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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1948)
r Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 18, 1948 Campus News In Brief NEWS IN BRIEF KK will meet in club room to day. All actives must attend. Dale Ball will give Bridge Les sons in Room 315, Union, from 4 to 6 D.m. Thursday. March 18. Phi Upsilon Omicron will hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thusrday, March 18, in the Home Economics social rooms. An Important TRI-K meeting; will be held Thursday night at 7:30 in the Ag Union game room. Bob McDill, President, empha sized that all members are to be present. Cosmopolitan Club will meet Wednesday, March 17, at 7:00 n.m. in Koom 615. union. Kosmet Klub meeting for all actives will be held Thursday, March 18, at 5 p.m. in the Club Room. Thursday. March 18. Noon Luncheon sponsored by the de Partment of political iclence. Place Union. Parlor Z. Dr. Lane W. Lancaster chairman of the department of political science. In charge. 1 D.m. Talk before the class In com paralive economic systems. Place; Social Classified CORYELL CONCERN Needs first class acountant. full time worn, good salary. see froiessor buiiock. PASSENGERS wanted to Washington. D. C, spring vacation. Driving new Chevrolet. Quent Limlsey, Phone 2-203S. STUDENT wants ride to vicinity of Columbia, Missouri. Spring vacation. Call 4-1418. LOST Green striped Shaeffer Lifetime pen. Call 3-6127. Reward FOR sale Underwood portable. Good condition! After 5 p. m., 1M5 Sumner, tel. 3-1229. Harold BUCKney, RIDE wanted Veteran and wife to Scottsbluff on 25 or 26 March. Will share expennses. call z-fsns. LOST Black Parker "51" pen between Andrews and the l,IDrary. newaru: sen timental value. Call Bill, j-u.. WANTED riders to Hastings for Thurs., spring vacation. Call after 7:00 p. m., 6-1138. MIDDLE-AGED woman will share ex penses for transportation to Imperial, Nebraska, any week-end. Phone 6-9767 after 8:00 p m. CONSOLE model radio for sale. Stan- pi9'xr:r'R WANTED To Alliance, Mar. 25 Return Mar. 30. Write Bob McNare, Huskervllle. I.OST Reading glasses, red frames with Parker "51" attached to case, newarn: Jean Compton, 2-7bQ. WANTED PassenEer to Chicago. Leave March 25. "48" Mercury. 5-7837. Sciences 303. Dr. M. C. Lata, assistant professor of economics. In charge. 6 p.m. Dinner sponsored by the Uni versity Research Council. Place: Union. Parlor B. Dr. R. W. Goss, dean of the graduate college, in charge. The local chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, a national honorary socialogicay society held a dinner and meeting Wednesday at the Union. Seventeen pledges were initiat ed. Following the dinner Dr. Paul Meadows spoke on the social ef fects of aviation. Pledges Initiated were: Henry w". An derson, Lawrence D. Boyer, Charles L. Braucher, Pauline Kreese. Patricia Ham burg, Lorraine Landeryou, Sue Lelnlnger, Esther M. Lasius. Emil T. Pieta, Beth Ramey, Sally Swiler. Marv Beth Davis. Harold aMtthews, Aileen Oita, Lois Chan try, Pauline Dickson, Robert Noble, lvuv Phalanx will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Parlor Z of the Union. Inter-Varsity Fellowship will meet in Union 315 at 7:30 p.m. Thursday night. Talks will be giv en by four students on "The Rel surrection." The Rev. Herbert S. Bird will conduct pre-Easter devotions. Spanish Club will meet today in room 24, Temple building, at 4:00 p.m. University Veterans will spon sor their "Spring Fling" benefit dance Friday from 9 to 12 in the Union Ballroom. Admission will be a clothing contribution for Eu ropean aid or by a regular ad mission charge of 44. cents. Con tributions will be received in the Union booth or at the door of the Ag Union Will Close Thursday Union activities on Ag campus include a Sunday matinee flicker movie at 3 p. m., in the Ag Union lounge. Popcorn will be sold, and coffee hour will begin at 5. Four short films will be shown at Fiesta hour, Tuesday, March 23, at 12:15. "Pheasant Fever" and "Circus Daze" will be color films, and "International Rhythm" and "Yesterday Lives Again" will be black and whites. Father Schnoebelen, Catholic chaplain will serve Catholic stu dents on Ag campus every Tues day and Thursday from 3 to 4 o'clock in Room 3 in the Ag Union. He will help students with social and religious prob lems. Ag Union will close for spring vacation Thursday afternoon. dance. Dale Ball, Union bridge instruc tor, has announced that the win ners of the Union Bridge Tourna ment, held Saturday, March 12 are Mr. and Mrs. Wlliiam Tyson. the East-West team, and Morriss Gaiter and George Carey, the North-bouth team. Runners-up In the tourney of prepared bridge hands are Neil Atkinson-Roger Stewart, and Ra leigh Barker-Robert Gealy. every college man, should know Easter Cards For Relative and Friends. Alio Eauter Gift Wrap Ribbon. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Save 3010! On Imported, Hand Sewa Cashmere Sweaters for Men and Women Sharon Baizer Hat Sample to Shott Youl 540 N 16th Phone 2-7371 This is a hot trumpet player. When he's in (the groove), he's out (of this tvorld). He plays this infernal machine in a band, provoking dancing, dreaming, and mayhem. "t Hi j ft 't Fashion's "Honor Grads" SEAM-FREE WITH rATENTID HtH. Taliuc first place in college activities that call for smart attire, the nylon which bear the Seal of the Dancing Twins feature the patented Guteet Heel jt , for snug fit, the Gusseto for comfort.. .plus a care free, team-Jree beauty I Sold under leading brand name at smart ollege shops and stores V f ' f This it a "Manhattan Tie. Designed by our men hep artists. "Manhattan" Ties, too, tend to provoke dancing and dreaming even mayhem if your roommate tries ' to borrow 'em. See these handsome, colorful ties at your "Manhattan' dealer's. . CAMPUS FAVORITE- THI MANHATTAN SHIRT COMPANY Copr. tMS, Ttx Montana Shirt C. r I- i ? 1 M-:sr Palladians Select Swift President Wayne Swift, junior engineer ing student from Lincoln, was chosen president of the Palladian Literary Society at its third term election meeting Monday night. Other officers elected were1 Shirley Cane, Arts and Sciences senior from Lincoln, vice presi dent; Luella Brunken, Teachers college sophomore from Lincoln, recording secretary; Marilyn Church, Lincoln sophomore in Teachers college, corresponding secretary; Bob Graig, sophomore in Arts and Sciences from Scotts bluff, critic; and Richard Bailey, Lincoln sophomore in Arts and Sciences, program secretary. Initiates. 1 The chapter also initiated the following new members: Louise Metzger of Merriman; Luella Brunken of Lincoln; Marian Ek- blad of Lincoln; Robert Rosen quist of Lincoln; Bob Craig of Scottsbluff; and John Taylor of Radiolog U of N This week's Mid-Country pro gram, a dramatization of the best of the fiction in the magazine, "Prairie Schooner," is entitled "Three Nifty Green Suits." Adopt ed for radio by Gay Marr, the radio play tells of how three green suits can effect the lives of sev eral people. Kenny Greenwood directs the show which comes on the air today at 2:30 p.m. Mid-Country KOLN Thurs. 2:30 p m. Authors of the Axes KFOR Thur. 9:30 p m. Hunker HlKhllKhts KOLN Krl. 2:30 p m. Better Business Bureau KKOR Sat, 10:30 p.m. Farm Facta and Fun KFAB Satk 1:00 p.m. Grand Island. The annual Chase and Wheeler oratorical contest of the society, sponsored by the alumni, will be held Saturday night at Palladian hall, Room 301 Temple building. Those entered in the tourney are Wayne Swift, Richard Bailey, Hanel Hunkins, Robert McKen zie and Jim Welch. On the cover of March "CHARM," Swansdown'a beauti ful bolero suit. Exclutively mi Hagee't CP IT'S NO WONDER this charming bolero suit receives such fashion, acclaim. Curved lapels, curved hip line, cummer-bund-style waist to belittle your middle. Yarn-dyed grey worsted ... or tan. Sizes 8 to 18. $5995 Magte's Third Floor lll.l M Xi. 'Vvv.v..Wwv.v.v.W.