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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1948)
Wednesday, February '4, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 2 Member Intercollegiate Press FOB TT -SIXTH f EAR Subscription ntn ar Sl.S per emete, t.M pee oemnter mailed, er IJ M fat lb colic- Vr. W.O nulled. tU-sto copy to. PebUahed tally daring the ecbeol real except Monday ang Saturday. vwlll aad .ui Hi, l "'""lUJ f Nebraska drf the eapervtsloa el Um PabimUkM Boar. Eatwd ee " (Iim Mailer at tlx Pott Office a Uneoln. Nefctmnka, eedee Act I of Cteagree. 8. 1S7S. and at apeetal rata at anun a.! far ki eectlea UN, ae ai Ocaeeet , 1817. authorised Septemoer Jo, 1S22. ffie Dally Nebraska to oeblUbed ay the etsSeet af the Oafwrrtty af Neererica ae a ijreutoa at atadoata w end epintoaa aary. Aeeardiac la article " B l aw, jovemlns etadeat pebUcatsaa end administered ay the Beard at PabacaUon. It ". the eclred poUci .1 the Board that awbllcetlJae aadet Ha srtd1ciie. aaaJl be (m from editorial censorship on lh part af the Board, er tba na ef aa member of the feenlry af the ai.lver.lly: bol wmbera af tba eteff ef- The Dally Nebraskan are personally responsible lor what ,heJ er e er u printed." Fdlfcir 'rk H1U Maaaglng Vditor fienrce Miller. Jeanne Kerrigan New fcditnrs Cub Irm, Tollle Mewart. Bob (oonley, I -re Harris, Wally Becker Sport Kdltur ' . . v..-.. ..lit.,. r-perinl Feature Editor Serlrly r.ullor l'aotoiraphrr BUSINESS STAFr Beslne Manager Circulation Manrer Assistant Bnntnraa Manager EDITORIAL POLICY . . . This is an open invitation to members. An invitation to visit how your paper is published, and gripes you may have on any phase It will be the policy of The such complaints with attention and of policy by the university board kan is free from "editorial censorship." The board's statement adds that members of the staff are personally responsible for what they cause to be printed. The new staff of The Daily Nebraskan welcomes this freedom and its accompanying responsibilities. JVe plan to take advantage of it, keeping in mind responsibilities and always trying to make The Daily Nebraskan a credit to the university. However, there will be no punches pulled when the staff sees or hears something: that they believe to be wrong-. Complaints re ceived in the editor's office will be carefully investigated and if found to be based on facts, thoroughly aired. We have no "sacred cows" that will remain immune from close inspection when trouble comes. We plan to maintain the respect due to academic offices and administrative rank, but will maintain such respect only when it is proved to be deserved. It will not be the practice of The Daily Nebraskan to go off half-cocked. When stories on controversial issues are finally printed, they will be accurate. Bring down your ideas. Whether they are good or bad, The Daily Nebraskan staff ' is interested in them. In order to make this a newsworthy, accurate paper, we need your help. Hobby Display To Be Featured At Open House A hobby open house will be held Wednesday afternoon from 1-5 p. m. for all students, in Union room 12, Director Duane Lake an nounced. Displays will be shown and refreshments will be served. The hobby shop, which is being set up in Room 12 will open Feb. 10 and will continue for the rest of the semester. Students may re ceive tutoring in their favorite Hew ways to make the famous Fingernail Test f IF you're not the athletic type, get yourself a Siamese twin to doodle your noodle. Then, at the first sign of dryness or loose dandruff, head (get it?) for the drug store for a tube or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil hair tonic Just a little bit will help you get ahead (get it again?) with women, if you have nothing better to do. Wildroot Cream-Oil grooms your hair neatly, naturally without that gooey look. Relieves dryness and removes embarrassing loose dandruff. Wildroot Cream Oil is non-alcoholic. Remember, however, it contains sooth ing Lanolin. Try Wildroot Cream-Oil hair tonic today. See for yourself why it's "again and again thr choice of men who put good grooming first 1" For generous trial supply free. end this ad with your name and address to Wildroot Co., Inc., Dept. C-B, Buffalo XI. New York. Iuine mrirui Hani Warrea I'at Nordln Bob Data .Gould Hags . Jack Helwr BUI Wilkin. MrHe Stalder, Irwla all university students and faculty The Daily Nebraskan office, see to bring along any accumulated of life in the university. Daily Nebraskan staff to treat any care. According to a statement of publications. The Daily Nebras hobbies every Tuesday and Wed nesday afternoon, and from 7 to 9 p. m. on Wednesday evenings. The shop will be open every aft ernoon for students to work with out supervision. Conducting the shop is Marge Cherney. The three instructors are Roland Mills, Don Ellis, and Al bert Ostergaard. Leathercraft, silk screening, and block printing are some of the hobbies that will be taught, as well as fingerpainting, monotype, wood-burning, sketch ing, and textile painting, plastics, metal foil work, and wood carv ing. WL H. WILD??1 ED. NOTK: Itterlps should be limited to 300 word or lea. AH letter maat the paper. The Dally Nrbraakaa will be typed, double apace, on one aide of print all pertinent letter to the editor that do not rontala profanity or un warranted personal comment an In dividual kiudral. Pnbllratloa of let ter la ub)rrt to the dlscreptlon af the editorial staff. Dear Editor: Nobody can have failed to no tice, at the Kansas State-Nebraska game last Saturday night, that some of the K-State rooters were a bit above themselves. Nebras kans, whatever their faults, do not yell and throw apple cores at a member of an opposing team as he prepares to try a free shot. All that was stinking sportsmanship on the part of the Kansans. We, as students at the U. of N., do not show ourselves up as such lousy sports. But, we certainly don t break any bones showing enthusiastic team support, either. At 7:00, the K-State rooters were all there. When the Kansas State team came out onto the floor, they got such a welcome as hasn't been heard here since the Lincoln Grand Island game for the state championship. When Nebraska came out a few moments later, there were 21 Tas sels and Cobs and about 50 others in that section who, with the help of the east side of the Coliseum, didn't come close to equalling the welcome of cheers that our team got from the Kan sas State girls. When the game fi nally started, the Cobs and Tas sels were ready as usual with the most nauseating-looking cheering section it has ever been my mis fortune to behold. Here are some recommendations that may help: (1) Get everybody in uniform. Make everybody who is in street clothes get out from among the organized section. (2) Segregate the Cobs from the Tassels. At present it just looks like a hodgepodge which it is. (3) Discontinue reserving seats up till game time. If students have to come at 6:00 to get seats at all, can they be expected to re spond to leaders who don't even show up to welcome their team, let alone come early enough to cheer next year's players. This old stuff of coming in to a 7:30 game at 7:29, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes must stop. If the present situation is not changed a motion is in order to change the name of Cobs and Tassels to "Men's and Women's Activity, Social, and Sales Club." Also to abolish their reserved sec tions. At present any Pepper or Rock- ette can outyell the combined Cobs and Tassels sections with a towel stuffed into her mouth. WAYNE B. SWIFT. Nebraska Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 2:30 p.m. 2:30 Pn. 9:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. nnouncing IIVffEIIFKATlSRNITY FEATURING i I II I ORCHESTRA "FOR DISTINCTION IN DANCING" COLISEUM, FEB. 14TH 9-12 $2.40 PER COUPLE. TAX INC. TICKETS NOW ON SALE IN FRATERNITY HOUSES Remainder of Record January Graduates Published Today Graduates who received degrees Saturday in the largest mid-year class commencement in the uni versity's history who were not published Tuesday in The Daily Nebraskan are: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE Presented by Dean R. If. Green Bachelor of the Art ol Architecture. Sidney W. Campbell. Lincoln George Kusk, Colby, Has. Robert S. Blemmons, Lincoln Bachelor ol Scienca in Agricultural Engine rino;. Clarence C. Hra.v Dorchester Raymond H. Heller. Lincoln Carroll M. Scnrader. Niobrara Bachelor ef Scienca In Architectural Engineering. Charles H. Grimes. Jr., Lincoln John D. Peck, Lincoln Bachelor oi Science In Chemical Engineering. John D. Ford, Lincoln LEWIS A. KREMER. Stanton (with: distinction) i Jack H. Kuhns, North Platte Bachelor ol Science In Ciril Engineering. Nathaniel W. Beezley. Lincoln James A. Biba, Geneva William O. Ekblad. Lincoln Donald O. Hyde. Taylor Arthur M. Lawson, Lincoln Francia M Llbershal. Lincoln Norm K. Luedtke. Norlolk Ervin T. Scherlch. Inland Paul L. Srhnert. Lincoln James D. Van Sant. Geneva Geo rye R. Williamson, Lincoln Robert A. Yen, North Platte Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering. Donald J. Bums. Lincoln Thomas K. Cadigan. Butte, Mont. Kldrrd L. Collins. Colrridfe Mai B. Davis, Lincoln Roy Drguchl, Kingsbury. Calif. Earl D. Elwonger, Humboldt Milton it. Field. Brooklyn. N. T. Edward H. Gillette, Lincoln Flovd H. Henson, Lincoln Paul H. Henson. Lincoln Emerson Jonee, jr., Lincoln Fred E. Kohlrr, Lincoln Frank R. Little. Central City Charles R. Luchslnger. Dawson John S. Manion. jr., Gothenburg Gordon W. March, Lincoln Dee S, Merslnger. Cedar Bluffs. Kat. M4on M. Momoda. SeattleJLWh.. PAUL K. MURfTN, Wabash with dis tinction) ' Eurene M. Patrick, Auburn Wilbur A. Schmall, Lincoln Robert D. Srhulte. Syracuse William R Streusa. North Platte EDWIN UHRICH. Lincoln (with duJ Vnction) ' Bachelor of Scieaoo la Mechanical Engineering. Fred H Bailey, Jr.. Lincoln Floyd W. Blanchard, Friend Loren O. BrodahL Oxford Richard . Clements. Pera Don B. CTandall, Lincoln Norman O. Dodson, Venange Clarence M. Elwonger, Humboldt Richard B. Hob son. Lincoln Ralph W. Kell, Lincoln Everett E. Kersey, Orand Island James L, Koskan, Anoka Elmer J. La Belle. Jr., Lincoln 8HIOEO NAKANISHI. Cleveland, O, (with distinction! Keith N. Newhouse. Chamber Thomas L. Nickelson, Lincoln Burman F. Olson, Lincoln Richard C Seymour, Madiaoa Louis W. Sprandrl, PJattsmoutfc Radio Loir Ar Report Mid-Country Authors of the Ages Husker IUfhlights Better Business Bureau Farm Facts and Fun KOLN KOLN KFOE KOLN KFOS KFAB, Nebraska Wireless Net k. rren COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Richard W. Steel. OmaDa Presented by Dean J. B. Burt Bachelor ol Science la Pharmacy. Willis O. Lonle, Bayard TEACHERS COLLEGE. Presented by Dean T. IT. Hfnslia. Bachelor of Music In Education. Ralph J. Salyard. Jr. Hardy Bernice O. Zajtcek. Wllber Bachelor of Science fas Education). Jean P. Beckord, TJtica Dal R. Bloss. Wayne Carl A. Booton, Hordville Donald T. Boltortf. Lincoln Betty L. Oenslinger, Busby, Burr Elisabeth J. Butt, Lincoln Donald O. Clifton. Lincoln Sue A. Cochran. Sutherland Donald T. Danker, Campbell Donna M. Eilers. Sterling,, Leo J. Fisher, Lincoln Rosemary L. Oass, 8eward Dean C. Oelwick. Lincoln Gilbert C. OoUber. Weston Shirley A. arainger, Lincoln Mary A. Oro.vterode, Tllden JoAnn Guensel, Lincoln Olea U Harh, Ravenna . Avis J. Held. PUUerton Leonard V. Henry. Pawnee City Caroll S. Jacobson, St. Edward Dolores M. Jrsch. Stratton Carmen R. Johnson. David City iP1,dJ5 Schuyler JACK B. KENNEDY. Lincoln (with dis tinction) Lois M. Kennedy. Lincoln ' HAROLD A. LAN GLAND, Rockford, ID with disiincuofii SHERRY C. LEEKA, Thurman, la (witli distinction) Homer E. Livrrmore. Burwell Helen E. Lutton. Sioux City. la. , CECIL D. McVICKER. Lincoln (wlthj Inunction I ' Edwin H. Nyden, Jr., Lincoln Joseph R. Partington. Lincoln Mabel C. Purcell. Richmond, Calif. Res K. Reckewey, Lincoln Fare M. Shtmerda- Wllber . Jean M. Saalfeld. Omaha Edward Schwartskopf, Lincoln Patricia T. Strickler, Lincoln Glenn C. Wendt. Bis Sprints Prank B. Wilkins. Omaha Maryln D. Wlsmer, Lincoln Arlen M. Wittier. Brock COLLEGE OF LAW. Presented by Dean P. K. Beutel Bachelor ol Laws. Walter H. Cropper, Lincoln LeRoy K. Howard. Sioux Fails, 8. D Robert P. May. York v Walter C. Rundln. jr., Wahoe Warren E. Van Norman, Bassett GRADUATE COLLEGE. Presented by Dean R. W, Goes Master of Arts. Harold W. Andrus, Lincoln Herbert B Berry. Peekskill H. ,T. Msrfarrt O. Brown. St. Joseph, Me. Obbie Z. Brown, Lincoln Leland O. Butler. Lewutown, 111. La Von V. Palrley. Norm Piatt John S. Favors. Omaha Kathrynt T. Favors, Omaha Kenneth E. Holfman. LyndonrlUe. Vt Philip 8. Holmgren, Naper Vernon M. Lien, Aberdeen. 8. D. Freda E. Macht. Kennan. Calif. Maynard V. Meyer. Ft. Wayne. Ind. Oladys H. Papas, Kansas City, Mo. Harry E. Perry, Lincoln Janette E. Seeberg. Lincoln Ola B. Seeley. Shumway. 111. Fred H. Stafford. David City Arthur F Thomsen, Wakefield Wayne H. Ulrlch. Seward John W Voigt. Matton, III. Donna Brittan Warner. Lincoln Master of Science. Trvln B. Braverman, Orand Island Beatrice I. Emery. College Place. Wah James H. Griffith. Oslaboma City. Ok la. Ruben M. Heermann, Pilfer Herbert W Johnson. Bells, Tenn. Lewis E. Klein. Seward John 8. Rowe, Alberta, Canada David W. Russell Detroit. Mich. Ronald A. Wankel. Hastings Prank 8. Watanabe. Lomita. Calif. Robert L. Wear, Lincoln Doctor of Philosophy. Ovidlo Osrcia-Mollnart. Mayagues, PR Chester L. Hunt. Alliance George W. Trimberger. Ithaca, H. T. CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES. (Granted but not conferred at the Commencement Exercise) Certificate is Journalism. Shirley Strunk Powell. McCook Certificate la Physical Education end Athletics. Dale R Bloss. Wayne Donald F. Bottorff. Lincoln Leo J. Fnher. Lincoln Dean C. Oelwick. Lincoln Edwin H. Nyden. Jr.. Lincoln ' Joseph R. Partington, Lincoln Prank E. Wilkin. Omaha CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES. Vocational Education Certificate la Agriculture. James J. Albracht, Meadow Grove Paul J. Grosserode, Tllden Dale P. Nafcrsledt, Madison la Home Economics. Donna L. Hartman. Lincoln Doris B. Olson. Gibbon Neoma M. Keier. Fremont Mary Esther Weber. Saunemln, 111. Classified LOBT Hulova watch Monday. Call 3-W3S8. Reward. NEWLY decorated large bedroom, twin ueus and study room. tood bus con nections. Prefer male student. Call 4-1&65. LOST -Grurn curve gold wrist watch. Reward: Call 5-4719. ft R BALK Eneineerinc Drulnn aet. ew. J -497 evening. Don. STUDENT want garafe to rent. Call uon Klce, 2-784 S. OK SALE Tux size 3s. ' Good condi tion. Call 2-4018 after 7 r. m. TRADE TIES! Don't discard, good neck- iiea. someone will like tnem. tiet a change. Swap colors. Send plus $1. Receive aix other freshly cleaned and pressed. TRADB TIES, Box 310, fcaJem, Indiana.