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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1948)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, April 18, 1948 ,lt t I 1 i i : Page 4 ? 1 ' " 1 A Thought Where do YOU live? Before our world can become one world, we must forget our al legiance to our own small part and become concerned with the whole. . Our nation is certainly not a spotless area in the over-all pic ture of prejudice, poverty and reigns of terror, but; for the good of every individual on this earth each of us must be willing to forego a part of himself for the good of ajl. It was only through compro mises that they achieved the united state which they now have. Jesus said, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me," and In the so cialized aspect of this problem, it can be said that he who loves his own home state or America more than the world is not worthy to be a citizen of that world. Where do YOU live? Fox to Present Organ Recital Organist Virgil Fox, described by veteran critic Edward Moore of the Chicago Tribune as des tined to "put the organ on the musical map as a brilliant concert instrument," will perform at the sole of First-Plvmouth Con gregational church Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. under the aus pices of the Lincoln chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Now organist at the famous Riverside Church of New York City, Fox was engaged -after a two year search among organists of this generation. He was ap pointed to the interdenominational Protestant church, built by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., for Harry Emerson Fosdick, in 1946 and is gradually building there a min istry of music comparable with those of the cathedrals of France where the greatest in organ music is offered. Serving in the armed forces for four years until January of 1946, Fox gave 543 appearances in his first eleven months of service for the war effort, alternating be tween Special Services and the Chaplain's Corps. After that time, he reportedly lost count of subse quent performances. Begining a series of three or gan recitals at the Library of Con gress the very week he was sep arated from the army, Fox per formed from memory 44 major organ compositions in eleven days. A teacher as well as a per former, Fox became head of Pea body Conservatory, the oldest en dowed conservatory in America, at the age of 26, a signal honor. His teaching schedule is arranged to allow extensive concertizing on a large scale throughout the country during the regular season, and lesser occasional tours. The program which Fox will play here Wednesday on his first tour in five years, will include works by Bach, Franck and Men delssohn plus a contemporary group by Langlais, Middelschulte, and Dupre. Tickets are available at $1.20 at local music stores, or from Professor Myron Roberts in the School of Music. Classified BUY WITH CONFIDENCE LINCOLN TRAILER CO. OFFERS YOU THESE BARGAINS. ? A Real Value $1295.00 21' Electric refrigeration, alum inum . ... 1995.00 23' Aluminum a beauty! 1995.00 25' Electric refrigeration, hot water 2295.00 2r Tandem, electric refrigeration 2195.00 27' Aluminum, electric re frigeration 2695.00 All trailers guaranteed, fully equipped, hi down, balance 6 interest. More value at lower coat. See these before you buy. LINCOLN TRAILER CO. 1528 O Street 2-3514 OPEN EVENINGS 4-2114 WANTED-"-2 University girl for theater work. Need a cashier and popcorn girl, both must have free afternoons and be able to work on through summer. Ap- ply 325 Stuart bldg. WANTED Freshman A 8 to assist Torts? Inst. Law College. No experi ence necessary. Bring Logic Boole A Dis ttQTiary. WANTED: To rent or sublet, a furnished apartment or similar quarters for - the summer session. Contact B, B. Peck, Wynot, Nebraska. WE are planning a picnic for every body we know from Mitchell N.P.V. area. Will probably be Sunday, April 25. 1 to 5 P.M. Picnic dinner, Gabfest and Softball. If Interested, please con tact Harry Kenyon, 9345 Orchard, Ph. 6-4900, or AAA Venetian Blind Com pany, 821 No. 12th, Ph. 2-2908. Watch for further notice. ANY group desirinr to rent Cornhufker Hotel ballroom Saturday evening, May IS, call Sheldon Harris 2-3094, -'.:.. :.. J i X I 'V .S ::? Chesterfield is my idea of a really enjoyable smoke, they're o. k." id X'' 1 Vjs.i S7 A 1 S. , I w Y t sf STARRING IN "THE STREET WITH NO NAME" A TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX PRODUCTION N mm ::.:; 1 J! J w L i A IniV: NT" J AVHY...Ismoke Chesterfield ( FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) " think Chesterfield is the best cigarette on the market. I've smoked them for about 20 years. It's mild and it's got more real tobacco taste. "Liggett & Myers buy the middle leaves . . . it's the best leaf. . . it's mellow . . . ivs got to be ripe. They consistently pay above the average to get the tobacco they want.' TOBACCO FARMER, MT. STERUNO, KY. 1 ; 1 u 1 A Coprnebs 1944 Lkcot tormt loucco 3(iHtiNi lijiEnrtisi'ii MiiKHf ( illlliUM" WKlNlt . , , :