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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, April 28, 1948 Stock Contest Horfors Given Philip Grabouski was announced winner in the senior division of the annual Block and Bridle livestock judging contest held last SaturJjy, while W. C. Copeland received top honors in the junior division. Grabouski was awarded the gold medal and an Elgin wrist watch by the national Elgin Watch com pany for his outstanding judging of all classes in the contest. Cope land received the gold medal for the junior division. Dale Stauffer shared honors with Bob Meade for runners-up in all classes in the senior divi sion; Cliff Wegener copped second in the junior division. Ribbons present to winners of the various divisions by Albert Clawson, president of the Block and Bridle clut are:' , 8KMOR DIVISION AM. CLASSICS: Won by W. C. Cope- aki; tied for second. Dale Stauffer and Bob Meade; fourth. Neil Fouts; tied for firth. Eugene Jensen and Duane oote. 8HKKP: Won by Dale Stauffer; second, Neil Fouts; third Dale Luther; fourth, Robert Meade; fifth. Don Popken. HtHiS: Won by Truman Bakenberg; sec ond. Phil Grabouski; third, Leonard Kokes fourth. Al Clawson: fifth, Duane Foote. CATTLE: Won by Eugene Jensen; tied for second. William Teter and Phil Grabou ski; fourth. Bob Meade; fifth, Duane Foote. HORSES: Won by Al Clawson; second. Dale Stauffer; third. Bon Meade; lour in Leonard Koke; fifth, Phil Grabouski. Jl.MOR DIVISION Al. CLASSES: Won by W. C. Cope land; second. Cliff Wegener; third. Donald Smith; fourth, Wesley Randall; tied for fifth. Bill Stowell and Lester stecKer. SIIEEH: Won by Stan Lambert; sec ond. Robert Howe; third. Bill Gibson; fourth, Melvln Lantis; fifth, Lester Stee per. HOtiS: Won by Merle. Stalder; second, Classified Hint: a bike for health and fun. : oer hour. Ted's-Rent-A-Bike. 25th "K" Street. 5-91W. HERE Is excellent business opportunity for person with small investment ana rr Must sell commercial weed sprayer and equipment which may be used to spray lawns ana gou courses Call in person at 143 S St. LOST Eversharp fountain pen. Initials J. E. P.. between Armory and Soc. Scie. Bldg. If found call J. . Padin, 4-33t8. NEED statistics notebook. Advertising book lost April zi. Name insiac. Small reward, big thanks. Call Hoke Johansen. Ph. 5-8070. LOST Black zipper note book. If found turn in at Union Office. $2.50 reward. LOST 21 Jewel Bulova. Gold expansion bracelet. Reward! Call 2-3732, W. R. Rounds. LOST Double strand pearls Friday morn ing between Women's Dorm and I'ni. Hall. Please call Fern Forsherg. 2-7371. WANTED 3 rides to Denver, leaving Friday noon, r.'turn Piinday. Call al dinner tir- John SW';. 2-7757. 18' BUY WITH CONFIDENCE LINCOLN TRAILER CO. OFFERS YOU THESE BARGAINS. A Real Value $1215 00 Electric refrigeration aluminum ivso.uq 23' Aluminum a beauty! 1995.00 25' Electric refrigeration, hot water 2295.00 27 Tandem, electric refrigeration 2195.00 2T' Aluminum, electric refrigeration 2695.00 All trailers guaranteed, fully equipped, H down, balance t interest. Mora value at lower coat. See these before you buy. LINCOLN TRAILER CO. 1528 O Street 2-3514 OPEN EVENINOS 4-2114 Mother's Day Cards Alto specials for Grandmothers, Nett Mothers, Aunts, Secret Pals, etc Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street FRIDAY COLLEGE NIGHT at L- SACK ROSS and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 1? Couples Only Adm. 1-50 per couple Tax Included Fair Broadcast To Feature Band All students are invited to at tend a radio program which will be aired today at 2:30 over KFOR in the Temple building. The pro gram, featuring a 10 piece brass band, will include interviews with Farmers Fair Board members. Conducted by Paul Schupbach, the program is to advertise the Farmers Fair Saturday. The band, which will play several selections, is the band that will play for the Farmers Fair parade and rodeo. It is made up of members of the University Pep band. All spectators are requested to be in room 24 Temple building at least by 2:20 p.m. so that the program may go on at exactly 2:30. The program is being held in a large music room and there will be room for many specta tors, according to Schupbach. Farmers Fair Board members to be interviewed include: Rick Wahlstrom, Fair manager, Don Kellog, Jim Curtis, Lucy Manning and Frank Stwart. Aggies Ready Farmers Fair Displays Cliff Wegener; third, Robert Howe; fourth Gene Hanson; fifth, Lester 8tecker, C'ATTI.K: Won by Donald Smith; sec ond. Otto Uhrlg; third, Lavern Popken; tied for fourth. Cliff Wegener and Loran Schmit. HORSKS: Won by Bill Stowell; tied for second, Wesley Samlail and W. C. Cope land; fourth, Lyle Davis; fifth. Bob Gibson. K Y,h f. -laVlL.- V. 9 rift TOP' IT At a meeting in the lounge of the military building Monday eve ning, April 26, The Pershing Rifles, an honorary military so ciety, initiated Lt. Col. Merle J. Senn (Corps of Engineers) and Major Larue S. Sorrell (United States Air Force) as honorary members. The officers ?ve tors in the military department. As pictured at left, Marilyn Kuhlman, Lillian Lock, and Vi Vosika'put the finishing touches on their exhibit for the open house program for the Farmers Fair. Each department at Ag col lege will have open house pro grams, including demonstrations, exhibits and displays. The department with the best open house display will be awarded a plaque which is pre sented by the Ag Exec Board. Open Housa will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Farmers Fair day, May 1, at Ag college. All students and friends of Ag college are invited. OPERA FANS! Rent a Pair of Opera Glasses from 1138 F Street V fit - - t r -iWm ' ' v t"l- l : J " Vr , mm - I il L i ii II U n ULiULlLR J m mm is so miich better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For Phi!.!p Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. TRY A PACK... TO DAY f