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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
Thursday; May 6, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 4 Commissions Available in Air Component Individuals who formerly served in the World War II Air Force as officers or enlisted men, are elig ible to be commissioned into the regular component of the Air Force, headquarters announced today. Detailed information is avail able in Room 201 in the Armory Those who are pursuing a post graduate course in the following fields or who are obtaining a B.S. egree in June, are of par ticular interest to the Air Force: civil engineering, electricity, phy sics, meteorology, law, chemical engineering, electrical engineer ing, industrial and production en gineering, metallurgy, physiology, psychology, and aeronautical en gineering. Applicants must have served in the Air Force since December 7, 1941. They must be under 27 years of age, or not more than the period of service over the age of 27. Their prior service record must indicate honorable and ef ficient scrvce. Prior officers selected will be returned to the permanent grade of Second lieutenant, USAF, and in the temporary grade in the ttcatt friTocnnnriinff to their V. V. . KJ f ct grade held before separation from the service, jnnsiea jieiaui"' ...ill K returned to ac- fcClC Iti l, v. - - tive duty in the permanent grade Of Second lieutenant, ui". Adelphis Elect Officers, Name Nutzman Prexy Adelphi officers for the coming year were elected at ineir inu day night meeting. Those elected were: Mildred Nutzman, presi dent; Glenna Van Horn, vice president; Ann ivunci, secieiaijr. Pat Bach, treasurer; Jan Sielaff historian. A special dinner and installa- nffiroro will be held MOn- llVA U. ' day evening, May 17, at Ellen smith nan. Classified liOST Blue my Jacket outh of Ag Activities Bldg., luexiay p. m. nfthii nn. Pen with name In pofkgt. Call 6-2421. t-.i 4 . Tstii nif a nin Reward! Name on back. Dial 2-3251, ask for 17WX. roR sale Girl's sweater, poor cotjdl- . . r, . HDa nnltf Oflll 2-7741 lion, uwu mi w... BOOM for rent Men Summer session lDZf M. rnune -oio. ... n - BOARD and room for summer session $10 per week. Brown Palace. Men s Jr. in s fit. Phone 2-2583. vu-t.. LOST Light brown corduroy sport . . . v. ..... email rtwr jacxei ana urui r sport jacKCl ai ivy w Call Stan Johnson or Herb Jackson at LOST One pair plastic rimmed glasses. . i.ii iAMnr ITatia.n 9-7741. g : rr tt Unn... tlOW is mis one: xiuiicyni"ii. mooners. Vacationers. Zumwinkel Cab- i .V" i n.n Tuna 1 tfl RI)t Dams, ureiMncm. v. r r ; 30. For information write, Zumwinkel "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE LINCOLN TRAILER UU. OFFERS YOU THESE BARGAINS. A Real Value $12)5.00 Klectrlc refrigeration ,..,. aluminum JJ??'22 Aluminum a beauty! 1895.00 Electric refrigeration, . h w.t.r 22P5.0O 2r Tandem, electric refrigeration 2495.00 27' Aluminum, electric refrigeration , 2895.00 Ail trailers guaranteed, fully equipped, down, balance 6 interest. More value at lower cost See these before you buy. " LINCOLN TUAlJjliiU l-V Ag Virion Slates Juke Box Dance A inkp hnx dance. sDonsored by Vio Aw TTninn entertainment com mittee, will be held this Friday night from 8:30 to ii:.ju in me College Activities ballroom. will be free and the whole Ag Union will be open, in cluding the Dell, card room and music room. Music win De Dy rec- nt-Aa The Hanrfi is the second In a series of free entertainment nights sponsored by the Ag en tertainment committee. TKie rnmmittpp headed bv Ivan Liljegren, includes Sue Bjorkland, Keith Kegley, wen Miner, Smith and Jim Lutz. Sears Award Winnerslnvited To Banquet ah raoinionta of scholarships from the Sears Roebuck founda tion are invited to a dinner to be given Tuesday, May 18, at the Cornhusker hotel, according to an announcement from Dean W. W. Burr of Ag college. tv iiinmir la snonsored an nually by the Sears Roebuck foundation and the Lincoln Sears Rnoriiir store. A rerjresentative from the foundation will be pres ent at the dinner and ti. a. Schimm, manager of the Lincoln store, will be in charge of the dinner. Miss Margaret Fedde of the Home Economics department is also on the committee for the dinner. Tnvifntinnc will he sent Out from the Dean's office this week. Any hnlHers or recent winners of Sears Roebuck scholarships who do not receive invitations snouia cnecs. at the Dean's office to receive an invitation and have their names put on the list. AventnncpR for the dinner shniild he in the Dean's office by May 14. Over 100 students are now attending Ag college on sears Roebuck grants. Corn Experiment Given Additional $3,000 Donation r.ift nf $3 000 from the Kelloee Co. to help develop a white hy brid seed corn tor neorasKa io the University of Nebraska Foun dation was announced Wednes day by Perry W. Branch, director-secretary. The company has given the university $6,000 previously for this research project, which is un der the direction of David McGill and John Lonnquist of the agri culture college agency department. Since 1943 the nrolect has de veloped several promising variet ies. The jesearcn seexs a variety whirh will combine hieh yield. standability and early maturity for central ' Nebraska, principal white corn area in tne state. White corn is used for cereals, sizing, paste and a number of other industrial products. 16' 2V 23' 25 LOST Black Hills gold tie clip. Think on Ag Campus, ttewara. jait o-iijo FRIDAY COLLEGE NIGHT I mism0 Jules Herman and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1.50 per. couple ' Tax Included Mother's Day Cards Alio tpeciaU for Grandmother; Nete Motheri, Autttt, Secret Pah, etc. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street mm jsi WELLS & FROST HAVE THEM '-Wembley Square-' Bold Wools $1.50 THE NEW BOH IL9 vet 1 fti . t"1 3gL . P 1 Another Wembley fashion-first the "Wembley Square" Tie. Smart, masculine, youthful in a shape never before avail able in a woven wool fabric. It has the Wembley quality you know so well. Ties the Windsor knot or bold, conventional knot. Keeps both shape and beauty. SIM 1 j I AT LEADING STORES A . 5 . 0h l K 11 -' ASK FOR "WEMBLEY SQUARE" TIES AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE Sit, . a. PAT. Off. COPVRIOHT 1S4S, WEMSLSV. INC.. NSW OMLSANS