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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, May 7, 1948 Your Church Baptist and Christian The Baptist student group will be host to the Christian Fellow ship at the Baptist student house, 315 No. 15 on May 9. The groups will meet at 5:30 for supper with the regular meeting beginning at 6:30. Rabbi Jerome Kestenbaum will speak on Judaism. The Baptist group will have an ice cream social May 14 at the First Baptist church.. Friendly hour will be held from 4 to 6 at the Cotner house on May 12. Episcopal A Choral Eucharist and sermon will be held at 11:00 in the Uni versity Episcopal church. The music and sermon will be appro priate for Mothers Day. Lutheran Lutheran students from the city campus will meet at 5 p. m. May 9 at First Lutheran church, 17th and A streets. Ag students will meet at 6:30 p. m. at 1200 No. 37th. Richard Reusch will speak to both these groups. At the present time, Missionary Reusch is on furlough from his assign ment in Africa. Holy communion will be cele brated in the Lutheran chapel services conducted by Rev. H. Erck, Sunday, 10:45 a. m., room 315 of the Student Union. The sermon topic will be, "He As cended into Heaven What did this mean for Jesus and what does it mean for us?" June Cast will be accompanist. There will be no Gamma Delta meeting because of the Walther league talent quest at Concordia Teachers College, Seward. The next meeting of the group will be a picnic on May 16. Methodist Friendly Friday will meet at the student house at 7:30, May 7. HOTEL CORNHUSKER IS PROUD TOM HOST TO Kappa Delta f ormal Fri., May 7 X Phi Delta Thcta 100th anniversary banquet Sat., May 8 Sigma Delta Tail Mother' Day Luncheon Sunday, May 9 .T TONIGHT is COLLEGE NIGHT 1 JtifJ.r&Vtijj3itfl Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tax Included Dr. Georgi Elected Sigma Xi Prexy Dr. Carl E. Georgi, bacteriolo gist, is the new president of the University of Nebraska chapter of Sigma Xi, national science honorary society. He succeeds Dr. M. A. Basoco. Other new officers announced Thusday are: Prof. F. E. Mus sehl, vice president; Dr. D. M. Pace, treasurer, and two who were re-elected, Dr. T. A. Kies selbach, counselor, and Prof. F. W. Norris, secretary. Delta Sigma Thcta business meeting at the student house at 6:00 p. m. May 7. Mrs. Albin T. Anderson will speak at the University Of Life program at St. Paul church, May 7, at 5:15 p. m. Her topic will be "What Religion Means to Me." Presbyterian Rev. and Mrs. O'Linn McGuire will speak at the forum at the Prpshv hnnsp on Mav 9. at 5:00 p. m. Their topic will be "Chris tian Home and family." ine group will then join the Westmin ster FellowshiD rallv to be held at 0:00 at Second Presbyterian church. Anyone with a car is urged to bring it. The Presbv house retreat is lo be held May 15 and 16. You can sign up for the retreat in tne oi- fice of the Presby house. Unitarian Rev. Schuu will SDeak on "Re- dedication to Freedom" in the 11:00 a. m. service. Th collece ace erouD will meet at 5:00 p. m. on May 9 at 844 So. 51st. Modern Dance Group Boasts Long History "Long ago and far away" back in 1927 a group of young women under the direction of Miss Dor othy Simpson brought modern dance into its own on the Uni versity campus. The group, named Orchesis, has grown in size and enthusiasm until it reached its present mem bership of 24. Each year many women showed a desire to belong to the group but because of the limited number of places avail able they were not able to par ticipate. Four years ago, in re sponse to this tremendous inter est, a pre-Orchesis class was or ganized. The nation-wide enthusiasm for modern dance SDread to Univer sity men and last year a men's dance group was organized. The art of modern dance was origin ally perfected by men who be lieved that its strong physical movement was too rigorous for Wedding Stationery Invitation or Announcements Printed or Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street women. I when they appear in the 21st an- These three groups will present nual spring orcnesis concert m a combined program May 7 and 8 Grant Memorial Hall. Til take Dentyne Chewing Gum!" "He't get something there I When it comet to girlt you can love 'em and leave 'em, but once you've tatted that twell flavor of Dentyne Chewing Gum, you're told tolid for life, Brother I Dentyne help keep teeth white, too!" Dentyne Cum Made Only By Adams WithlYO FOR TOWN FASHION FLOOR . . . SECOND SPORTSWEAR f St ?&tfewa7,7V Mp"Si"'f f ill wJ ) ff 1 IllSSSt.? it mm li m F it Sl w H lw u !fz:$ -t lli fin I ''S' It it I 'V I fcip is ml jfrE 3? JU X If X 7L. 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