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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1948)
TJ-TP nxn V vrron n o v kit a 1 I " i mm.... I ""' '' "' "WM"""" ' I ! 1 1 .nil iii,.,i. mi tutmom Sunday, February 8, 1948 Records Fall As Coniliuskcrs Down Iowa State Cindermeii Nebraska University raced to its second Indoor track viuLuxy ux cue season Saturday night in Lincoln by defeat ing the Iowa State Cyclones, 67-37. Six meet records fell to the HnsW aa the victory Dick Piderit started the parade when he heaved 7 iii u lve .Vnes- broke own record .of j J" set iast year- McConneU and Sees took 5ni."SSi Ptively, to give the Cornhuskers a Vtwaii o r uiav C Veil t. i Dick Hutton raced to a ntw bammies Turn Back Zates In IM Basketball tf. -AA. 1 m nuiion racea to a new record in the 60-yard dash. The Auburn speedster was clocked in :06.3, one-tenth of a second faster than the old mark set in 1935 and tied last year by Bill Moomey. New 440 Record. In the 440-yard dash Loval Hurlbert eclipsed the old record Sigma AlDha Mu dnwnnl 7fa in ,?n ? Tv,!.-lthe Beta Tau In intramural basketball In .50.7. The previous mark had tvij., .. . , . been set by Harvey Stroud last Fnday mght to wm a hard foueht year. Don Vollertsen finished be- 10"1J overtime grudge-battle hind Hurlbert, and Phil Wrinht Rosenblum tied the eame at 13- of Iowa State took third. all in the last m!n..f. f r,i, , service after missimr last ur-c""5 tull wun cnaruy loss. nirlahnm.n mot fn cot o m. I Guard SDenrer Rrnwn urae tH ord of :07.6 in the 60-yard high SAM ero as he ht the rim with Iowa Stale Cagers Lead nuraies. nay iviagsamen, iinish-1"- """""s waaivct, m uie lasi fM Fnul fnn, n,:nmia nl. ..I t-. i. I Seconds Of nla ChanrtW ti pate. QUU . . n Utf t"b I m a . . the record with a time of :07 7 Pini getter for SAM with six lowa oiaie o"ege s basketball The old mark of :07.8 was set in Pints. followed by Harris with team k one of the top squads in 1929 and was tied by Ralph King L"L- "osenDium had seven for the nation. At least thev'r. tnn last year. .... . Vri'A . . in fouls committed. The Cyclones Don Cooper took his second RAud"'r, TSS: . UrAA ... . . , . straight victory of the season as t&!2J&3r 2 S "i ... hold the dubious honor of having he vaulted to a new record of 13 Pm Del, Th" is. Delta upsiiod. s. ' committed more personal fouls fppt 7A 'inches H hrnW hie nr J11' .Tf" .lJl" than any team in the pountrv a, - - - vnn a nna Menu Fni it am ki i . . TOPS IIUSKER GYMNASTS Phil Sprague led the Cornhusker gym team with 23 points Saturday afternoon when the Navy Pier Division of Illinois University defeated Charlie Miller's squad, 70-56. Sprague scored in five events, taking three seconds and . two thirds. Alpha Sigma Phi 8 ATO 5L record of 13 feet 7 inches sAtlKarm Houmi. stcma nm h last vear. Don failed on four at- ASMK Es"e 20. Phi Alpha Delta 11. tempts at 14 feet one inch. New Low Hurdle Mark. The sixth new mark was in the 60-yard low hurdles. Bill Moo mey from York copped that event with a record time of :07.1. The old mark of :07.2 was set in 1929 "nUeQ 1381 yCar y AM Saturday night a potent' Mich. Thompson. mn Kfo e; Iowa State's best event was : the ed the Cornhusker fplashers by a broad jump. The Cyclones took score of 58 to 25. Coach Charlie n v T evem McCaf tree's boys broke three pool Rolhe Knight leaping 20 feet Vi records in taking their fourth vic- incn ior iirsi, ana Jim xress iin- tory of the current season. isning second. Two of Iowa State's outstand Spartans Down UN Splashers through January 31 Figures show that the Big Seven conference school has committed 333 fouls in 14 games. This makes an average of 23.8 per game. Individual tutoring service has been offered students of Georgia Tech, according to "The Tech nique," the school's paper. Cyclones Edge NU Wrestlers Nebraska University's wrestling team captured four of the eight matches against Iowa State Fri day night, but the Cyclones pinch ed on top with a 16-14 victory. Not until the final match was the meet decided. Iowa State trail ed 14-11 before the heavyweight match began. It was then that Lynn Daib pinned the Huskers' Andy Marinkovfch to give the Cy clones their winning margin. Mickey Sparano 'earned the only pin for the Nebraska squad. , Ulini Gymnasts Deal Huskers Second Defeat Saturday afternoon, a strong University of Illinois (Navy Pier Division) gymnastic squad defeat ed Coach Charlie Millers Nebras ka team by a score of 70 to 56 in the university coliseum. The meet developed tnto a match between Matteo and Roetzheim of Illinois and Phil Sprague and Leo Geier of Nebraska. Roetzheim. Central A.A.U. all-around champ ion, was high point man of the meet with 35 points. Sprague of Nebraska was second with 23 points, followed by Matteo of Illi nois with 16 markers and Geier of Nebraska with 16 points. Bedard of Illinois won the tum bling easily. The navy pier tumbler was national A.A.U. champion in 1945 and runner-up last year in that event. He ended his event with a running full double twist, which is one of the most diffi cult feats in tumbling. Roetzheim won the other five events. In three of these events. the side horse, parallel bars and flying rings, Sprague of Nebraska finished second behind Roetzheim in the scoring. Next Saturday the Cornhusker gymnasts will travel to Minneap olis to meet Minnesota's Golden Gophers. Results: Horizontal bar: 1st. Roetzheim il 2prt. Lefler (6); 3rd, Harding (N). tie for 4tft, Jurus (I), and Mattea (I): 6th, Purdjr (NK Bide horse: 1st. Roetzheim 11: 2nd. Sprague (N); 3rd, Matteo (I): 4th, Grier IN); oui, Jurus (I); 6th, Hardfns (N) Parallel bars: 1st. Roetzheim fli: 2nd. Sprague (N); 3rd. Geier (N); 4th. Matteo UK 6tn, Jurus (I) ; 6th, Purdy (N). Lone horse: 1st. Roetzheim N: 2nd. Matteo (I); 3rd, Spraime (N) ; 4th. Oda (IK nth, Geier (N) ; 6th, Johnson (N). Flylne rlnes: 1st. Roetzheim 11; 2nfl. Snrague (N); 3rd Geier (N); 4th, Rankin ()! otn. Oda (I): 6th Blhlmayer (I). Tumbllne: 1st. Bedard 11; 2nd. Knrl. rheim (I); 3rd. Spraeua (N): 4th, Geier (N; sth, Matteo (I): 6th, Rankin (N) Ed Dzioba of Michigan State A WW vi xuwa O Idle 9 UUUWHU- I tnn I T , .1 advance notices given them. Bill Arlen was able to finish only third in the mile run and did not place in the two-mile event. Dwayne Feekin, Cyclone high pool record by one-half of a second. Wilson of Michigan State swam the 200-yard breaststroke in 2:28.4. breaking the old record bv about five seconds. In the next jumper who holds the meet rec- event, George Hoogerhyde, N. C. ord, failed to place in that event. Results: Track Event. 60-yard dash Won by Dirk Hutton (N): second, Al Thompson N: third, Chria etelnlmfh ilSt. Time :08.3 New record. Old mr-rk wa :06.4 by Jaroh en (1929) ond Moomey (1917). Ne braska. Hi;i hurdles Won by Bob Berkshire (N); second. Krtv Mapsnnien IN); third, R. O. Wolf (1S1. Time :07.6. (New record. Old m.irk wis :07 8, held hy Klne (1947) and Lam'icon (1929 of Ne brisha.) 440-yard dab Won bv T.oyal Hurl-be-t (N: aecond, Don VollerUen N): third, Phil Wrlcht (XjJ). Tim :M.7. (New record. Old mar mat ;51. by Stroud (Nf in 1947 1 Mile run Won by Henry Schlouter (Nl; econd. Bud Kverett IH. third, Bill Arlen (IS). Time 4 :S. 5. Low hurdlea Won by BUI Moomey (N); Momd, Ray RutMmw (If); third, ChrU tSeinbach (IS). Time -071. (New record. Old mark waa :07.2, held by HalKht (N) and Thompann (N). WtO-yrd run Won by Jim Martin (Nl; econd, John Btephena (IHi; third, Kui ell Ha't (N). Time-J. 02 7. Two mile Won by Tom Maney (18); econd, ctan Martin (N); third, Don Mornaon (N). Time 10:07.8. U Relay Won by Iowa Htate( Bob WeiaaliiKer, Jim Bean, Thll WriKbt, and Bob Lary); aecond, Nebraska (Joe Clurk, fcd Uiponwh, Bill Brandorff, Duo Vol krtaei.). Time 3:M.. WtaVpul Won by Dick Piderit (N, BO te.t 3 inches; second Jim McOonn-V (N), 44 11; third, Wayna Seea N)r 42-2H. (1'i.lerit'i mark Is new Ioa StaU-Nel.raska dual record. The old rec ord was 47' 1 1 by Piderit In 1947 ) HIB Jump Won by Don Bmlth (Ml, f-et Mi Inch; tie for second heteen Orvllle Ulasa (N) and Vlclxmald Venit U8), 6-lu. Hrs4 (MW-Won by Rollla KntrTll U), 20 feet H Inch; awmid, Jim Kre.s OH),. 1910; third, Owra bralnard (N), Pnle vault Won by Don Cner N), 13 lert 1 ini'tiei; seoond J nil Myers (Nl, 12'7'i lis (or thud hit wwi (IH) and Neal Jennlni.s (IHI, II- even (New record. Old maik was 131', sci ny i.'i,r In 194 7. UN fllcct K-Stalc Nebraska's swimming team, aft er losing to a powerful Michigan State crew, will be seeking its third win in four meets Monday afternoon when the Huskers en tertain the Kansas State swim mers in the Coliseum pool. The meet will start at 3:30 p.m. , The Huskers will be favored, since Kansas State lost to Kansas University two weeks ago, and Nebraska defeated Kansas Uni versity last Saturday. Coach Hollie Leplcy has an nounced that extra" bleachers have been erected and that there will be room for around 1,000 spectators, i A. A. 1500-meters champion, broke the 440-yard freestyle record by six seconds when he swam that event in 5:00.4. Grimm Wins Two i High point man for the Huskers was Marvin Grimm. Grimm won the 50 yard and 100 yard free style events with times of :24 and :54.3, respectively. Dick Bell of Nebraska placed second in the div ing by beating Anton of Michi gan State by one point. Dean Porter picked up a second in thej 440-yard freestyle to conclude the individual scoring for Nebraska. The Michigan State team came within a second of breaking the records in three other events; the 300-yard medley relay, the 150 yard backstroke and the 400-yard freestyle relay. The next home meet for the Huskers will be Monday at 3:30 p.m. in the Coliseum pool. The Kansas State Wildcats will be their opponent. Results: S00-yard medley relay: I Michigan (Kortan, Duke, Seloold); 1 Nebraska (Kenton, King, Allen). Time 3:03 4. no-yard freestyle: 1 Dziolia (MS). 2 Miller (MS). 3 Porter (N). Time 2:19. (New pool record bettering old mark of 2:19 I ) 50-yard freestyle; I Grimm (N). 2 Palton (M.I). 3-Clemmons (MS). Time :24 (Equals pool record). Kancy divine: 1 Williams (MS). 2 Bell (N). 3-Anton (M.4). 100 .ird freestyle: 1 Grimm (N). 2 Demons (MB). Palvon (MS). Ti. MX IKI Vird backstroke I Korten (MHi. 2 Miller (MM). I Kenton (N). Tims I 41 0. 2H) yard bresnlmroke; 1 Wilson (MR). 2 J. bcld. ,1.1 (MSI. 3 Klnc IN). Time 2 2 I. (Nrw p'M.I re. ord bettering old mark of 2 .13 9 I 400 yard rreratyle: 1 Hoogerhyde (MS). 2 Porter (N). (Only two entrnnls ) Time n (in 42. (New pool record bettering old mark of 11:06 6 1 4o0-yard freestyle relav; 1 Michigan Htsls (Allusrdl, Dzloha. Miller, tSetbold.) 2-Nebrnsl-.a (Allen, Campbell, Grimm, Brnnrhl. Tune 3.(53. The New Esterbrook Fountain pen with the Radium tip-screw point. Complete only $2.00. Come in now! a THE I2RST 'IINCOIN NflR CsfVL "W'SN GIVE T TOE ABRAHAM WNCOLN -- fcBB aaasV gtar 9 B7t?i?xrnctiTD irenu l sss sMi.nicuu laAin I Gibson Girl JIBILdDHISIES... Perfect complements to swirling skirts " l JUNIOE HOUSE chambray stripe blouse l'iV l1! with Quaint nirrie-edred vest effect rink. ljiillU'lm blue, fray or rreen with white stripes and ,f V,M white piqae peter pan collar. .05 k Si 9 to 15 Owo ( 'I WlfWFfWlU Righ" r I As JOAN MILLER'S new Dan River cotton A f with white pique collar and pique cuffs. ' V sb Tiite with red, brown, blue or irreen v--? jf peppermint stripes. P95 Cs I Sizes 9 to 15 Sportswear Shop. .GOLD'S. .Third Floor J S j ' ' , . .J..UI J.