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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1948)
tWecfaesHay, February 18, Nebraska Trackmen Win; Trounce Wildcats, 73-31 BY FRITZ SIMPSON (Daily Xefcraskaa Sports f.dltor) . . Nebraska University's track team gained a decisive victory last night when it trounced Kansas State under the east stadium, 73-31. Two meet records were broken during the evening. Don Cooper, Husker pole vaulter continued on his record smashing way by vaulting 13 feet 8 inches. This mark eclipsed the old meet record of 13 feet 7 inches set by Hunt of Nebraska in 1942. Rodney McClay of Kansas State grabbed second in that event, and the Huskers' Jim Meyers took third. Monte Kinder was the other Husker to break a meet record. The Cambridge athlete leaped 6 leet 3-Vs' inches to better his old meet mark of 6 feet l-s inches. Orville Glass broke the old rec ord as. ' he took second with, a jump of 6 feet 2V4 inches. Ray Magsamen gave Nebraska a clean sweep . in that event by taking third. ' Bill Moomey romped home ahead of the crowd to capture the 60-yard low hurdles. His time of :06.9, although it failed to break the meet record, equaled the Big Seven indoor mark held by Joe Shy of Missouri, set in 1943. Bob Berkshire and Al Thompson took second and third, respectively, to give Nebraska another sweep in that event. Loyal Hurlbcrt took a shot at the half-mile distance instead of running his specialty, the 440 yard dash, and managed to cap ture second place in 2:05. 1K.UK. 60 y.ird dash: Won iiy Hutton ; sec ond, McClay (KS.I; third. Thompson (Nl. Time :06 2. 440 yard .lush: Won by MooretKnise (Nl. eerond. Thomas (ks.i; third. Vol leitsen (Nl. Time :M9. 880 yard run: Won hy J Martin N): second, Hurlhrrt (N); third, Miller, (KS. Time 1:M.8. Low hurdles: Won by Moomey (Nl: w-rond. Berkshire IN); third. Thompson, j i. j ime :ue.. HiRh hurdles: Won by eRikshlre (Nl ; second. McClay (KS); third. Elliott lKS. Time :(I7.6. Mile run: Won by Schlueter (Ni; sec ond, Leasure (KS); third. Thiel (N). Time 4.:i8.6. Two mile run: Won bV Morrison (N); second. S. Martin (Nl; Ihird. Van Ha erbeke (KSI. Time 10:11.9. Mile relay: Won by Nebraska (Thomp son. Clark. Brandon T, oVllerUeui. Time 3:34.4. 111:1.11. High Jump- Won by Kinder (Nl; sec ond, GlasstNi; third. Magsamen (Nl. Height 6'-3'". (New meet record bet tering old mark of ti'-lV set by Kind er in 19471. Hole vault: Won by Cooper (N): sec end. McClay (KS);- third. Myers (Nl. Height 13' -h'". (New meet record bet terinug ol mark of 13'-7" set by Hunt (Nebraska I In 1942. Broad jump: Won by Klser (KS); sec ond, Duniclson (KS); third, Brainard N). Distance 22'-6'-.". Shot put: Won bv Prather (KSI ; sw ord Piderit (Nl ; third. McConnell (N). Instance 51'-'i". Senior N-Mcn All N-men wlio will graduate in June or August of 1948 are requested to meet in the Corn husker office in the Student Union Building at 1:00 p. m. Thursday, February 19. In formal pictures will be taken for the 1948 Coruhusker. Please wear your "N" sweater or "N" jacket. L Who's side are j YOU ) Pulling 1948 IM Department Tells of New Chge Tourney Nebraska University's Intra mural Department announced Monday that an Interdenomina tional basketball tournament will be held late in February. The tourney will be single elimination, with entries dueat 207 Coliseum not later than Thursday, February 19 at 5 o'clock. Pairings will be posted and announced February 20. Intramural medals will be pre sented to the championship team, and certificates will be given to the members of the two finalist teams. An entry fee of $2.00 is due when the entries are filed. The announcement was also made Monday . concerning a new military basketball tournament now open to all ROTC and Qt s PURE Ynu have to know a trick or two to per form scarf magic, but there an emsy way lo lrarn. Ijel Miller ' tJiow you the hundred and one way . . . and incidentally llieir kreulli-laking rolleclion of fM-arfn. Print, Plain in rotor. Ombre, hot of 2.95 Modernit Print rili p mi n t bruth It rake. 4.95 Pretty cmteh-me tight in fold or $ i I ve r i n i h HEART, 1.20 (tax inrl.) o 0 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Water Cagers Will Invade Coliseum Pool Intramural Director L. E. Means announced Tuesday that water basketball will be substituted for water polo this year when action starts, March 8, in the Colesium pool. Rules in the water sport are very similar to basketball with each team having five men. The ball used is a fully inflated rub ber water polo ball. It may be held with one or both hands and may be thrown, pushed, dribbled between shoulders or carried on or below the surfaeeof the water. Any man carrying or holding the ball beneath the surface may be tackled or held under water until he releases it. The area of play In the pool will be from the west end to the 50 foot line. No goals will be scored beyond the 40 foot line and two points will be scored for a field goal and one point for a freethrow as in basketball. Play will be divided into halves consisting of six minutes each. If the score is tied at the end of the regulation time, players must play two overtime periods of two minutes each, at the end of second overtime, if the score is still deadlocked both teams will shoot free shots to determine the winner. NROTC units. Play will start February 26, with entries due at 207 Coliseum not later than Thurs day, February 19 at 5 o'clock. SKI in the cJmst SILK SquahSL t'onrerxalion Print, Snourflake, Sunday in the Park, Sky. temper) to mention only m emu 3.05 SCARF CLASPS CIjOVER LEAF in gold or til tier in- ih. 1.20 HEART u-ith colored tone. 3.54 FEM FUN W. A. A. counci meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 12 o'clock. Plans for the coming elec tion will be discussed. This week is your last chance to sign up for the Rifle Club. Leave a note in the W.A.A. office or contact Miss Betts at Grant Me morial as to the time you wish to shoot. The times are Friday at 3:00 or Saturday at 10:00. Pi Beta Phi defeated Chi Ome ga, the final score being 10-5. Marion Falloon was high point with 6 scores to her credit, and led her teammates to a victory. IM Results Squash. February 16. 1948. Sigma Nu 2. Sigma Chi 1. Zeta Beta Tau 2, Sigma Phi Epsilon 1. Basketball. February 16. 148. lielta Theta Phi 24. Presbyterians 21. Newman Club 38, Extra Ught Brigades 22. Football team ?4. University YMCA 9. Lapp's Bovs 27, Dormitory C. 8. Muscle Men 36 .Pershing Rifles 20. He T's 25. Racketeers 20. Methodist Samfces 2. Galloping IXimi nocs 0. Ball Chain 2. Creepers 0. Y.M.C.A. 10. Wheels 9. Lilies 39. V-.Vs 16. BASKETBALL S( 1IKTI! I.E. Wednesday. Feb. 18: !:(I0 (Ag) Beta Theta Pi vsr Farm House (A). 7:00 (S Phi Delta Theta vs. Sigma Chi (Bl. 7:00 (Fl Phi Kappa Psl vs. Alpha Tau Omega ( Bl. 7:00 (V) Phi Kappa Psi vs. Kappa Sig ma (A). 7:5(1 S) Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Kappa Sigma (B). 7:50 FI Tau Kappa Kpeilon vs. Delta Upsilon (A I. 7:50 (VI Sicma Alpha Epsilon vs. Sig ma Phi Epsilon (A I. 8:40 S Physical Education vs. Arch itects. 8:40 (F) Pioneer Co-op vs. Delta Tau Delta (Bl. s:40 Vl Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Gam ma Delta .(Bl. 8:40 (As I Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Gamma Rho (Bl. RH-I) RAPE a"- . ECKUE now 55 HOW TO FOLD A VEST EE IV TWO EASY LESSOS: s wi -r SIDE-TIE 1 PAGE 3 NU Wrestlers To Head South For Week-End B. R. (Pat) Patterson's improv ing University of Nebraska wrest ling team will swing south this week-end for matches against Oklahoma at Norman Friday and Oklahoma A. & M. at Stillwater Saturday. Bob Yambor, 121 -pounder, is the leading point maker for the Cornhuskers. In six matches, Yambor has won five. He lost to Lapin of Minnesota by one point. La pin finished third in the NCAA championships a year ago. Mike Dibiase, National AAU heavyweight champion two years ago, is back in action. He was she'ved with a knee injury suf fer2j in football during the first semester. The Copple brothers. Newt and Ed, became eligible with the start of the second semester. Newt has won three straight matches at 155 pounds. Ed has captured two of the three he has wrestled. The points scored by Corn huskcr wrestlers in seven matches are: Yambor 19. Andy Marinko vich 10. Jack Barrett 9, Newt Copp'e 9, Mickey Sparano 8, Ed Copple 6, Kenny Erown 3. Jack Tamai 3, Jerry Calhoun 3, Mike DiBiase 3. Wrestlers named for the south ern trip are Bob Yambor, 121; Mickey Sparano, 128; Jack Bar rett, 136: Jack Tamni, 145; Newt Copple, 155; Ed Copple, 165; Andy Marinkovich, 375; Mike Di Eiase, heavyweight SI IT FILLIP SWATHED IIIPLIE Neckwear. . .First Floor mm