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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1948)
.Wednesday, March 24, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Paae 3 Grimm Entered In NCAA Tank Championships Marvin Grimm, Nebraska's Big Seven Conference 50 and 100 yard free style champion, is the only Cornhusker entered in the NCAA swimming championships at Ann Arbor, Mich., March 26-27. Grimm finished fourth in the 50 and sixth in the 100 in the NCAA at Seattle, Wash., Jast year. The Husker's all time short sprint champion is considered one of the top swimmers ever devel oped in the conference. He holds the Big Seven (formerly Big Six) 60-yard free style record at 29.1 seconds. Grimm was undefeated at 100 yards this winter and dropped only one 50-yard race, losing to Minesota's D. Benson. Marvin was Nebraska's leading scorer with 72 points in eight meets. He did not compete twice.- Only a sophomore, Grimm has been conference champion at his specialties the past two years. IM Competition Opens on Two New Fronts Nebraska's Intramural depart ment is offering two more spring events in the 1948 athletic sched ule. Volley ball and badminton play started Monday. Last year 20 organizations en tered teams in the badminton play. Five leagues have been or ganized. Four of them are com posed of four teams, and the fifth contains seven entrants. A team trophy will be awarded to the winnig fraternity, and in dividual intramural medals will be awarded to the independent champions. The singles champions will also receive a medal. The names of the winners will be placed on the Coliseum cham pionship plaques. Matches in Coliseum. Most of the badminton matches will be played on the Coliseum stage at 5:00 p. m. There will be two or three nights of play at both Ag College and the Coli seum. Volley ball, a Jack Best group one team sport, has been organ ized with play set up on a round robin style. The first two teams in each league will enter a final play-off series. No new names can be added to any team later ian two matches proceeding the I-layoffs. Games at Five. Most of the volley, ball games will be played at 5:00 p. m. daily. A few will be scheduled after supper to avoid a drawn-out season. WORLD WRSTLING CHAMPIONS There are at least 18 world's wrestling champions recognized in as many different localities in the country. Several states have enacted legislation to classify pro wrestling as an exhibition or en tertainment rather than as a com petitive sport. J27IGH-PCXNT MAN ON TH Gymnastic TCAM A $vM t Hi U.'.. . . . . f Af TV AT w5?iu f JAk CARNIVALS, tv. r- V r', I '---. . ON THE. AND iWuNGv sHl i W AS ADJVO? HE LETTERCD CQRNHVSKTR SWiMMlNG TCAM IN HIS FRESHMAN YtAR. IS HIS FAVOR ire PASTJMC. .V.:..-V.l ARROW WHITE IS ALVAYS RIGHT '"A ' n It aK-N Whether Dart, Dale, Hull, or any other of Arrow's many fine white shirt models is your particular favorite you'll always he correctly dressed in an Arrow white. We may be temporarily short of certain styles (so great i9 the demand) hut come in anyway and see our selection of sparkling whites made by Arrow America's foremost shirt maker. Arrow shirts from $3.50 Arrow tics from $1. GOLD'S . FOR ARROW SHIRTS Phi Kappa Psi Captures IM Rifle Crown Phi Kappa Psi finished ahead of eight play-off teams Monday and Tuesday to capture the 1948 Intramural Rifle tournament. The Phi Psi sharpshooters fired 814 in the final two days of play to emerge the champions of the 20-team tournament. Sigma Phi Epsilon took second with 805, ySigma Alpha Mu finished third and Fioneer co-op grabbed the fourth position. Bill Waldie fired the top score for the winning Phi Phi team. He fired 46 prone, 47 sitting, 46 kneeling and 34 standing for a to tal of 173. Jack Wilson and Chuck Oehrle tied for second with scores of 172. Brick Paulson fired 156, and John Connelly finished with 141. Pioneers' Fletcher High. High man of the play-offs was Don Flecher, Pioneer Co-op. Don fired 49 prone, 47 sitting, 46 kneeling' and 39 standing for a total of 181. Rus Laird led the second place Sig Ep team with 178. Art Tirro, Don Camp, Ed Bartunek and Fred Phifer were the other members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon riflemen. S. A. M. Tops Pioneer. Sigma Alpha Mu and Pioneer both fired scores of 803 in the play-offs. However, the S. A. M. riflemen topped Pioneer shoot ers in standing position firing and were awarded third place. Leon ard Potash led the third place winners with 175. Other members of the team were Ed Zorinsky, Lee Harris, Herbert Winer and Martin Haykin. Member sof the fourth place Pioneer team were Flecher, Mar tin Burris, Jim Jensen, Roland Coker and Ed Sabatka. Six years ago, on April 8, the Nebraska campus experienced war food rationing as established by the British Isles and other blockaded nations. The project was planned by students interest ed in nutrition. Four years ago, Wendell Wilkie appeared a half-hour late at the University coliseum. He was cam paigning for the Republican nom ination for President. The eolise um was "crowded to capacity. In 1912, the Nebraska Corn husker team held their annual banquet. According to the 1912 edition of the Daily Nebraskan, "spirits were allowed full sway." The Best Known and Best Liked White Shirt in the World Bears This Label From Cairo to Mexico City and from Stockholm to . Shanghai, Arrow , white shirts are known in the finest men's stores. ARROW swot IHItMTINl ft FT 9 HiSv'J??! f Ms ' 7 1 fr" f "si. A , With IT. S. demand for Arrpw whites still far from ' filled, we cannot yet supply the stores in 100 for eign countries that carried Arrow before the war. But when we can, you may be sure that Arrow white shirts will still be an export America may Le proud of and that the Arrow label will continue to mean st)Ie, quality, and Value in the American manner! ARROW SHIRTS and TIES . UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS ... - mm rA SSftfi888So 1 mt h I; Yil i PI AN Y .... ,.t for fisrJ J IK - r gUV Wkk mr WITS FM i .UJILL VOW TV IT is 5W