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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1948)
Wednesday, May 19, 1948 Tiger Balance Gains Big 7 Track Nod University of Missouri's supeb ly balanced team is generally conceded its second straight Big Seven conference outdoor track and field championship hereFri day and Saturday afternoons. But the scramble for second place promises to be more hotly contested than a South American presidential election. The Universities of Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma can each amass sufficient points to carry away runner-up honors. THE OTHER THREE confer ence schools, Colorado, Iowa State and Kansas State, altho not possessing the strength to finish second, will be a factor in deter mining who winds up behind Mizzou. Except for the Tigers who will be shooting for the conference team point total of 158 116 they set last year, the remaining six schools will chop up the rest of the points among themselves. A break down of the potential power of the competing teams is as follows: MISSOURI The Tigers are top heavy In all events except the javelin where thev failed to acjre in 147. :adlll "Bud" Gaftiser. Rimer Klein. Gil Phillip. Dick Schmidt. Dick Ault and Bob Bchuater are all top night a printer! In the 100-, 220- and 440-yard dashes. Schuster haa clicked off the 440 In :48.3 seconds the best time in the con ference to date. Phillips has run the 220 in 21.3 seconds. "Bud" Gartiser haa a 23-second flight of low hurdles and waa clocked in 14. S Seconds for the higha which are the beat times for these cventa in the Bin Seven this spring. In the half-mile, mile and two mile racea. the Tigers have leaders' in Bob Bos worth. Bill Chronlster, Charles Lan caater and Jean Madden. Bosworth haa done the ftso in 1 :.r6 2 while he and Chronlster have 4:29.4 limine in the mile. Missouri' 'initiation ia not limited to the tract. It has Ben Teel. a 23 fool plus broad iumiier. Mel Srirehaei and Kd Quirk in the shot put and discus, and Justin Knapp who has pule vaulted 13 feet. NEBRASKA One or the heat dash quartets In the Big Seven is the Corn-4 busker's Dick Hutton. Harry Meginnis, Alan Thompson and Loyal Hurlhert. Hut ton's 8.7 second century and Meginnis' 21 second furlong are stellar, perform ances this spring. The Huskers might surprise In the racea and field events. Bob Berkshire will carry the hurdle burden while Meglnpia will defend hia Jump title. Other possible field points: Monte Kin der, high jump, Ray Magsamen, javelin. Don Cooper, pole vault ; Dick Piderit, shot put, and Wayne fieca. discus. KANSAS Astonishing second-place win ners in the indoor meet at Kansas City, Mo., the Javhawka have three blue rib bon contender!, in Hal Moore and Bob Karnes, mile and two mile, and Tom FRIDAY Dave Iffaun and his orchestra COLLEGE NIGHT Dancing 9 to 12 Couples only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tsi IarlneW AAA FROM tTVOew nw' in . . s- i nrrus - FITTED VOuls uun?" ' MdaJ Uah'iJC trCrf v . i 3v 4 9 Scofleld the spring limbed record holder In the high jump. John Stltei and Tom Shea will push the field In the 440 and 800 while Druinm, with a 196-foot-5 Inch tosa, leads the conference javelin throwers. OKLAHOMA Altho not powerful, the Soonera ar well balanced with Missouri. They have a 10 second dash man in Laddie Harp who may misa the outdoor carnival because of a pulled muscle, Landon Westbrook in the 440, Ray Burns and John Canaria in the mile and two mile, "Hobo" Gllstrap in the low hurdles and broad Jump, Bill Weaver in the high jump, broad jump and dlBcua, and BUI Carroll in the pole vault and high Jump. KANSAS STATE The Wildcats have outstanding performers in Rollln Prather (53 feet-S Inches in the shot put and 154 feet-6'4 inches in the discus). Rod McCiay. the busiest man on the Kansas State team, running the 100, 220 220 low hurdles and pole vaulting, and How ard Shannon (as feet-4 i Inches In the broad Jump and 6 feel-2" Inches in the high jump). Art Hildenhrand and Pave VanHaver beke should finish high in the half mile and two-mile fields respectively. COLORADO The Buffs are only a shadow of last year s great team. Ex cept for a half-dozen individual standouts they have no over-all strength. Don Campbell, one of the natlon'a rul Ig sprinters last spring. Harry Nnrcisian, sprinter. Kitzmorri. distance mn, lark McEwen. Broad lumn Jirk Tnri.i and Warren Bateman. pole vault, are Colorado's principal point hopes. NINE TRIUMPHS Nebraska's baseball team tor-k another step toward the Bit Seven championship Tues day by whipping: the Kansas Jajrhawks for the second day in a row. The Huskers clipped the Jay hawks 9-3. They have two tames remaining: next week with Iowa State. MILLER With Her rule HOSIERY ... .; ill 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA! Betas, Sig Eps Meet in IM Golf Playoff Nebraska's Intramural eolf soe cialities championship playoff will oe held Friday, May 21, at 12:15 p.m. between Beta Thtta Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon. The Betas, with Bill Olson (70), John Hoslam (50), Jack Baily (45) and Lloyd Petersen (40) scoring a 205 total, captured first place in the pitching contest. Sigma Phi Epsilon. with Craig -oie (725), Dick Folda (700), Marv Franklin (690) and Ray Biemond (675), amassed a total yardage of 2790 to take first in the driving contest. Bill Olson had the high indi vidual pitching score of the tour nament with 70, and Craig Cole look driving honors with his 725 yard total. Each team in the playoff will be represented by a seven or eight-man team. The champion ship will be determined by the six best totals in pitching added to the six best totals in driving. These may be any six scores of the seven or eight men who shoot in either event. Official Intramural medals will be given to the individual win ners of each of the two events. In a recent election Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity selected Len ard Potash as President for the coming year. Harvey Davis will serve as Treasurer and Benny Robinson will take over the duties of Secretary. C PATflE Hnkiery Section V'r t "nor Wherever there's fife, there's sure to be Hope, fler wit and her charm claim attention; any adventure this missy can cope for success rates a mention: FULL-FASHIONED (JJELU, CrflMCx .... eZ6RVTHIWr SCCMS TO 6fc ' so.tT$ (ejXZKrAJ T,u ,VfcK, U3UtD Mw BEN SIMON SONS WILL HAVE OS GROUND To GrtU VOU THE LHT UJOKU in r JA UWW rr S4 c. Husker Nine Deals Kansas 7-1 Defeat Nebraska University's baseball team took another step nearer the Big Seven conference champion ship Monday by defeating Kan sas University, 7-1, at Lawrence. Big Jim Sandstedt of Omaha hurled eight-hit ball as Nebraska jumped on the last-place Jay hawks for 11 safeties. The Huskers clinched the vic tory with a three-run surge in the second inning. Bob Cerv, Wes ton centerfielder, clouted a triple, followed by Bob Grogan's double and singles by Wes Maser, Buzz rowiey and Sandstedt. Kansas tallied their lone run in the seventh inning. Charles Med lock, second baseman, singled! went 10 second on an error and scored on another error bv Short stop Grogan. The Huskers added single runs in the sixth and ninth stanzas and two in the seventh. Thev collect ed their 1 hits off Kansas Pitch ers Lou Hammer and Karl Elbel. Bob Grogan was the Nebra's- kans top man at the plate. He collected three safeties in five trips. Dil Blatchford and Sand stedt each hit twice in five trips to the plate. Third Baseman Day hit two- for-three for the Jayhawks. and French and Med lock each hit a:-; tpUAxJlOASL summer-wonderful, I I Tissueweignr GABARDINE SKIRT and Straight-lined, fir-fronted, perfectly tailored in Nary. Grey. Bed, fiiure Blue or Black. Team it with our GABARDINE TOPPER. colo.l.l P ' d dathing any time of dayl 10-flJ 1 1 n 1 1 1 k ii 'xr una Ft m a w Page 3 Don McArtluir, D. Means Meet In Tennis Final Dick Means, Beta Theta Pi, and Don MiArthur, Sigma Alpha Ep silon, will meet this week for the Intramural tennis singles cham pionship. Both have emerged the winner in five matches to date. McArthur disposed of Rickard Agnew, Delta Upsilon, Independ ent, 8-6, 4y6, 6-1. McGehee will meet Agnew to settle the third and fourth place positions. twice in four trips Nebr. Blat'fnrd c ab h o a . Kansas ab h o a 12 6 1 Shaw cf 3 0 2 1 3 13 2 Deluna lb 3 1 10 0 Haya 2b Deuker 3b 5 0 0 2 French ss 4 2 2 2 Grogan ss 5 3 5 4 Gil'aon rf 3 0 10 laser rf 4 10 0 Spring cf 10 0 0 Cerv cf 4 12 0 May 3b 3 2 2 3 Schlelger lb 5 0 9 2 Bertuzzi If 4 12 0 Powley If 4 12 0 Medlock 2b 4 2 3 3 Sandstedt p S 2 0 1 Kencyk c 4 0 3 1 - Hammer p 10 0 0 Ktlly 10 0 0 Kbel p 0 0 0 1 Mabry 10 0 0 Totals 40 11 27 12 Totals 32 8 27 11 Kelly batted for Hemmer in ninth, Mabry batted for Ebel In ninth. Nebraska 030 001 2017 Kansas 000 000 1001 Runs: Grogan 2, Maser 2. Cerv 2, Schlelger, Medlock. Error: Hays, Den ker, Grogan, Maser. Deluna, May 3, Bertuzzi, Kencyk, Ebel. Runs batted in: Cerv 2, Schlelger and Sandstedt. Two base hit: Grogan. Three base hit: Cerv. Stolen base: Grogan, Maser, Cerv 2, Powley 2. Sacrifice: Sandstedt, Powley. Left on base: Kansas 8, Nebraska 10. Double play: Grogan to Schlelger, to Grogan. Base on balls: Off Sandstedt 4. Hammer 1. Ebel 3. Struckout: By Sanstedt 5, Hammer 2, Ebel 2. Hit: Off Hammer 3 in 7 innings, Kbel 9 in 2, Sandstedt 0. Umpire: Hogue and John son. i:::H:::::::::::3 tjf FIKST FLOOR UN0 CCNTftOU. tx CUOTHlMQr, A. I Uy " Y II l-:Jk i-: It