The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1948, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
Tuesday, February 3, 1948 Sports Talk It's easy to see why Kansas State ha one of the top cage teams in the nation. Teamwork seems to be the Wildcats' speci alty, with every man doing his share of the scoring. And when one of the starting five goes out of the game, there's an equally capable replacement for him. In cidentally, this year's Wildcat team is the same as last year's, with one exception. Shannon is the lone newcomer Gerald Tucker, treat center on last year's Oklahoma cage quin tet, holds the Big- Seven indi vidual scoring mark of 175 points in ten conference games. Tucker was named last season's "player of the year" by the Helms Foun dation. The 6'4" eager now plays basketball for the Phillips "66" Oilers, six-time National A.A.U. champion. One of the season's lows in basketball scoring comes from a high school game in Iowa. Hinton defeated Liberty Consolidated, 6-3. Neither team took a shot at the basket during the entire last half. The referees drank pop and ate sandwiches during the final two stanzas. On the other hand, one of the season's highs in scoring comes from Ohio ' where Rio Grande, Ohio downed Wilberforce univer sity, 118-116, in three overtime periods. The score was 104-aIl when the regular playing time ended. High scorer for the game was Rio Grande's Newt Oliver with 59 points, 23 of them free throws. Three University of Ne braska freshmen were among the nation's top high school track men last spring. Fritz Davis had the top discuss effort in the coun try, a throw of 167'7"; Leonard Kehl pole vaulted 12'9-y8" to rank third among vaulters; and Bill Mountford ran a 4:26.2 mile, the country's fifth best time. Mountford and Kehl are froph track candidates .... Timothy Pat rick is a new addition to the Neal Mosser family. The 8 lbs., 4 oz. boy was born on his basketball papa's birthday, Jan. 18 The situation, concerning, var sity athletics and intramural ath letics was brought to the front last week when one of Nebraska's top track men was injured playing intramural basketball. Before the last war, an intramural team was looked down upon if it used a varsity man. Jf the University of Nebraska is to regain its high position in intercollegiate athletics, the fra ternities and independent organ izations must co-operate. These groups must take it upon them selves to abide by the unwritten rule of varsity men for varsity competition only. FRITZ SIMPSON, Sports Editor. REPORTERS. Editor Jack Hill will interview all students who wish to be Daily Nebraskan reporters every after noon beginning Wednesday at 1:00 at the Daily Nebraskan office. I ' i .nil jii u rffo raoffl is the T-IG3E T SELL W 5JSEI TEETIMK I WE CAN PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES BECAUSE j I WE ARE NATIONWIDE BOOK DEALERS I f' nrnnnnin S Nubbins Five Nudges Frosh Crew 45-43 The Nubbins basketball team capped a long period of steady improvement Saturday night as they defeated the Freshmen crew, 45-43, in the Coliseum as a pre liminary to the Nebraska-Kansas State Big Seven game. It was a close game all the way as the score see-sawed until the final minute. The Frosh got off to a commanding early lead, but the Nubbins quickly made a comeback and led 32-30 at inter mission. Long Bob Pierce led the Fresh men in the second half with his rebound work, while Jack Pesek showed improvement to add to the Nubbins' attack. Thurman Wright was the outstanding ball handler of the game and led both teams in scoring with 12 poin'. The summary Freshmen Reiling, f Malacek, t , Pierce, e . fg ft pf pis 4 0-2 5 8 3 0-2 2 6 1 8-10 2 10 3 3-7 3 3 1-2 17 0 0-2 10 0 0-0 O 0 11- 2 0 3 0 0-3 3 0 0 0-0 O 0 15 13-30 17 43 fg ft pf pts 1 0-12 2 1 1-1 2 3 3 3-4 9 12- 3 0 4 11-1 13 2 0-1 4 4 0 0-3 0 0 0 0-1 2 0 5 2-2 3 12 3 2-3 4 8 17 11-20 22 45 32, Freshmen 30. Barry, c . Cronan. E Walsh. g 0 Gee, c Totals ... B Team Cady, f Allen, e Simpson. g Busskohl, g 1 feseK. c Miller, g 0 Ackerman. K WrlKht, I 5 Saler, ( Officials: Wllcoxen and Groth. NU Thinclads, Tankmen Win .Nebraska University opened the indoor track season Saturday with a 62l2-4Hz victory over the Okla homa Sooners. Only one meet record was broken as Sooner Hobo Gils4rap leaped 23 feet, 1 inches to take the broad jump. The old record was 22 feet, BVa inches. Huskers Dick Hutton and Ray Magsamen came within one-tenth of a second of equalling the meet records in the 60-yard dash and the low hurdles. Don Cooper vaulted 13-3'2 to capture that event. He failed in three at tempts to break the 13-9 record. Husker Swimmers Win Perry Branch led the Nebras ka tank team to a 48V6-35V2 victory over Kansas University Saturday. Branch won the 50 yard free style and the 100-yard free style. He was a member of the winning 400-yard free style relay quartet. The Husker 300-yard medley team of Bill Fenton, Conrad King and Dick Draper churned to a new record in that event. Their time of 3:19.2 bettered the old mark of 3:19.6, set in 1941. iijjwiii ii s rnnmnnBHDci-sTHBE i 'THE DEPARTMENT STORE OF STUDENT NEEDS" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Huskers Lose Meet Sodaks Nebraska dropped its third conference basketball game to a laster, snarper Kansas scale squaa oaturaay nigni m the Coliseum by a score of 64-45. The Huskers, who will meet South Dakota here tonight, were roundly outplayed at every turn and were never in the game after the Wild Reserve Section To Close at 7:00 To accommodate faculty sea son ticket holders, Coliseum sec tion B, entered through ramp four on the east side, will be held open until 7:00 p.m. for Varsity bas ketball games A. J. Lewandowski has announced. People holding these tickets are urged to come before this time. The section will be opened to the public after 7:00 Lewandowski said. Faculty members entering through Ramp 4 must show their faculty book to the ramp guard at the entrance to the section. First Diamond Call There will be an important meeting at 7:30 Thursday night in the N Club room for all men who are interested in trying out for the varsity baseball team this spring, Coach Tony Sharpe said today. Freshman candidates will meet at a later date, Sharpe said. FEM FUN Girls interested in joining the W.A.A. Rifle Club will meet in the east gym of Grant Memorial Thursday, Jan. 5, at 7:00 p. m. If you are unable to come, send your name and class schedule with a friend or leave it at the W.A.A. office. A regular meeting time will be decided upon, and the plans of the club will be an nounced. The girls' basketball tourna ment will begin Wednesday, Jan. 4. Game schedules will be an nounced in Wednesday's Rag. All clubs will meet this week, and unless you have been notified otherwise, they will be held at the same time. Pershing Rifles Honor National Commander Presentation of Brigadier Gen eral John W. Plantikow as new national commander of Pershing Rifles, will highlight a ceremony to be held 7:30 p. m., Tuesday in Parlor Z of the Union. He will succeed Robert Avner at the post. After the presentation, four honorary members will be initi ated into the society; Colonel Howard John, Major Robert P. Brust, 1st Sergaent John A. Lev old, and Master Sergeant Dale A. Debus. Initiation of new cadtes will complete the ceremony. I If M . M l to KS, 6445; Here Tonight cats jumped to a quick 10-1 lead with but five minutes gone. Lone bright spot for the home crew was the playing of Milton "Bus" Whitehead, the lanky Scottsbluff center who contributed 15 points to the Nebraska attack, high total for the evening. Though he seemed to tire eas ily, Whitehead showed definite improvement in under-the-baskct play. Weil-Rounded Offense. Kansas State, whose only defeat this season was to Long Island university, lelt no doubt in the minds of the spectators as to which was the better team. Their well-rounded offense had the Huskers baffled most of the time. Rick Harman was high point man ior the Manhattan team, sink ing five fielders and two charity shots lor 12 points. Howie Shan non followed with 11. Nebraska made two brief spurts in an effort to overtake the ever increasing K State total, once in the middle of the first half and again just after the intermission. They failed to come within 16 points of the Wildcats, however, at any time after the half. Cerv Returns. Bob Cerv, returning to action for the first time since his injury on the western jaunt over Christ mas vacation, turned in a good job and added six points to the Husker total. Regular guard Joe Brown played comparatively little because of an injured thumb which was in a cast just before game time. The summary: Kansas State (fI4) I Nebraska te ft nf (45) fg ft pf 1 3-7 2 1 0-0 0 2 0-0 2 1 0-0 1 8 3-5 4 O 0-3 4 Howey r Thurston f Harman f Weatherby e Krone f Brannum e Clark c Langtnn g Shannon K Mahnney g Thornton g 4 1-5 5 Retherford I 0 0-0 liSrb f 5 2-5 1 Cox t 1 1-2 0'Khlelds f 0 2-3 21 Whitehead e 3 0-2 4Schleigere 4 0-1 3Cech g 2 2-2 0 Cerv g 5 1-1 31 Mosser g 1 0-0 1 1 Brown g 0 0-1 1 1 La wry g 0 0-0 1 1 4-9 4 1 4-4 1 2 0-1 0 0 1-1 0 Totals 27 10-23 221 Totals 15 15-30 19 Score at half: Kansus State 34, Ne braska 17. Officials: Dick Pulllam, Grand Island and Stuart Beresford, Colorado. Classified '3." Chevy Tudor. Cheap transportation. Clean, new paint and tires, good motor. Bargain. 2945 So. 27. 3-5345. TRADE TIES! Don't discard good neck ties. Someone will like them. Get a chance. Swap colors. Send 6 plus $1. Receive six others freshly cleaned and pressed. TRADE TIES, Box 310, Salem, Indiana. FOR SALE Tux size 38. Good condi tion. Call 2-4918 after 7 P. m. STUDENT wants garage to rent. Don Rice, 2-7845. Call LOST Gruen curvex gold wrist watch. Reward: Call 5-4719. I'hn sale Engineering Drawing et. New. 2-4S97 evenings. Don. LOST Plastic framed glasses and case between Grant and Avery lab. Feb 2, heiween 8:00-9:00. Notify Dorothy Van Home, 2-5332. PAGE 3 mm JUST NOTES OF Sing a song of second semester Freshman, large and smail Rhymy little ditties Tell about them all. Sing a song of second semester With textbooks put away Sud thoughts of tests . forthcoming While we try our tiest to pay. Blng r song of second semester With a brew or two to smell But extra long assignment! Really makes It hell. Slug a song of second semester With snow piled on the streets Parties near the fireplace And "pln-pasaiug" sweets. Sing a song of second semester With upnercla.ismen at the bar Remember, strong, brave Corn huskers Finals ain't too far!! Comes the second term, the sec ond major headache, and Crib bers start thinking about doing all the things they thought about doing the iirst semester . . . which means spring will find them thinking about doing the same things next year . . . more good credits lost that way! Comes the second term, the sec ond major project, and some Cribbers just start . . . Some take time out to acquaint new students with the campus and after showing off the girls dorm and the Union consider the job well done . . . well, isn't it? Amiable Don Farley at Regents: "Young man, you need this book. It will do half your work for you I" Frosh: "Fine, give me two." A word from the wise for the newly enrolled ... if you want the finest in men's clothing get acquainted with Harvey Brothers, the headquarters for the best dressed men on campus. Har Teys' have the latest campus fashions priced to fit your col legiate pocketbook ... to get complete satisfaction for your every clothing need see Harvey Brothers ... just three hops and a right turn from the campus . . . 1230 O Street. After final week upperclassmen can tell new frosh about the tests given here under the honor system. The school has the honor and the students have the system . . . (With apologies to Carl Sandburg) FINAL LAMENT The fog Cornea On little eat fret Ami aits On silent haunches Hovering over every desk And theo moves on Only sometimes it doesn't-.. . I I