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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1948)
Friday, March 19, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 NU Wrestlers, Gymnasts Earn Letter Awards Letters were awarded to eight University of Nebraska wrestlers and eighth Cornhusker gymnasts this week. Coach D. R. Patterson an nounccd the following wrestlers who qualified for the awards: Jack Barrett. Omaha; Jerry Cat noun, North Platte; Ed Copple, Lincoln; Newton Copple, Lincoln; Mike DiDiase, Omaha; Mickey Sparlano, Omaha; Jack Tamai, Omaha, and Robert Yambor, of Omaha. Gymnastic awards, announced by Coach Charley Miller, were: Philip Sprague, Beatrice; Leo Geier, Lincoln; Ken Harding, Au burn; Clarence Lefler, Valparaiso; Melvin James, North Platte; Charles Purdy, North Platte; William Rankin, Omaha, and James Johnson, Omaha. Sixteen Boxers Vie for Titles Friday Night Sixteen intramural boxers will take the spotlight Friday night in the championship round of the all-University boxing tournament. Sigma Phi Epsilon is leading the seven teams with 100 points. The Wheels are in second place with 45 points, and Delta Upsilon has 40 points for third position. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu follow in that order. The championship bouts will start at 8:00 p.m. in the Coli seum. 123 pound: Ray Roth (WhMli) vi. Bill Coffey (Whecli). 130 pound: Dsn Chanry (Independent) vi. Darrell May (DU). 13S pound: Delbert Roth (Beta) v. Don Thirl (DU). 14S pound: Jerry Hull (Phi Gam) . Bob 8kochdopole 8lg Kp). 153 pound: Tom Ilel (Slg Ep) . Keith Coraalrt (8lg Ep). 163 pounds: nene Hennek (ATO) va. Bob Edward (Wheels). 175 pounds: Keith I.ytle (Beta) vs. Ger ald Ferguson (Sigma Chi). Heavyweight: Don Svoboda (Wheels) vs. Francis Mnndula (Sigma Chi). u GERALD FERGUSON of Scottsbluff is shown mixing punches with Ken Brooker of Gracewood, Georgia, in Wednesday night's semi-final round of the all-University boxing champiqisips. Ferguson scored a TKO over Brooker to advance to the finals in the 175-pound class. Referee Henry Jacoby is in the background. Classified CORYKI.L, CONCERN Needs first dsns aoountnnt. full time work, good salary. See Professor Bullock. PASSENGER WANTED To Alliance. Mar. 23 Return Mar. 30. Writ Bob McNare, Huskerville. SPEED Graphic flash photography. Wed ding, parties, student activities. Phone Greger, 3-4888, WANTED rider to Hasting for Thur., print; vacat'on. Call after 7:00 p. m., -1138. PASSENGERS wanted to Washington! D. C. , spring vacation. Driving new Chevrolet. Quent Lindsey. Phon 2-203M. Easter Cards For R4atici anal Friend. Alto Eatter Cit Wrap Ribbons. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street THE HIGH-SIGN OF EIEF RES MT t ",r"ftM)4)UlJllj ' t . t)aMMWi3 X,, - i .ii- J s , 11,11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1-- ,&;iilaff3& . The pause that refreshes IOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY Y LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY 1948, Tti Coca-Cola Company CONSOLE model rmllo for sale. Htun- Jey 2-2383. 1304 S St. LOST One pair air corps type sun glasses. special lenies. Call Copen hagen, 2-7740. IDEAL students trailer, 20 ft, HlilBlTnum Hchult. Excepllonnlly clean, Insulated, sleeps four, $1,243. 3129 Dudley. Funds Donated To Movie Study Dr. Wesley C. Meierhenry, Uni versity administrative director of visual education studies, an nounced the receipt of an addi tional gift of $22,900, making a total of $53,700 from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, enab ling Nebraska to continue its study of the educational value of motion pictures through 1950. The study, first of its kind any where, was started in the fall of 1946. Its aim is to find out iust how good a teacher the sound movie is, and whether motion pic tures can be of significant help in imDrovinC hi Bh school rniirsps Conducted in 25 Nebraska high schools, the tests indicated that pictures were of real help to stu dents in biology, American his tory, physics, and world gcogra- pny. The University of Nebraska Teachers College, Extension Di vision, office of the State School Superintendent, State Teachers Colleges, and a number of high schools have teamed up to match the dollar grants of Carnegie with personnel, work, and facilities. Also cooperating are several non Nebraska groups, including the Encyclopedia Britannica, Teach ing Film Custodians, Coronet, and the March of Time, whose contri butions total about $50,000 in cash and material. Two years ago Bobby Ginn, noted big six miler returned to Nebraska after three and a half years in the army. There will be a meeting of the American Association of Univer sity Professors Monday at 6 p.m. in Parlors A and B of the Union at which time Dr. Forbes, presi dent of the Nebraska chapter, will report on the association's nation al convention. Kansas State college is spon soring its- second annual rodeo this .sjiiing. HOTEL CORNHUSflER IS PROUD TO H . HOST TO k Alpha Sigma Pit! formul Beta Tlietii Pi banquet Friday, Murcli 19 Alpha Hit Kuppu Alpha Tlieta (iHitinia Plii Hela Sigma Delia Tan Sigma Kuppu Initiation banquet Saturday, Murcli 20 I N D E R SC ll IM M F. V HXMtCXtW It". J I f' f Mf. U rn, j MVs t S "V A rYA HAND-SCREEN PRINTING by Barret DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY II A. M. 2 P.M. 4 P. M. (Displays open 9:30 to 5:30) Auditorium. ..Fourth Floor. Saturday is the Last Day. TOLLER Ciw 1