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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1948)
Friday, March 19, 1948 Coed EleefiioBi Winers Member Intercollegiate Press tOKTt-BlXTII VEAB KAbL Z , l 111-. Lsrii-,i ... 7 '55, c-tyi if . i JACKIE VV1GIITMAN Coed Counselors president DACE BOY LAN BABW President MARIAN CROOK. A. W. S. President. (jJiih Coywsmikn JhiA Wssw-fcnd This weekend will mark the climax of Young Republican activities here on the campus. It is ' the date set for the Young Republican Conven tion which will be held at the Cornhusker hotel. Officers for the University of Nebraska Young Republicans were elected Tuesday at the initial organization meeting held at the Lincoln hotel. The following officers were elected: Frank Mattoon, president; Jackie Wightman, Jane Mc Arthur, Dale. Bloss, Bruce McMichael, vice presidents. The remaining officers were ap pointed until the next meeting which is March 31, at 8:00 p. m. in the Lincoln hotel. They are as follows: Lynn Hutton, treasurer; Gladys Grothe, secretary; and William Berquist, publicity direc tor. Guest Speaker Guest speaker at this organization meeting was Ralph E. Becker, chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, from Port Chester, New York. Becker is campaigning in Nebraska to enroll young men and women for 4 the 1948 campaign. At the present time," Becker points out, "young people are confused, worried, apathetic, and even disgusted, and it is during these dark days of mental upset that some political 'Pied Piper can sell them a Utopia that does not ex ist. The Nebraska Young Republican Convention will be held Sunday, March 21, in the Cornhusker hotel. From 3 to 5 p. m. a reception will be held in the Cornhusker Hotel Ballroom. Im portant personnel who will be present include: Governor and Mrs. Warren of California, Gov ernor and Mrs. Peterson of Nebraska, Senator Hugh Butler, Senator and Mrs. Wherry, Mr. Ralph Becker of New York, Congressman Karl Stefan, Congressman Carl Curtis, and Lt. Governor and Mrs. Crosby. Events of the Week , On Monday, March 22, all university students are invited to meet Governor Warren, at 2:30 at the Cornhusker hotel. Mr. Ralph Becker, of New York, who helped formulate the organization for our campus will also be present to talk to young republicans. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend. , Saturday, March 20, a republican sponsored dance will be held at 141 South 12, for all young republicas.:rickts will be$l per couple. Those planning attend the banquet Sunday, March 21, may purchase a ticket for $2.50 per person, which will also cover the dance admission on Saturday. ala. - i tA ft S "Did you say Cornhusker!, says pert Jerry Johnston, Phi Gam, as he lakes a break from his job as Managing Editor . . . yes, we said Cornhusker, Student Foundation, Delta Phi Delta, and Cornshmks are included in Junior Class President Jerry busy schedule . . . Galesburg, Illinois claims this Teachers College junior . . and claiming real comfort and style is the smooth Harvey Brother oxford cloih shirt Jerry is wearing ... complete with Collegiate knit tie, this shirt is tastefully color-styled, washable and long-wearing . . . result is a shirt more flattering, more serviceable and more satisfying to wear ... your best buy is at Harvey Brother ... t IS7U. nd l tprrllU mit t poamx V . t," lull, kuliiuriwd brplrmuer JO, .Vf !. ihJ , rtHrlnAd DollrJ el Ih. Bonrd Ibal pabllratlona andw Ma tortsd'oUoa shall Jf 'i JnidUor.Jo VnZJXSl . part 7l th. Board, or -Pj fSK mnibH ml tha IrcuU al th. univrnllyi but ni.iiib.ra ol tba itafl ol lhe naitr KbrMh.! aparaloallj reaH.lW. lar obal th., aa, of U or oaaM to bo prlUd. KUITOB1AL STAFF .. , . ' Oi-orc Mlllpr li'...!!...'.;' a ill-,;,-.' Jrann. Krrrtan, Norm Ixrr :".:::i;b tkn.; iom. coo-.,,, i. "'-.; Sport. lltor IulaJ fBS 4. New. Kdllor 'f"." OpmI.1 rratnrs MIUf "T.JT'KJT Phntftarmnhrr NU.MT NKWS KIHTOR. bIsikehs BTArr Bob llul. .BOB COOM.tV Baling. Htrt "jUli SlifJl Mlalaal Bulnras Managora U1 Wllklna, Mfrio gtaldr. IrwUi Cowoa Help Wanted "What's in a name?" . Nothing, when the name is a letter of the alphebct. And that's the cause of our discomfort. The men's dorms, opened on the campus this year to relieve the housing situation, have been overlooked in the matter of names. While there is certainly nothing more effective for uncertain memories than the letters of the alphabet, it seems that something more expressive and in some way appropriate could be used to designate the newest additions to the university building family. Just who will suggest the names or what the names will be is an unanswered question. University housing authorities have had the matter under advisement but as yet have been unable to do anything to replace the al phabetical titles. In fact, they are glad to receive assistance from any source. With all other buildings officially a part of the uni versity known by some title, it is not proper that the men's dorms should be left behind. Possibiloties for names are numerous, but the biggest headaches encountered by housing author ities, who thus far have been unable to formulate any plan to remedy the deficiency, is the knowledge that when the dormitory unit is complete there will be ten build ings which require names. And in case some system would be devised, the plan should be capable of providing names for ten different buildings. Chancellors have been utilized for classroom build ings, and the chief benefactors of the university have al ready been perpetuated with gifts of their own choice, so some new field of possible names will have to be un covered. An open house at the new dormitories is tentativplv planned for May, after landscaping has been started. That occasion would be a fitting time to christian the buildings. mi X 1 'X 1 a .... jne uaiiy iNeDrasKan will be triad to receive anv suggestions or ideas which might heb to irive mpn's dorms A, B and C some title a bit more distinctive. Union Flicker Show (From pas. one fng of the stars of the roaring twenties. This program has been pre reels, newsreels and "real" act pared especially for you, com plete with popcorn and peanuts in the outer lobby, and the man agement wishes to remind you that you may make all the noise you wish in a silent movie. The program is as follows: Cast adrift and how .. FATTY arbuckle BLUNDERING BOOB CHARLIE CHAPLIN MILLIE, THE ARCADIAN MAID .. MARY PICKFORD, LIONEL BARRYMORE TURNER'S CHALLENGE & RARIN' TO GO . . BILL HART ft HIS TWO GUNS WHEN LOVE IS MARKED, OR IN THE TRAIN JUSTICE .. .... MARY PICKFORD, MAX SENATE YALE-HARVARD FOOTBALL GAME OF 1914 DOWN BY THE OLD MILL STREAM. SONG SLIDES LET ME CALL YOU SWEET HEART Members of the Committee who are handling ushering, sales of popcorn and peanuts and man agement of the old time movies are Mary Ellen Schroeder, Lee Best, Paul Wcltchek, Marge Kall hoff, Beuhlah Beam, Bob Metrak os, Shirley Herpelsheimer, Anne Figge, Sue Allen, Joris Dever eaux, Ann Herse and Margo Nas-trum. RCA Victor employes have music to work by six fifteen minute disc jockey programs per day. TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT Free Booth Reservation Couples Only Ml Aflmi..eifftn nnlv 1 rt?S not onnnln - j ''- Tax Included J