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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, May 14, 1948 U our Church Baptist. The annual banquet of the Bap tist Student Fellowship and the "Golden Band," Baptist married couples group, will be held at First Baptist church, 14 th and K, Thursday, May 20, at 6:15 p. m. " The guests peaker will be the Rev. Mark Richards, pastor of First Baptist church, North Platte Newly elected officers of both groups will be installed. Reserva tions for the banquet are neces sary and must be made by noon Wednesday, May 19. The Baptist Student Fellowship will be at the Baptist Student Center Sunday, May 16, at 5:30 p. m. The group will go to see the Freedom Train following the supper. Lutheran. Lutheran students from both Ag and City campuses will have a-joint picnic at Pioneers park, ;May 16. Cars and bus will leave from the Student House, 1440 Q, at 3:3U p. m. The Return Party will be given Friday, May 14, at 7:30 p. m. All interested should sign the list on the bulletin board at the Student House. Rev. Erck's sermon on Pentecost will be entitled, "Quench Not the Spirit." Chapel services will be held at 10:45 a. m. in room 315 of the Student Union on Sunday, May 16. A picnic, sponsored by Gamma Delta for all Lutheran students, Iwill be held at Pioneers park. iMay 16. Students will meet at the Student Union at 2:30 p. m. There will be a ball game and jsupper will be served at 5:30 p. m. Methodist. There will be a Delta Sigma Theta-Kappa Phi picnic in place of the usual Friendly Friday, May 14. Students will meet at the Stu dent House at 5:00 p. m. or go to Antelope park. The "Freedom Train" movies will be shown at St. Paul's Church at the University of Life program Sunday, May 16, at 5:15 p. m. Presbyterian. The ASHRAM to be held at Milford will begin at 12:30 p. m., Saturday, May 15, and will last until 10:00 p. m. of the same day. All those interested should sign up at the Presby House. The pro gram will Include Rev. C. Vin White, speaking on "The Plight of Man," Rev. O'Linn McGuire, "The Power of God," and Mar garet Ann Osborn. "What's In volved in Christian Living." All those with cars a re asked to bring them. The Sunday night 5:00 Forum will have as the speaker, Miss Jane Avery, assistant at the Pres- Health Service Seeks Workers A representative of the United States department of public health, Mr. Renerrl, will be on campus May 18 to interview per sons interested in securing em ployment with that department. Dean Thompson announced to day. Mr. Ranerri is interested in see ing only civil, mechanical, and chemical engineers, for 20-minute interviews. Engineers who wish to talk with Ranerri must report to room 104 of the Administration building before 5 p.m. on Men- day, May 17. by House and recently accepted Yale student, speaking on the sub ject, "What's in a Mind." Supper and recreation will fol low Miss Avery's talk. HOTEL - y ' IS PROUD 10M HOST TO Kappa Kappa Gamma "i '' Annual Banquet i Friday, May 14 ;. a , 0J A.A.U.W. X3jW Luncheon lV Sat, May 15 l HONOR STUDENT r " PRISCIUA BAILEY smokes CHESTERFIELDS She says'. "I smoke Chesterfields because they me a milder, cooler smoking .cigarette." Chesterfield year after year first choice of college men and women. S "V A W PY KB" Microtomic VAN DYKE Tops in Drawing Pencils For uniform, clean lines on drawings. ..for while, sharp lines in print, you can count on the absolute opacity of HI -DENSITY leadaln Microtomic "VAN DYKE" drawing pencils. Even the finest details appear free of . fuzz or irregularity. I! I! II I! IHI! II 111! II I! y 3 IOUH0 lUOJA IS DECREES rf Round lead from BH to 7B. Chisel shaped leads with the same HI DENSITY quality are available in six degrees. Pepsters Name Black Secretary pat Black, teachers college sophomore, was elected national corresponding' secretary of Phi Sigma Chi, national pep frater nitv. at the recent convention held in Lawrence, Kansas, May 8. Miss Black represented Ne braska Tassels at the convention. Other Tassels delegates were: Mary Helen Mallory, Kay Wor cester, Katie Rapp and Lois Gillette. Six schools are affiliated with Phi Sigma Chi. The topic of the convention was means of raising money for pep organizations. Aquaquettes . . . Continued from Pare 1 Sand, Marion Willock, Pat Wied man and Phyllis Hoke. Ushering will be done by the Penquin club of Lincoln high and the choreo graphy by the directors of the numbers. Armour and Company will be on th rammis Friday. .Mav 14. to in terview students who are inter ested in saleswork. Wedding Stationery Invitations or Announcements Printed or Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street S c- ( SAT., MAY 15 ADM. 1.00 EA. PLUS TAX KsV f Vy vC v ; 12 " GO TO THE DORM ! ' lJ BRIEF CHECK. II ' l ' K-: for many nifbis 'ft I 1 I slumber. Cool rayon J ' la Bine, Green, K4 J I I j With Solid -95 f wV J I trim. y ' if J 'Ci ,0 What's new In the sleeping J K f K worldT SASSY PANTS by Fault- 5 ? f J t lew Lady NoBelt for the coolest, Kr ( if i most comfortable shut-eye you've 4 " long time. We've comely Smr05r cottons, smooth rayons In bed- V J? time line-up of polka dots, plains, jrf checks. Sizes 32 to 38. flllLLEK FA!flE THREE ON A MATCH . .. rayon sleep ensemble of aaay pants In Yellow with Aqua, Pink with Blue, QC Blue with Pink trim. UIVGEIIIE . . THIRD FLOOR SLEEP COAT color rayon . Aqua, Pink and Bine. In plain Yellow, 95