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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1948)
Friday, May 7, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. Page 3 Husker Nine Climbs to 2nd In Loop Race Nebraska's Cornhuskers jumped into third place in the Big Seven baseball race this week after handing the cellar-dwelling Kan sas Jayhawks two defeats Tues day and Wednesday. The Huskers hold a 6-3 record. Missouri and Colorado are in 'the loop lead with percentages of .750. However, the Tigers have won six and lost two, while Colo rado has won three in only four contests. Missouri will play two -home games against Kansas Fri day and Saturday. Colorado will travel to Ames for two contests with the Cyclones and will meet Nebraska in, Lin coln Monday and Tuesday. UN Droys Kansas Twice. The Huskers handed KU a 10-1 shellacking Tuesday and dropped the Jayhawks,. 5-2, Wednesday. Big Jim Sandstedt limited Kansas to fourt hits in the opening game of the series, and Elroy "Lefty" Gloystein turned in a two-hit chore Wednesday in defeating the Lawrence nine. Kansas State is in fourth place with a 5-3 record; Oklahoma's Sooners follow with 4-6; Iowa State is sixth with a 2-5 record; and Kansas is in the cellar with . only one victory in eight starts. Nebraska will see heavy duty in the next five days. The Cornhusk ers entertain Oklahoma Friday and Saturday and Colorado Mon day and Tuesday. Ossino To Start Angelo Ossino will receive the hurling assignment Friay in the first game against the Sooners, and Sandstedt will start in the second game Saturday. The Huskers split with the Sooners in two earlier meetings this season. Both contests are scheduled for 3 o'clock. Big Seven conference standings: w I net. Missouri Colorado 3 Nebraska Kansas Slate S Oklahoma 4 Iowa State ' 2 Kansas 1 .70 .7M .6 .S2S .400 .24 .125 Classified LOST Delta Phi Vita pin. Reward.1 Name on back. Dial 2-3251, ask for 17W2. ROOM for rent Men Summer peasion l.r27 M. Phone 2-3728. Ielta Sigma Pi. LOST Light brown corduroy sport jacket and light brown small check sport iacket at Ivy Day ceretnamts. Call Stan Johnson or Herb Jackson at 2-4433. HOW la this one? Hooeyinooner. Honey moonera. Vacationers. Zumwinkel Cab Ins. F.itea Park. Completely furnished, hnths. fireplaces. Open June 7 to Sept. 30. For information write, Zumwinkel Arres, Atlenspark, Cote. buy WithnfTdence lincoln trailer co. offers you these bargains. 18' A Real Value $1215.00 21' Klcctric refrigeration aluminum 105.00 23' Aluminum a beauty! 1995.00 25' Klectric refrigeration, hot water 22M.O0 27' Tandem, electric refrigeration 24t5.00 27' Aluminum, electric refrigeration 2(595.00 All trailers guaranteed, full equipped. , down, balance 6ci interest. More value at lower cost. See these before you buy. LINCOLN TRAILER CO. LOST One pair puiatie rimmed glasses. Reward Call Jerry Hansen, 2-7741. University presents "The Taming of May 12, ml PRICES General adm. 60c Res. seat 75c " . V . V. . . ' .. . V ' : .. . "V - HUSKER FIRST SACKER Bob Schleiger from Omaha has been regular duty at first base for the Nebraska nine this season. Schleiger will start against the University of Oklahoma Sooners in a two-game home series Friday and Saturday. Nebraska Track Team Seeks First Outdoor Win Saturday Nebraska's track team will en tertain the University of Colorado Saturday afternoon in the only home dual meet of the season. The meet will start at 1:30 to avoid conflict with the Oklahoma Nebraska baseball game. Coach Weir's Huskers are after their first victory of the outdoor season. They lost to Kansas and Missouri earlier. A wave of injur ies has crippled the Nebraskans in the two previous meets. Buff Sprint Star Don Campbell, Colorado's soph omore sprinter, will be one of the top men in the century and 220. Campbell has been clocked in 09.5 last year, but has been hamp ered by injuries most of the sea son. Nebraska's Dick Hutton, Al Thompson and Harry Meginnis are expected to press tne Hull star. Colorado boasts three other in dividual stars. Warren Bateman should give the Huskers' Don Cooper plenty of competition in the pole vault. Bateman soared 13'6" fo tie for first place in the Kansas Relays. Jack McEwen is Colorado's BOARD and room tor summer session $10 per week. Brown Palare, Men's Co-op. 1504 3 st. Phone? 2-2583. LOST Black Hills gold "tie clip. Think on Ag Campus. Reward. Call 6-1138. GOLF aet. 8 cluhs, like new, bag $35; Ko.lak SS with rangeflmler. case, acces sories. $85. Gilbert Hueftle, 5-7357 or see at Law College. LOST One pair glasses, in or near Stuilent t'nicn, Tuesday aft. Elliott Retht, 2-3,s.",7. WANTED Student barber to work, part time at Paul's Barbarsnop. See ' Paul at 223 No. 14th St. WANTED-One skull, lbs. intestines, any plasm, preferably ghost. Apply IH T. anv kind: from condition; 10 bucket erto high class 11126 STAR Cot pp. Good tires, kIhss and heater. Runs Call 6-iOSU. good. Make cood pickur Mother's Day Cards Alsa special for Grandmother. lew Mother, Aunts, Secret Pal, etc. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Theatre the Shrew" 13, 14, 15 Box Office Hours Mondoy, May 10-15 12:30-5 Daily - i hope in the broad jump. He leaped 24 feet in a practice try this sea son. Jack Todd hurled the javelin 194'5" in the KU carnival. The Boltl Ixuk is a IkL that commands alten lion. It's tlislinrtivr . . .as virilr as football. . .as American as tli Sunday comics. Ils the look'" college men seek! The Bold Look Shirt Spread command collar with half' inch stitching from edge. . .two-inch wide front placket. . .wider, longer French caffs. By Sherman. The Wembley Bold Tie Distinctly masculine. . .the new longer, narrower shape in a Wembley wool tie... made for your favorite Windsor knot... in sparkling, bold Upset Features Wednesday's Softball Games Ten games were played Wed nesday afternoon as the 1948 in tramural softball tournament nears the halfc-way mark. The tournament has been running very smoothly as few games are being forfeited and more fields are in use. Sigma Nu pulled the big upset of the day as they took a hard fought 3 to 2 decision over Alpha Tau Omega, to knock the ATOs from the undefeated list. In other games, the SAEs beat the Delta Sigs, 18 to 5; Brown Palace dropped the Kappa Sigs, 6 to 4; Phi Delta Theta topped Farm House, 9 to 3; Delta Upsilon beat Delta Chi, 1 to 0; Corn husker Co-op dropped Delta Tau Delta, 6 to 1; the Sig Eps beat the Phi Psis, 10 to 3; the Pill Rollers swamped Dorm A-2, 16 to 2; Phi Gamma Delta topped the ZBTs, 14 to 4; and the Sig Chis edged out Theta Xi, 2 to 0. Teams Dropped. The Intramural wishes to an nounce that all teams that for feit will be dropped from the tournament. Second round matches are now being played in the gold tourna ment, and they must be played 5 stripes. 50 MAGEETS First Floor off by Sunday, May 9. Results must be posted on the bulletin board by Monday noon. i v i r UL TURNPIKE Sal-. May 8 It's the L til LOOK Featured in Esquire Tax rneL