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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
1 Pago 4 THL DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, April ,22 J948 Gratlwolil Wins Long Award As Outstanding Frosh Debater vis--. - A "1 1 , v i r-.i :,rKroht Lincoln fresh- rnan in Arts and Sciences, was presented the Long Debate Award as the outstanding freshman de bater by Jack Solomon, last year's winner, at the annual meeting of Delta Sigma Iiho, national foren sic honorary, Tuesday evening. Donald Jensen of Kearney was a close second to Gradwohl. In a short review of the debate season Riven by Donald Olson, the debate coach called the past sea son the "best in the id story of de bate at Ihe University of Ne- USA to Affiliate" Bnrh Conference The Unaffiliated Student Asso ciation council has voted to be come a part of a newly formed western conference of Indepen- hraska." The varsity debate squad got 38 first place or superior ratings dur ing the course of the season. Election of officers for next year was also held at the meeting. Dick Schleusener was named president, Eloise Paustian vice-president and Jack Solomon secretary-treasurer. Fight students were also initi ated into the group at the meet ing. They are: June Gast, Mrs. Nancy Connel, Dick Moodie, Leon ard ilammcs, Rodney Lindwald, Jack Solomon, Dick Schleusener and Eloise Paustian. dent Student Associations. At a special meeting Monday, repre sentatives of the university in dependent organizations indicated their approval of the movement. Bill Moore, USA chairman, sub mitted before the council pro posals made at the Boulder par- t . , J - 7 ' i Golf Specialties Contest To Be Held May 13-15 The intramural golf season will get underway this year with the Golf Specialties Tournament, May 13 and 15. The event will be run off just west of the Coliseum. There will be two events, golf driving for distance and golf pitching for accuracy. Each man is allowed 3 shots in the driving and 5 throws in the pitching. lay, where regional plans were drawn up. Moore was elected re gional Treasurer. Benjamin Wall, was named by the Council officially to represent USA at the national convention of independent student organiza tions to be held at Ames, la., next month. Wall will "be accompanied by representatives of other unaf filiated campus groups. C. Brandhorst To Address Church Dinner The annual Lutheran student and alumni banquet will be held Sunday, April 25, 0:30 p.m.. in Parlors XYZ. Union. On the ban quet committee are Don Gcyc, Lois Bamesberger, and Anita Os- i terman. I Toastmaster for the evening will ' be Bob S( heve, with Professor C. T. Brandhorst, Seward, as main speaker His topic will be "Re ; ligion and Science." Reporting on student work will 'be Rev. H. F.rck, university pas tor, and answering with the ac tivities of his' group will lnUar ' lan Echtenkamp, President of Gamma Delta. Norbert Tiemann, 'President of Beta Sigma Psi, wdl J,st Anniversary l THE MF.X'S STORE 1400 O St. SALE SUITS SOCKS 69c and 50c $45.00 now $34.00 now 25c ,,,, J,T , w?;?S WOOL SPORTSHI RTS- covert cloth. were $6.95 now $s.yo TAB.ft.TC -c0 tf Stock up for next winter. A TOPCOATS 2 oft lcal buy! Gabardines, covert, cheviots- . TIES $1.50 now 99c SWEAT15f now $4 95 A real buy in all ties-corn- n0W plcte selections wools and now foulards. A good sweater is always SHIRTS-now $1.95 hJll White broadcloths. PAJAMAS nOW $2.95 JACKETS were $15-95 What a bargain. nOW $10.95 WE SPECIALIZE IN MADE REAL BARGAINS, DONT MISS THEM Konirt Klu!) An important meeting for all Kosmct Klub actives will be held this afternoon at 5 p. m. in the Klub room according to Gould Flags. Officers for next year will be elected. represent his group. Alter the banquet, the alumni meeting will be held, with Paul Hek, Seward, presiding. Reservations are to be made with Rev. Erck in the Temple building between 2 and 5 p.m., Hob Schevc, 6-2436; Don Geyc, 2-3293; or Edith Roesler, 3-5448. HDW, THtV WILL KNOW I WANT A DR. CW0W PRt-SMOKlV PIPl FOR fATHERlS DAV n -' n 7.V2 Mill w Ski No Breaking In No Bite No Bitter Taste SEE It's rn-SmolteJ MADE f ROM IMPORTED RltR $po . $200 . $350 . $500 faihiontd by linkman . Dk. 6raiow Pipe Co. Inc, Chicago u III It's RUSS MORGAN'S top Decca Record! B J. lU-yiiDldt Tulnofo Co.. Winslon-Saltu. N C i 'in- f7i l.'V : ( " Vi - I : VM a are. my VifSvl It's Morgan at his best... sweet swing at its best ... in this new Decca platter. When it comes to cigarettes, Russ says in his typical Morgan Manner, "Camels suit my T-Zone' to a TV " Millions of smokers agree with Russ about Camels. More people are smoking Camels, than ever before. Try Camels on your "T-Zone" Find out for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience, And here's another great record Wove people ane smoMng