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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
. .- rpTTT rvitn V MPT5D KCf HM facte 4 inL ivinntn.i , High Scorer To iTri K's To Hold Meet Saturday; The annual Tri K crops judging contest will be held in the College Activities building on Saturday, May 15, with all entering students placed in one of three divisions. Requirements for the divisions are: Freshmen no Agronomy or Agronomy 1. Junior all students with more than Agronomy 1 and not out for the crops judging team. Senior those students out for the crops judging team. Ribbon awards will be awarded the top ten contestants in each division. The high scoring individ ual in each division will receive a medal award. A trophy will be awarded the high scoring individual of the contest by the Nebraska Crop Im provement association. All awards will be presented at a banquet that evening at 6:30 in the Foods and Nutritions build ing. A short program following the presentation of awards will consist of pictures shown by Mr. Noel Hansen of his work in weed eradication with a Hawaiian pine- CAPITOL BEACH OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 15th COME OVT FOR Fl.V.' It's Bob Eberly's waxing off "You Can't Run Away From Love." Decca Record Release BOB EBERLY, the romantic ballad singer, gives some old but good advice to cuddlesome twosomes on this click-disc. And Bob has another good word for smokers. As Bob sings it, Tve tried a lot of different brands of cigarettes but Camels suit me best" Try Camels on your "T-Zone"-T for Taste T for Throat See for yourself and countless other smokers S$OiZ ptfpk sre, Stoking- 4wo Win Trophy Crop Judging Offer Prizes apple and sugar cane association. Mr. Hansen was formerly with the University College of Agri culture. Tickets for the banquet are $1.10 and can be purchased at the Agronomy office, Finance office or the Ag Union. The Tri K's will also hold an initiation meeting Thursday, May 13 at 7 p.m. in the Crops Laboratory. Election of new Tri K officers will take place then. Baird Named New Chancellor Of Alpha Zeta Jack Baird, Ag college junior, was installed in the office of chancellor of Alpha Zeta, agri cultural honorary iraternity, ai the regular meeting last week, nthpr newlv elected officers who were installed: High cen sor, Donald Lehr; scnoe, rranK Loeffel; treasurer, Joe Havelka; and chronicler, Ted Walter. Baird is a member of Tri-K club, Block and Bridle club, Farmers' Fair board, and the Ag Executive board. His major is soil conservation. The retiring officers of the honorary society are: Ned Raun, chancellor; Clyde Maddocks, high censor; Leo Bedke, scribe; James Sears, treasurer; and Charles Brim, chronicler. Following the installation, M. A. Alexander, associate profes sor of animal husbandry, gave a short talk. The work and re sponsibilities of each office was also explained to the new men by the retiring officers. It was Wedding Stationery Intitationt or Announcement Printed or Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street why, with Bob Eberly who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience " FrankfurterPresents GifttoLentz From Band Members at Banquet vv - I-5 1 : I &4fr Prof. Donald Lentx, director of University Band, is shown with his pipe humidor presented by the band for his ten years of outstanding service. Lentz's band has been cited as one of the nations Desi Scouting Positions Open, Interviews Scheduled May 13 A representative of the Boy Scouts of America, Cornhusker Council, will meet seniors and other students interested in scout ing as a profession May 13 at 5:00. Two vacancies in Cornhusker Council and 28 to 30 vacancies in this region now exist. Those se lected could start work immed iately upon completing school this spring. for scouting positions must regis ter in Dean Thompson's office, Room 104 Administration build ing by 5:00 May 12. announced by past Chancellor Pann that nlana hnH hAPn completed for a convocation fea- . a m . . tunng (General ficK oi tne m.v.a., tn ho Viol4 ot 1ft q m ot tho rnl- ,J ll V IIV1U U V AW .... WW . - lege activities building. May 7. RECORD llWW7r IB) likM' sbi a 1 f M Mr;, mimm ( v- mmmm j i 1 if marcnmg uanus Ac Experimental Livestock Victims of Stray Dog Pack Livestock men on Ag campus are getting a bit tired of having stray dogs play havoc with their experimental and breeding herds and flocks. Several weeks ago, a flock of stray dogs attacked some of Dr. L. E. Hansoi.'s experimental hogs. Several of the animals were killed. Then late Sunday night, the dogs were on the "kill" again and at tacked the sheep flocks on the campus. Bill Ezry, sheep herds man, and Prof. M. A. Alexander discovered the loss Monday morn ing. From eight to ten of the lambs and ewes in the sheep pens were Villpd nutrient hv the docs. In ad dition, some 30 to 40 of the other sheep were maimed badly. Many of thpm had their ears chewed off or legs and bodies badly bruised. Some of them had to De slaughtered Monday. The sheen Dens are located at the sheep barns on the campus. Thursday, May 13, 1948 University band members showed their appreciation for the leadership of Professor Donald A. Lentz, director, at their annual banquet Friday evening when Col. Frankfurter presented a pipe humidor engraved with a band key to Lentz. "Lentz has served the Univer citv fnr 10 vears in the caDacitv of band director and has pro duced one of the nation's out standing marching bands which has been a credit to both the mili tary department and the Univer sity, Col. t ranKiurter siaxea. Five members of the band who were awarded R.O.T.C. honorary band keys for outstanding service to the organization during the school year are: Willim Kelly, Jack Snider, Darwin Fredrickson, Edward Jorden, and Kent Tiller. Fredrickson was also named president of the band, succeeding Snider. Fences about four feet tall are around the pens and buildings but they did not prove any handi cap for the attacking dogs. Such wholesale slaughtering and maiming by this flock of unidenti fied strays practically wrecked the Ag experimental project, col lege officials said. All victims were highly valued experimental and breeding animals. : Innocents Trophies AH men's groups houses and organizations competing for the Innocents scholarship and leadership trophies are request ed to submit itemized lists of total points to Stanley Johnson, Innocent! . president, . before Monday, May 17. Announce ment of trophy winners will be made early next week.