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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 4, 1948 Two UN Coeds Take Women's Debate Crowji B. J. Holcomb, a Lincoln sen ior, and Eloise Paustian, sopho more from Omaha, won the championship in the women's division of the debate tourna ment Wednesday in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The two men entrants from Nebraska, Leonard. Hamms and Jack Solomon, both Omaha sophomores, were eliminated from competition in the quarter final round of the men's division. Of the 73 teams competing in the tourney, the Nebraska squad placed second in .the quarter finals. Miss Holcomb and Miss Paus tian had to pass three elimination rounds to win the championship. This Week In The Union WHEN PAYING GI INSURANCE PREMIUM BY CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR POSTAL NOTE BE SURE ITS PROPERLY FILLED-IN AND YOU RE FULLY IPENTIFIEP M Union activities for the week are as follows: Thursday, March 4: Beginning Bridge with Dale Ball, 4-6 p.m., Room 313. Friday, March 5: Unionizer for all students. Smith-Warren or chestra, 9-12 p. m. Sunday, March 7: U of.N Sym phony concert, under the direc tion of Emanual Wishnow, 4 p.m., Student Union Ballroom, with or chestra works by Auber, Handel, Pugno, Mendelssohn and Tchai kowski. There is no charge for this concert. Coffee Hour, 5-6 p. m., main lounge. Variety Show, "Dragonwyck," with Gene Tierney and Walter Huston, 7:30 p. m., Union Ball- The Y.W.C.A. publicity com mittee meets Thursday at 4 p. m., in Ellen Smith Hall. Union Hobby Shop Is Boon ToUN Students BY LEE BEST The Union Craft Shop's open ing with leather projects Is prov mg one of the biggest , boons to hit NU campus; for proof, just ask those struggling GI engineer ing students who hit on the brain storm of making their own slide rule cases. With great pride they can march among the maze of "Engine Labs" with a bright shiny slide rule case clattering against their high water boots (when the snow melts, that is) and say, "I made it with me own li'l hands." Another suggestion for those of us who've found the snow creeping in around the edges of our tired old saddles, is the moc casin project. Hope mine will be ready for my Easter outfit. They come in red, green and all colors. If your suspenders are getting frayed, or the stretchiness is get ting a little too stretchy, how about making yourself a new belt. Belt and buckle sets come at 85c each, for those of means, of course. And U you have so many means that you need places to put them, why not tooL yourself a new billfold? Patterns are avail able, or you can originate your own design. Ready-mode inserts for billfolds sell for 75c, and leather for the covers are 50c. Gel Hat ay for the Easter Parade March 28th! J 7 Ml tAr.7j. an 1695 d big doin s . . . inspired the creation of this special-occasion Johnnye Junior. Exciting new details are the gentle cape-like yoke . . the new side swish of full skirt. Crystal buttons sparkle fes tively, and there's a zipper half-way down your back. Shimmering-sofe rayon-and-acetate crepe ... in mtj, carnation red, cocoa. Sizes 9 to 15. EXCLUSIVE JUNIOR COLLECTIONS. . .THIRD FLOOR UN Wool Expert To Attend Meets In K.C., Scollsbluff Martin Alexander, associate professor of animal husbandry, will represent the university at two meetings this week and next. On March 9, Alexander will travel to Kansas City, Mo., where he will speak at the annual meet ing of the Midwest Wool Market ing Cooperative. This organiza tion handles the wool marketing from Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. The University of Nebraska is one of the charter members of the organization. Mr. W. Mar shal Ross from Gibbon, Neb., is the president. On March 4, . Alexander will assist in closing experimental work at Scottsbluff, Neb. The university experimental sub-station has been conducting an ex periment with more than 600 head of lambs to determine the relative feeding value of various feeds tested. Lacing comes at 7c and 9c a yard. All the projects are continual through the weeks of special in struction, so don't worry about having to finish them in a week. Come down anytime, and match your skill with the masters' of the art. Vespers Scheduled Today In Uni Episcopal Church University Vespers will meet today at 5 p.m. in the University Episcopal Church, 13 and R. man of publicity. O. H. Warner, professor of education, will speak to the group on "Religion in Education", which is the first of the series of speeches to be given. Speeches are being planned with speakers from the engineering, fine arts, and bizad colleges. WHERE THE BIG BANDS TLAY I fir chuck FOSTER Music in the FOSTER FASHION FRI., MARCH 5 8:30-12:30 Adm. 1.25 Ea. Plus Tax SAT. NITE lee iiaeihox n t r Toothings every college rrM should know I 1 0 Tliis is a uolf. Sjtecies: Lupus Humanus. Numltcrs increasing on etvry college campus. Slock appearance aids deception of prey. Hunts at night. Mainly co-eds. Don't laugh . . . you re probably one yourself. -1 r ::. . : -' r i This is aZManhattan" shin. Wolf or not you'll go in hot pursuit . . . it's a beauty! A 'Manhattan fiU better . . . looks better . . . and can't shrink more than 2. See this style and many others at your local dealer's note. 9 CAMPUS FAVORITE 4 i THI MANHATTAN SHUT COMPANY Cocr. 194 Tk Maahanm SSM Co.