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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1948)
Wednesday, April 28, 1948 Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKA! Ivy Tradition Fog Dvy Pay Classroom routine comes to a halt Thursday when the University gives a day to the furthering of that elusive qual ity known as tradition. Ivy Day furnishes a large part of the tradition at the University of Nebraska. Innocents, Mortar Boards, interfraternity and interso- rority sings, the Ivy Day oration and the Ivy Day poem, the May Queen and her court, the Daisy Chain and the Ivy Chain, all of these ingredients blend together on a day which finds students deserting their books to observe and participate in activities dating back to the turn of the century. Ivy Day is one of the occasions we will remember about our school days. It is. an event which will stand out in recol lections of the past in future years. The tradition it em bodies constitutes an important factor in school spirit, in the warm feeling of pride that Nebraska graduates re kindle when thinking of the alma mater during their days as alums. Ivy Day provides an opportunity for the university to put on a show of pageantry for its students and for the crowds of parents and friends who visit the campus. Engineer's Week and the Farmers' Fair coincide with Ivy Day this year and add more color to the weekend. These events too are a part of the tradition of the university and deserve nitches of their own in any enumeration of the out standing happenings of tTie school year. Give tradition its due. It seldom ventures from the shadows, but when it does, it deserves the spotlight. HERE OPPORTUNITY for College lien The J. C. Penney Company has given opportunity to hundreds of college men who had the necessary qualifications. Hundreds of them have made rood. The Penney Company said to those men, as it jays to you: Penney's will give you an opportunity To learn successful merchandising- To become a trained merchant For promotion when you have proved your ability For management staff training:, if you have the qualifications To qualify for profit sharing you re intereled, the Placement Bureau will gire you all the details. REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ON CAMPUS MAY 3. MAKE APPOINTMENTS FOR INTERVIEWS AT 104 ADM. BLDG. BEFORE NOON SAT., MAY 1. HORSE. Becknftig Lady Blue Blade -White Jack Ak-Sar-Ben Limb Sea-Poetry Eli Yale D. G. Darkhorse Cheery Pie Osh-Kosh Student Girdle Lancelot Alaskan flower Poker Club Boy Ace DeBelfrey "Annie Laurie Muskrat Tomb iCornadine UHari-Kari Heppy Stepper W3urglar Girl Ebony Lady fcosmo Jo Second Sister Witty Annie Barbara Vice Agri-Finn Mewfn Patter Sabre Dance LShallreturn HORSE. Formal Dance Little Man The Fox Yeller Journal Lily T-Man Tumbler Jay-Jay, Jr. D. U. Dick Cob John Heart Gavel Third Party Chestnut Bromo Rabbitt Shan's Man Duo-Camper. Daddy Athlete Keno 46th Annual Running Black Masque Race for Quantity TRAINER. ODDS. Agate Stables 16-1 T-club Stables 3-1 Bi-Mary 5-1 Ackum 8-1 Forgotten Stables. 20-1 Agate tables 5-1 Terrace Trio 12-1 t X-Mates 14-1 Agate Stables 17-1 Comparly 3-1 Shanner 7-1 Camp 8-1 Lyre Stables 6- X-Mates 15- T-Club Stables 12- Ackum 10- Agate Stables 14-1 Banner 6-1 Comparly 9-1 Forgotten Stables 25-1 Tibet 3-1 Quill Stables 150-1 Ackum 4- None 8' Comparly 15- Camp 10' X-Mates 9- Lyre Stables 20-1 None 6-1 Shanner 8-1 Red Hood Handicap for Quality COMMENT. Will be crowded to the fence. , This horse is rarin' to go. Will be a winner with such good training. Very sturdy, typically speaking. Stable might be trying too hard. Even other stables are laying money on this one. Mass production in this stable has obviously shut down. Stablemate is stronger. Ran in wrong direction at the gate. Will be in the stretch. Slow starter at the gate but should nose ahead. May suffer from an overdose of veterinary medicine. Excellent grooming for three years. Stable can't have three winners again. Beautiful horse but short of power. Training should have started earlier but may prove sufficient. If track were shorter horse might make it. Stable always good or a winner. The home stretch will tell the story. Better luck next time for this stable. How can it miss? This yearling will be a winner with one more year of training. Sweetest little filly you'll ever see. Has trained hard with little notoriety. Stablemates have had better training for this race. May surprise even the bookies. Powerful stable will bring this one over the finish line. Stablemate too strong. Has trained vigorously. , Horse most eager in the race. TRAINER. ODDS. White Streak 6-1 Greasy Lard 9-1 Lawn Punter 8-1 Reeling Rod 3-1 Diamond Stables 7-1 14th St. Stables 6-1 White Star Stables 9-1 Island Stables 5-1 Wilderness Stables 8-1 Lawn Punter 16-1 Folding Money 8-1 14th St. Stables 10-1 Z-Bar-T Ranch 6-1 Rider Money Bags 6-1 Newl.ouse Stables 12-1 Brimful 4-1 White Streak 7-1 Greasy Lard 9-1 Lawn Punter 5-1 COMMENT. ' Speed is getting faster every day.-: May suffer ,from malnutrition. ; ' May just barely cross the finish line. Has been favored for several years.1 Horse should bring returns for thpse 'betting. May make a fast finish. Panting in (the stretch. . H Has been oij the gallop for three years. In spite of slow start, this one has possibilities. May prove to have needed rnore, training. In terstables; have an eye on this one. Play it shrewd when betting on this horse. May just cross the line. Stable all out for joyful results. Anything might happen before horse gets across the line. Good for a win, place, and show. A horse that really gets around. Has found time to train for this race, too. Favorite in stable. Kent (Continued from Page 1) quette, secretary; Elliot Boberg, Lincoln, treasurer; Alfred Uein, Lincoln, historian, and Conrad Renneman, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., alumni secretary and national representative. New members of the group, elected on the basis of outstand ing service to the University band, are: Ted Thompson, Cozad; Ed Opencinsky, Newman Grove; Frank Skokan, Niobrara; Bryce Barnes and Dean Whitla, both of Lincoln; Frank Stewart and Len Allen, , both of North Platte; Wil liam Wurtz, Fairbury; Herb Jack man, Grant; James Hansen, Has tings, and Eugene Stoll, Crete. Wedding Stationery Invitation or Announcement Printed or Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street JhsL (Daily. VhJbha&kcuv Member Intercollegiate Press Sebserlpttea rtt are si.M per term-e'er, R.H pee temestet mailed, er tut Che college real. S3.M matted. Single copy 6c Published dally dnrlag tbe echool rear except Monday ad Hatarday. vacation and examination period, jy the University ef Nebraska aader tbe npfntliw el the Pnbllcatiee Board. Entered as tleeead (1am Matter at the Pee Office Uncoln. Nebraska, aadnr Act ef Cancraea, March (. UTS. aad a special rate at postage pnvlded for la tectlee 1109. Act ef October t, 1817, aataorued beptenwet , 1HZS. Tb Oaiii Neftratkaa pabltehed by the etaoent et the University at Nebraska aa aa expression at etndeata aew aad epinfcm only. According ta article 11 at the By Law governing etadeat pabMcaMen and administered ay the Board erf Pablleatloaai "It la tbe declared policy ef the Berd that pnbllratl Hit ander alt Jvrtedlcttoa shall be free from editorial censorship ea the part ef the Beans, or ea the part ef an member af the teealty ef the anlsersltyi. bat member ef tbe staff ef The Daily Nebraakaa er personally rrepeitibt tor waat they any at do or eaaa to be printed." COBTV-eUXTU editorial aTXrr Editor ... Ueorre Miller Managing Editors Jeanne Kerrigan, Norm larger New Editor Cab Clem, Totlie Stewart, Bob Cooeley, l Hani. Pat Nordia Sport Editor rrits Simpson Aa New Editor foalse Mrblil fpeetal Featare Edftoe , bam Warree Photographer Bob Date BTJ8IKE8S ST A Ft ?J"1""T' M Goal Flarf . . Jar tielrer Assistant Bnelaea aUaager M Bill WUIdaa, Merle Btaloer. Irwta lhaeea NIGHT NEWS EDITOR rAT NORD1N I - -- - -uf-zi2sL 'rymjm sry, von mavis- you can u jue poumo out it's a JPlgify igT Gi "mzzmm - w sivrS sowsst, eTWrw r-V r WfeL THI I'UlSliMfHVfy'fctU M Boy. Asia ftlt1.c f.UAT VVV ; lrir5Ajlr r L . Aur e.. -a. 1 " CAN JsSkt TfeLL f2 fc V I 1 leViK I f Wy t f S VI Tt nt-s H A Li I "ei 1 TA I 1 VI r$. w . jrwm w ... m M,&m m i m