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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1948)
Tuesday, March 2, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 AN Ht -"" I C4V jr ., irw-x. . jr. AS A FRESHMAN H MADET THE VARSfTY Af DfcPAUL U OVERTOOK HIM -"t "vW ' VvX'i In. Sf 1 - jn MJ0-5EAS0N. j rrNTk1 r Tank Record Revisions Seen In Loop Meet A thorough revision of the rec ords is anticipated when Big Seven conference swimmers come to Lincoln Friday and Saturday for the annual championships. No conference meet has been held in the Nebraska pool since 1941. Nebraska Coach Hollie Lepley points out that the present med ley mark has been bettered by three teams, Iowa State, Okla homa and Nebraska. Iowa State has the best mark with 3:08 which is .09.9 seconds better than the present mark. lowa aiaies yyciones win as- sume tne lavonte roie in xnis year's championships. A battle for second place should develop between Oklahoma and the Hus kers. Oklahoma defeated the Corn huskers earlier in the seaon. However, Nebraska was not at full strength for the meet. Three men -were out because of illness. These men will be back to put the Nebrasknns at full strength for the conference test. Iowa St;ite and Nebraska have been the only teams to win circuit tank championships. Nebraska has copped tne honor five times, and the Cyclones have won 12. Kansas State has taken three second places. The Wildcats fin ished third last year, and Okla homa finished fourth. The preliminaries will be held Friday at 7:30 p. m. and the finals will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. Sooner Ace Tops Circuit Scoring Paul Courty, Oklahoma's south- naw forward is currently Dacino the Big Seven scoring race, statis tics revealed today. The Suoner ace, with 117 points in niiy? conference tilts, holds a one-point margin over Thornton Jenkins of Missouri. Claude Retherford, Nebraska's leading point-maker is eighth with 85 points gathered in ten games. Leading scorers: O. Ff,. FT. TF Pti. Courty. Oklahoma 8- 37 43 27 117 Jrnklna. Missouri Ill HannHii, Kan. Slnte .. .1(1 Pippin. Missouri 10 Ray Wthde. lowm State. 11 Besemann, Colorado . . 10 Walrra, Oklahoma .... Retherford. Nebraska ..10 Behnellbacher, Karma . 8 Shannon, kai. .State ..10 Petersen. Iowa ftale ..11 Metxa;er. Colorado 10 Brannum. Kas. Rtnte ..TO Paulsen. Iowa State ..11 Merchant. Oklahoma . . 9 Rollander. Colorado ... 9 Moster, Nebraska 10 WauKh, Kansas 8 Mi 37 42 31 34 31 29 23 34 31 29 30 28 28 28 27 24 44 36 21 36 116 2f 110 26 104 3 44 101 29 40 24 24 27 29 36 22 32 32 32 29 31 44 26 15 39 22 24 21 24 23 2t 16 22 Cage Playoffs Playoffs will begin tonight in tha A teniYi rtaclr atHll Irwirna men t in the Coliseum. Sigma Alpha Epsilon meets Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Comma Delta takes on Phi Delta Theta. Both games are scheduled for 8:40 p. m. wJ ' " A3 C'XPi ,1a LjAHALLRTPASSi SOPHOMORE" GUARD FOR THE CORNHUSKCRS. t. ...FROM - in Nubbins Five Doiviis York B For Fifth Win Nebraskas University's N u b bins basketball team had to come from behind in the last half to de feat a hard-fighting York B club Monday night, 51-39. York's cagers took the lead early in the game, and Nebras ka's reserves were unable to catch them until late in the con test. Forward Nordlund led the York attack and was the games high scorer with 16 points Schneider, York's other starting forward, hit 14. Bob Allen. Nubbins' center was high scorer for the Nebraska ns u-lth 14 nrtintc Rill Miller tmlr runner-up honors for the B-men with 10. The victory was number five for Coach John Thompson's crew The Nubbins end their season Sat urday night against Western Union College of LeMars, Iowa in the Coliseum. FEM FUN Senior members of the WAA council, Cleo Austin, Ruth Ben nett, Marion Falloon, Mims Weetht and Dort Mashier make up the nominating for selecting the slate for the 1948-49 officers. WAA elections will be the last of March. Alpha Phi defeated Kernels in the semi-finals of the Girls Basketball Tournament. The final score was 17-21. The Alpha Phi team led 9-6 at the half. How ever the Kernels held them score less during the next quarter tie ing the game 9-0 at the end of the third period. Letha Brunkow of the Kernels was high point with 14 points to her credit. The 'P w meet tne veer- .ns yyeanesaay ai 3:uu in the deciding game of the tourna ment. Classified FOP SALE 1940 two-door Pontlae Ex. relleitt condition! Call Bob Baker. 2-7831 FOR SALE Underwood portable. C E. Ha Lit ead 321 North 13th. Apt. 2 A. LOST Black rimmed glasses in brown zipper caw. Reward! Call Anne Bf-lows. 2-7371. LOST A red leather billold at Law bids between 7:30 and 8:30. Reward. Leave at Daily Ncbraskan office. Phyllis Thomas. LOST Gold toD Sheaffer pencil "Lela engraved on gold. Reward. Lela Lipp, 327 No. 13th. J-Z487. FACULTY Members Bay year "Moore" Cap. Gown and Hood thia season. Latest "Moore" Samples jual ar-l rrred. INQUIRE NOW. EE 271 R ST IINCOIN NCM NUGrapplers Drop Match To Spartans Michigan State's wrestling team finished their first unde feated full wrestling season Sat urday night when the Spartans defeated Nebraska's grapplers, 17-8. Gale Mikles, defending NCAA 155-pound champion, took his first 175-pound class match by decisioning Nebraska's Andy Marinkovich, 8-0. It was Mickles last appearance at home for the East Lansing matmen. He has lost only one bout in four years of college dual competition. Two Ilusker Decisions. Two Husker wrestlers earned decisions and another fought to a draw. Bob Yambor, Nebraska's leading point-maker, in the 121 pound class, decisioned Jack Dreiner, 8-2, and Ed Copple, Husker 155-pounder, outpointed Pat Sullivan. 4-2. 121 -pound: Robert Yambor (NU) de cisioned Jack Kreiner (MSO, 8-2. 128-pound: Gene MacDonald (MSC) de claimed Mickey Sparano t.NL). 12-4. 136-pound: Richard Dickenson (MSC) decisioned J;ick Barrett (NU). 6-0. 145-pound: Newton Copple (NU) drew with Don Anderson (MSO). 4-4. lM-pound : Edward Copple, (NU) decl- ftioned Pat Sullivan (MSC). 4-2. Jtii-pound: John Powell (MSC) deci sioned Jack Tatnai (NU). 12-5. " 175-pound: Gale Mikles (MSC) decl- 'sioned Andrew Marinkovich (NUI. 8-0. Heavyweight: Bub MaldeRen (MSC) decisioned Mike DiBiase (NU), 3-2. MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "Three Darling Daughters," 1:36, 4:09, 6:42, 9:15. STUART: -Ideal Husband," 1:26, 3:29, 5:31, 7:39, 9:37. NEBRASKA: "Things to Come,'' 1:20, 4:36, 7:52. "The Man Who Could Work Miracles," 2:53, 6:09. 9:25 CAPITOL: "Ride the Pink Horse," 1:19, 4:42, 8:05. "The Ha gen Girls," 3:00, 6:23, 9:46. LINCOLN Now! 44e t Deer 4pra 12:43 ""TV.!' STUART TOMORROW Naaapkrey BOGART .HRHttmiMEBi f J EBRASKA TOMORROW Daars Opea li:4J Mat. 44t U 2 ACTIO THRILLERS VIGILANTES RETURN" ! riNECOLOK JON HALL ANDY DEVINE MARGARET LINDSAY PLUS "PHILO VANCE'S GAMBLE" nan .UAV A8 A HIT TtNfc! SHIRLEY TEMPLE RONALD REAGAN That Hager Girl' PI ROBERT MONTOOMKRT aa LK KI GL'GLN la Ride the Pink Horse" FrMay Mirht "Amateur Nlcmt" 811 mil 25c 1 Nam i "7 Open .... L -T" tiff SPORT JACKETS and SLACKS MAGEE'S spring selections make you Esquire-smart .and fancy free! MAN OF DISTINCTION in your patterned sport coat . . . not too flashy . . . but just right . . . our plaids and checks resemble imported patterns. 100 wool of course, and excellently tailored to fit you well and comfortably. Tans, greys, greens . . . sizes 35 to 44, regulars and longs. 2- and 3-button models. SLACKS IN VARIETY are ready for your choice on our clothing floor . . . mecca of Esquire-correct apparel, in Lincoln! Gabardines, coverts, flannels in 100. woolens . . . checks, solids, plaids herringbones. In cludes high-waisted California slacks with hand needled seams. Sizes 28 to 44. Brown, tan, blue, teal, grey, green. Esquire-Correct Clothing . . . Second Floor 25 $950 o $20 $