The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1948, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Intercollegiate Press
SubserlptlM ratrr, are $1.S per semester, IS. 00 per semester mailed, or ft. 00 fm
the collet year. (3.00 mailed. Single copy fie. Published dally during tbe school year
scent Monday and Saturday, vacations and examination period, by tbe UnlversHj
t Nebraska under the supervision of tbe Publication Board. Entered as Second
VUm Matter at the Poet Offlee la IJneoln, Nebraska, ander Act of Congress, March
(, 1879, and at (pedal rate at postage provided for In section UOS, Act of October
3, 1917. authorized beptemoer JO. 1B22.
The Dally Nebraskan la published by the student of the Calverslty at Nebraska a
aa expression of students new and opinion only. According: to article sl of the By
Caw governing (tudeot publication and administered by the Board ei Publications:
It Is the declared poUcy of the Board that pabltcatl wis under its jurisdiction shaU
be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or on the P ef arte
member of the faculty of the university t but members of the staff of The Dally
Nebraskan ars personally responsible for what they say or so or eauss to be printed.'
Editor ' wu
Itlatnaxinir Kdltors r.tieorse Miller, Jeanne Kerrigan
News 'ditrs. ..'.iit'ub'riem, Toltie Stewart. Bob t oonlry, I-ee Harris, Wally Becker
Sports Editor ! S'm,.1?"
A. N.w. ymi.,t
Special Feature Editor
Society Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager :i ' '
Assistant Business Managers Bill YTilklns, Merle Stalder,
Call for Reporters . . .
There will be a few changes made in The Daily Nebiaskan this
coming semester. Changes with the idea in mind of giving you a
better paper.
However, in making The Daily Nebraskan a paper that every
student and faculty member on campus will want to read, the edito
rial staff needs your help.
We need new blood on the staff. A scarcity of reporters,
coupled with a newsprint shortage and a surplus of advertising:
hampered publication last semester to the point where many im
portant stories were omitted. The latter problem shows signs of
improving:, but The Daily Nebraskan still needs competent, hardworking-
students to serve as reporters.
During the first few weeks of the new semester, a system will
be set up whereby all students reporting to The Daily Nebraskan
will be classified as workers. Those men and women who show an
aptitude and a willingness to work will eventually be considered
reporters and paid space rates. They will be the only authorized
reporters and the only students pointed under the activities rules.
In other words, the days of coming- dcrwn to The Daily Ne
braskan office, working for two or three days, and then retiring
with the title of reporter and one activity point are done. All
students will be considered but only a few, selected by the staff,
w ill be named paid reporters.
The job is not an easy one since we are determined to publish
a mature and interesting newspaper that will be a credit to the
university and to the state. If you, as students, want a better paper,
come to The Daily Nebraskan office and do something about it. But
come down prepared to work hard and to put out a good daily
college paper.
Penny Carnival
Slated Feb. 15
The annual Penny Carnival,
sponsored by Coed Counselors,
will be held Saturday Feb. 14
from 2:30 to 4:40 p.m. in Grant
Memorial Hall, featuring fashion
shows, fish ponds and puppet
Houses planning to enter booth
competition should send their rep
resentatives to meet with Jackie
Wightman and Lois Gillett, gen
I atscKllrolliers
Established, Efficient, Economical
Service for the students of Nebraska
for over 35 years.
ixniise mriiiii
Ham Warren
..rat Nordln
....Bob Dills
.Onnld Flags
. .Jack Seller
Irwin Chesen
eral chairmen, on Wednesday,
Feb. 4 at 5:00 in Ellen Smith Hall.
A gold cup will be presented to
the house having the most original
booth in the competition.
Tickets, which will entitle hold
ers to chances at all booths, may
be purchased from any Coed
Counselor for 25 cents.
Corn Cobs.
February meeting dates for
Corn Cobs are Feb. 9 and 26,
following the new policy of meet
ings on the second and fourth
Tuesday of the month.
The Best
Drawing Sets
Artist Supplies
1 alsclilrolhers
1124-26 "0" Street
Campus News
In Brief
Frank A. Lundy, of the Univer
sity libraries, is attending the mid
winter convention of the American
Library Association in Chicago.
All Corn Cobs will meet at 5
p.m. today in Room 313 of the
Air Reserve association will
meet at 7:30 tonight at the Legion
The active chapter of Pershing
Rifles will meet, at 5 p.m. today
in the Armory.
Subscribers to the Nebraska
Blue Print who have not received
their copies should obtain a change
of address card from the Engin
eering Department offices. This
card should be filled with name
and correct address and the issues
not received.
All military science students
should report to the new Armory
for classes.
Vesper Choir.
Vesper Choir will meet as usual
at 4 p. m. at the Chapel. New
members are invited to attend.
Engiiiering Frat
Has Formal Rites
For 35 Initiates
Thirty-five new members were
initiated into Phi Tau Sigma,
honorary mechanical engineering
fraternity, at a dinner meeting,
Jan. 16. Mr. C. F. Moulton super
intendent of the Omaha Public
Power District, presided as mas
ter of ceremonies with brief ad
dresses made by Professors Bar
nard, Foxwell and Kurtz.
New members are: Myron Gold
ware and Howard E. Westgate,
graduate students, and Fred
Bailey, Max Bailey, Weston Birds
all, Robert Brandt, Richard Cle
ments, Irwin Cone, John Cover,
Eldon Clapham, Donald Crandall,
Charles Divgert, Norman Dodson,
William Guiou, Stanley Hanel jr.,
Elton Kersey, Wilbur Lehnert,
Homer Leymaster, Herman Mes
tel, Shiego Nakanishi, Keith New
house, Lachlan Ohman, Melvin
Poeschl, Charles Patton, Irvin
Reis, Ralph Scheidt, Arthur Stut
heit, Louis Sprandel, Dale
Schafersman, Richard Steele,
Robert Watson, Donald Walker,
Stanley Watt and Jack White,
undergraduate students.
Law Books
Engineering Supplies
Leather Zipper Notebooks
$4.95 plus tax
Other Zipper Notebooks
$3.75 plus tax
Kits available for special classes
Veterans requisitions honored
Record Class of 357 Graduated
At Saturday's Commencement
The largest mid-year graduation
in the university's history, 357,
received degrees at commence
ment exercises held Saturday in
St. Paul's Methodist church.
The principle speaker at the
exercises was the Rev. John
Douglas Clyde, who spoke on the
requirements of people who pos
sess a college education.
The previous high for mid
year graduation was the 231 of
last year. The largest pre-war
class was 190 in 1940.
Presented by Dean N. A. Bengtsoa
Associate la Applied Art.
Henry E. Dullng, Lincoln
Margaret M. Hsncock, Kimball
Dorothy P. Heynen. Columbus
Russell P. Krueger, St. Paul
William E. Lucss, Old Greenwich, Conn
Lynns B. Reed, Torrlngton, Wye,
Albert D. 6ie, Beatrice
Associate in Commercial Education.
Dorothy A. Deeds, Lincoln
Janet E. Wagner, Ithaca
Presented by Dean W. W. Burr
Associate la Applied Science.
Mary A.; Russell, Maywood
Bachelor ol Science In Agriculture.
Waco W. Albert. Adams
.tames J Alhr.rht Meadow GrOTS
Deon D. Axthelm, Lincoln
Dwight O. Baler, Avoca
Robert H. Boecktng, Grand Island
Donald E. Chrlstenson. Lincoln
Ralph D. Currier, jr.. Friend
Charles J. Duds. South Slouz City
JOHN W. ERVIN. McCook (with dis
tinction) Oraydon D. Farmer, Burr
Frank O. Foote, Alhambra, Calif.
Burton L. French, Lincoln
Jack Fuhr, Spencer
Weston W. Furrer. Lincoln
Charles M. Gates. Coral Oablts, Fla.
Paul J. Orosserode. Tllden
Donald W. Hardin, Beaver City
Dlllard A. Hulfaker. Broken Bow
Donald D. Jensen. Newman Grove
Clair R. Kens. Lincoln
Norman D. Kuhlman, Claris
Jack W. Lomaz, Lincoln
Kldo H. Meyer, Lincoln
Dale P. Nshrstedt, Madison
Lester B. Reutter. Sterling
Paul F. 8andt Nehawka
Carl W. Bchlueter. Lincoln
Jack Shafer. Oxford
Richard 1. Stone, Comstock
Howard S. Teague, Lincoln
Rudolph E. Tomek. Table Rock
Fred Turner, Spokane, Wash.
Bachelor ol Science In Home Economics
' Xlsis E. Bamesberger, Hampton
Vaunia J. Burbank. Madrid
Marilyn X. Denlson, Omaha
Ernestine C. Elwongtr, Humboldt
Betty. F. Hansen, Elkhorn, Is.
Donna L. Hartman, Lincoln
Phyllis J. Lahrs, Fremont
Doris B. Olson, Gibbon
Neoma M. Reier, Fremont
Jsanne Walrath, Oerlng
Mary E. Weber, Sauremln, M.
Presented by Dean O. H. Oldfathtr
Associate In' Applied Art
Jeanne M. Bartital, Lincoln
Bachelor ol Arts.
Elizabeth A. Adams, Arlington
Don B. Amsden, Jr Omaha
Arthur L. Anderson, Lyons
Robert J. Baylor. Lincoln
Douglas E. Bronder, Omaha
Elisabeth A. Cainen. Lincoln
Tuesday, February 3, 1938
John H. Chalmers. Lincoln
Arthur A. Cohen, Hillside. N. J.
Fletcher F. Conn. Bancroft
Morris L. Cook, McCook
Elisabeth E. Curley, Seward
Dana C. riandsen. Amherst, Mass.
Ephraim H. Oershater. Omaha
Thomas F. Green. Lincoln J
high distinction!
Marjorle H. HarrWon, Iowa City. I. .
James P. Heotis, Kansas City, Mo.
Margie Miller Hohensee, Lincoln
Teresa A. Jones, Lincoln
Warren R. Kllllan. North Platte
Ralph N. Klein. Burr
Max L. Hons, Beatrice
Laurence A: ' Kusek. Ord
Harriett Lilly. Lincoln
Betly A. McGrath. Orand Island
Betty L. Mauch, Bassett
Edith J. Miller, Lincoln
Harold O. Moss. Mlnatsre
Royce W. Owens, Lincoln
Shirley 8. Powell. McCook
Corinns M. Rutherlord. Hastings t
ELMER D. 8PRAOUE. JR., Oenevsj
(with distinction!
8lewart B. Tangemin, Gretna
Dorothy M. Temple, Lincoln
Benjamin A. Votava, Omaha
Odber B. Watson, Central City
William E. Whits, York
Jeanne M Wolcott. Worth Platte
Lets M. Worley, Lincoln
Bachelor el Fine Arts.
Dolores M. Erlcton, Lincoln
Dorothy F. McClymonds. Lincoln
Lola J. McCrackrn. Lincoln ,
Bachelor of Science.
Betty E. Albert. Clatonia j
Adollo J. Arrocha, Panama City, Canal
Rat Bahadurslngh, Chafuanas, B.W.I.
John E. Bell, Chester
Joyce A. Bell. Wakefeld
Joan J. Crellln. Clarlnda, Is.
Frederick Dickinson. Alliance
John M. Dowd. Schuyler
Marilyn E. Eden, Burr
Gregory D. Elias, Lincoln
Werner H. Heidtbrink, jr., Camas, Wash.
Allan E. Johnson, Lincoln
George W. Kelley, Jr., Lincoln
Arden E. Kersey. Orand Island
Lawrence B. Kraus, Scriboer
Wood row W. Lahr, Lincoln
Tetsuro P. Sana, vIRerslde, Calif.
William V. Wade, Nelson
Ethel J. Zssters, Louisville
Presented by Dean E. F. Fullbrook
Associate In Business Administration,
Robert B. Avner. Lincoln
Sam S. Avner, Lincoln
Melvin O Foreshoe. Dakota City
Roy C. Hrusks. Lincoln
Hannah M. Schloss, Sioux Falls, 8. D.
Ma.ri.JL.XS.UhaVjii'lfo'P -
Bachelor ol Science
in Business Administration. "
Herman Barron, Omaha
John A. Bauermelster, Omaha
Howard D. Besslre, Lincoln
Hal Bossermon, Lincoln .
John O. Bottorft, Lincoln
Herman O. Cbrlslensen, Jr., Monroe
Charles I. Cram, Lyons
Howard R. Crom. Pawnee City
William F. Curley, Lincoln
Eldon R. Daley, Lincoln
Robert L. Diers. Gresham
Joanne E. Doerlnf, Lincoln
Eldon E. Donnelly. Grand Island
William H. Dovey. Peoria, 111.
Richard K. Draper. Belden
William R. Frehan. Clarks
Eldon G. Freudenbrrg. Madison
Donald E. Gallup, Lincoln
Gerald U. OosneU. St. Joseph, Mo
Barton H. Oreenberg, Omaha
Bruce E. Greenberg, Omaha
Csrrl J. Guensel, II, Lincoln
Henry A. Hardt, Seward
Charles R. Hlnman. Wymore
Dwight H. Houseman, Lincoln
Donald L. Howard. Lincoln
Donald Y. Huff. Lincoln
Francis W. Hunt, Lincoln
Hurry L. Jackson. Ft. Scott, Kss.
Mary L. Jarman, A.shland
Arthur C. Jetter. Omaha
Edward A. Jlracek, Verdigrs
Raymond K. Jobes, Lincoln
Clarence H. Jonson, St. Joseph, Mo.
Bruce E. Kleingauf, Orand Island
Albert Lagman, Omaha
Arthur E. Landon. Cairo
Joseph D. Livingston, Grand Island
Jack L. Lovell, Lincoln
William J. Lyon. Nelson
Donald L. Maaske. Bertrand
James R. Malowney, Jr., Kearney
Thomas R. Martin. Pawnee City
Hubert E. Mrrymee, Bladen
Elmer R. Maser, Lincoln
Fred R. Metheny, Jr, Lincoln
Richard J. Miller, Plalnview
Robert A. Moomaw. Bayard
Edward J. Mueller. Lincoln
Paul B. Musser, Lincoln
Wendal D. NellL Omaha
Louis A. Newell. Alexandria
Phyllis R. Nyden, Orand Island
Harry Pappas, Lincoln
Elmer L, Peterson, Lincoln
Jn';n H. Pflug, Lincoln
Kenneth R. Ulerson. Wayns
Loren D. Pillsrd, Princeton
Ous Potilos, Lincoln
Roy J. Raymer, Lincoln
Elwln A. Redding, Lyons
Henry r. Reimer, O'Neill
Thomas D. Rice, Takhatpur, Indie
Harry M. Richardson. Broken Bow
Leslie K. 8afranek. W liber
K,IN WARTZ. Omaha (.1Ulj
William J. Seiboldt. Jr., IJneoln
Frank W. Shipman, Jr., Lincoln
Joshua P. Simpson, Lincoln
Charles M. Soderaten, Clearwater
Beverly A. Sorensen. Lincoln
William M. III J....
Senry. 2- Trtln, Jr., Wlnslde
Roberj, C. Trenchard. Cambridge
Norman E. Turkel. Omaha
Henry W. Wald. Lincoln
Warren R. Weekly. Auburn
Robert A. Weinberg, Fremont
Marguerite p. Wolslrger. Snyder
EDITORS NOTE: Tbe list of
January gard nates will be con
cluded in the Wednesday Daily
Nebraskan. Names of graduates
will then be published from the
College of Engineering and
and Architecture, the College of
Pharmacy, Teachers College, the
College of Law and the Gradu
ate College. Candidates for cer
tificates will also be published.