the University from June 10 to July 1, will begin Thursday morning in the Union ballroom, according to director David Foltz of the University music schooL All those entering the music di- EX-SALESMAN COREY Wendell Corey, currently ap pealing with Barbara Stanwyck, Burt Lancaster and Ann Richards in Hal Wall!' iirr Wrmrn Number" for Paramount release, used to sell washing machines by day and act in little theater plays at night while learning to be an actor. ununeri (Loot TJravalei n 1 w SUITS 1 UamcliMacliei9 Wcalborvong Htktttd at 23 Fcihica Floor Second eumber cool and really wfltleasj Yoall lore the4 .Weathervanea . . . of m fabulous fabric of rayon bjr Calaneaa. Smart for travel big, right for Iowa. Da lieloua o o 1 eolort of Whrta, Lemon, Coral mud TarquoUe. Size 10 10 1& fJliLLER L mm - . mmmmm I i i &t Dr. A E. WestbTMk . . Masie SchMl Head 73 University ROTC Cadets Attend Camps Seventy-three University Army and Air Force ROTC cadets will attend eight summer camps for a six-week period beginning June 21, CoL Howard John, head of the military science department at the University of Nebraska, announce ihursday. The summer training completes training for the students who will then be commissioned as second lieutenants in the Reserve Officer Training Corps. Camps to be attended by Uni versity of Nebraska cadets and the number attending are: Air Force Communications ROTC Camp at Chanute Air Force Base, RantouL Illinois 9; Air Force Administrative ROTC Camp at Lowry Air Force Base. Denver. Colorado 26; Artillery, Infantry, and Armored Cavalry ROTC Camp at Ft. Riley, Kansas Artil lery 13, Infantry 18; CMP ROTC Camp at Ft. Sheridan, III inois 12; Medical Corps ROTC Camp at Ft. Sam Houston. Texas 10; Ordnance Department ROTC Camp at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland 5; Signal uorps KOTC Camp at Ft. Mon mouth, NX 1; Corps of Engin eers ROTC Camp at FL Belvoir, Virginia 7. YOUNG BUSINESS Binnie Barnes. well-known character actress who recently completed a top featured role in Paramount's "My Own True Love," operates a profitable baby's wear shop in the San Fernando Valley as a sideline. vision of the festival will register at 10 a. m. Thursday, Foltz said. Speech registration will be from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. in the Union ballroom. All classes will start Friday. Te Tryvat Tryouts for positions in the band and chorus will be held at 9 a. m. Thursday in the Union faculty lounge and room 316. Lasting three weeks, the festival will close on the evening of July 1 with a final concert in the coli seum. Concert will include num bers from the speech ensemble, band, orchestra and chorus. Something new will be inserted in the all-state festival this year when teaching will be turned to ward learning about the UN through music in co-operation with Chancellor Gustavson and the UN educational project being con ducted at the University this summer. The fmal concert will include music and speech numbers from different countries. Chancellor Gustavson has also consented to speak at the concert, Foltz said. 104 Schools The 226 students will represent 104 high schools in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri. The great majority are from Nebraska and include: Papillion. Geneva. Oeallala. ChappeL Madison, Chadron, Fair bury, Gordon, Ord. St. Edward. Dawson, Kearney, Benkelman, Imperial, Beatrice, Norfolk. Oak land, Lincoln, Mason City, North Platte, Howells, Falls City, Omaha, Ainsworth, Papillion, Decatur, Wymore, Sargent, Grand Island. Ashland, Superior, West Point, Crete, Rushville, Johnson, Guide Rock, Alliance. Hayes Center. Big Springs, Neligh, Columbus, Desh ler, Hastings, Seward, Cedar Bluffs. Aurora. Nemaha. Mitchell. Bart- ley, Rising City, Humboldt, Hast ings, York, Campbell. Wauneta. Stuart, Wilber, North Loup, Mc Cook, Wahoo, Fremont, Cook, Stromsburg, Clarks, Oshkosh, Cen tral City, Wakefield, Emerson. Ar cadia, Hamlet, Kimball, Staple hurst, Champion, Scottsbluff, Ra venna. Weeping Water. Orleans. Ansley, Brady, Syracuse, Clarkson, Hartington, Sutton, Blair, Wisner, Osmond, Auburn, Loup City, Wav- ' riy, jMebraska City. Liberty. David City, Chester. O'Neill. Genoa. Comstock, Walthill, Shubert. Out of state towns being ren- resented are Marysville. Kans.. Rock Port, Mo., and MaDleton. Carroll, Oakland, and Sidney, la. All-Staters will be housed on the campus in sorority and fra ternity houses. LIKES SYMPHONIES Jean Arthur, starred in Para mount's "A Foreign Alfair." has huge collection of classical al bums. Her favorites are Tsehal- kowsky, Brahms, Hayden. USE RAG CLASSIFIED FOR BEST RESULTS