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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1948)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 3, 1948 William A. Ktinrilc Appointed Editor Ui Law Keview William A. Ilundlc, Wilkes Banc, Tn., second yeni law student, lias been named editor-in-chief of the Nebraska Law Review. Other new staff members: Ken neth H. Elson, ' North l'latte. note e d i t o r, Richard S. H a r n sberger. Ashland, recent cast c d i t o r: Daniel O'Leary. O 1 y m p i a, Wash., leRisla tion editor: Robert A. Wenkc. L i n coln. book re view editor, and Robert S. index editor. ' tip- V. A. Lowe, Handle. Wauncta, UNIVERSITY DAMES NAME OFFICERS, New officers of the University Dames are Mrs. Ima Jeanne Wear, president; Mrs. Doris Eby. vice president; Mrs. Ida Cohen, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Jean Mason, recording secretary; and Mrs. Harold Dalke, treasurer. VALENTINES To your Sivi'ftht'nrt. Mom n Dail. Frirntls mul lrhilivps. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open Thurs. Till 9 MAIN FEATURES START STUART: "If Winter Comes," 1:31. 3:37. LINCOLN: Rudolf Firkusny in concert, 7:39, 8:30. "I Walk Alone.," 1:19, 3:22, 5:25, 7:29. 9:33. NEBRASKA: "Captain From Casille." 1:07, 6:29, 9:03. CAPITOL: "Border Patrol man," 1:00, 3:38, 6:16. 8?54. "Where There's Life," 2:03, 4:41, 7:19, 9:57. Doors Open 12:45! Mr to 6! , BURT LANCASItK UZABETH SCOn M i ALDuE ft $W STUART WED.! NEBRASKA Wed. DOORS OI'KN 1S:4I1 MAT. 41e TO BING CROSBY "IF I II All HIV WAY' with GLORIA JEAN CHARLES WINNIGER I'l.VS JOSEPH COTTON TERESA WRIGHT ,n "SHADOW OF A DOUBT' r Wed SPIKE JOiXES and HIS CITY SLICKERS in "LAMES MAX" with CASS DALEY i:ddik HHACKEN fcr, n ils KKTTK DAVIS Doors Open 12:45 25c to 6 Union to Open Hobby Shop Students interested in handicraft work are going to be provided yith an outlet for their hobby talents. Union Director Dwane Lake has announced a hobby open house for all interested students in Room 12 of the Union Wednes day afternoon from 1 to 5 p. m. Coffee and Brownies will be served and displays will be shown. The hobby shop, which is being ::et up in Room 12, is to open Feb. 10 and will continue for the rest of the semester. Students will receive tutoring on their favorite hobbies all Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons, plus from 7-9 Wednesday evening. Czeeli Pianist Offers Varied RecitalTonighl When .students who hold season tickets to the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra concei t series attend the recital of Czech pianist Rudolf firkusny tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Stuart Theater, they will hear a program representative of the entire piano literature. The artist, who has done more than any other musician to revive interest in the body of Czech com position, will perform classical, romantic, impressionistic, and con temporary music, including two numbers by the modern American composer, Samuel Barber. First touring the United Slates ten years ago, Firkusny returned to Europe to roncertize the con tinental musical capitals. Fleeing Prague just before the i trance of the Nazis, he worked his way to France and eventually to Portu gal where he sailed for America, arriving in 1941. His performance of the Dvorak piano concerto with the Chicago Symphony orchestra in Ravinia Park shortly thereafter was the first time that the work had been played in America in 65 years. Smclcna, the other outstanding Czech nationalistic composer is represented by two numbers from the complete program, which in cludes: Two Prolixin Bach C'onir" Cod Creator ltpjoice Now, Christians Variations Serieuses Mendelssohn Sonata, Op. 27 ("Moonlight" ) . . .Hccthovcn ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS BRIEF CASES UNDERARM CASES TOP QUALITY LEATHER SEE OUR DISPLAY NOW Jiscolia High !sool i hoir Presenfs "Patience" A Comic Opera by GILBERT & SULLIVAN Feb. 20-21, 8:15 p. m. L.H.S. Auditorium IMione HcHTvutions lo 2-6J5 1 L Tickets I Oc pqiup X. I . ... -N. : .tm tY.- 1-- All? 4 ' 3 rSTtr fcCK ill ma r n u u rn ru U VUU . U LJLJLJ I ILJ LJ Li LJ LJ V J l 11 i Ik if mm is so much better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For Piih.ip Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. TRY A PACK . . . TODAY